Instrument: Roller Tank

Instrument Short Name: Roller Tank
Instrument Description:

Rolling tanks, which keep particles in suspension, thus simulating aggregate formation in situ.

Marine snow experiments are conducted in roller tanks, which turn continuously, keeping marine snow in suspension. It is important for marine snow not to touch surfaces. The rolling tanks, which keep particles in suspension, thus simulate aggregate formation in situ. Marine snow formation due to different types of oil was tested. Some treatments are easily identifiable as containing oil by their color (middle). UCSB, CA 2012.

PI supplied instrument name: Roller Tank
Dataset-specific description

During this acclimatization phase diatoms were kept in the exponential growth by regular dilutions. The diatom was grown in artificial seawater (Kester et al. 1967), the bacteria in marine broth prepared with ASW. After the acclimatization, aggregation experiments were conducted in duplicates in roller tanks in darkness. Replicate roller tanks were set-up with diatom cells at a final concentration of 3 x 103 cells ml-1 and – where appropriate - bacteria at a final concentration of 3 x 105 cells ml-1.