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#  Hurricane Data
#  G. Tsounis and P. Edmunds, PIs
#  Version 10 November 2016
year  hurricane_name  distance  wind  interp_distance  interp_wind  interp_date  lameshur_wind  hurricaneSeverityIndex  
1987  emily           395       90    392.9            93.75        265.31       0.17           0                       
1989  dean89          208       85    207.7            85           215.75       3.06           0                       
1989  hugo            69        140   59.4             134.38       261.34       51.95          1                       
1990  klaus           100       45    89.5             50.62        280.66       12.09          0                       
1995  luis            133       135   127.1            135          249.39       17.67          1                       
1995  marilyn         46        105   26.6             107.29       259.11       70.1           1                       
1996  bertha          37        85    21.5             84.17        189.71       59.67          0.5                     
1996  hortense        199       80    198.4            80           253.02       3.35           0.5                     
1998  georges         64        105   63.2             105.42       264.73       38.35          0.5                     
1999  jose            22        70    15.9             70.62        294.47       54.76          0                       
1999  lenny           97        150   93.4             151.88       321.91       34.08          1                       
2000  debby           89        75    24.8             75           234.65       50.44          0.5                     
2001  dean01          64        50    8.5              52.92        234.57       46.19          0                       
2004  jeanne          107       70    106.1            69.17        258.46       12.67          0                       
2007  olga            10        40    9.8              40           345          34.2           0                       
2008  omar            88        135   75.4             129.79       289.2        38.84          0                       
2010  earl            94        135   93.6             135          242.77       30.19          1                       
2011  irene           77        50    60.7             57.53        233.97       21.78          0