Instrument: Nordic 264 Rope Trawl

Instrument Short Name: Nordic Rope Trawl
Instrument Description:

A Nordic 264 surface rope trawl is a 198-m long, 25-m wide, 35-m vertical trawl net, equipped with a 1.2-cm mesh liner in the cod end and towed at the surface.

PI supplied instrument name: Nordic 264 Rope Trawl
Dataset-specific description

built by Nor'Eastern Trawl Systems, Inc. was towed in surface waters. It was towed with about 300 m of warp for 30 min at 1.5 m/sec with a pair of 3.0-m foam-filled trawl doors and 90.7-kg weight chains to spread the mouth open. Except for two mid-water trawling events, six A-4 Polyform floats were clipped to wingtips and the headrope to fish the trawl at the surface. The trawl has a maximum mouth opening of approximately 30-m wide x 18-m high. Mesh sizes ranged from 162.6 cm in the throat of the trawl near the jib lines to 8.9 cm in the codend. To maintain catches of small fish and squid, a 6.1-m long, 0.8-cm knotless liner was sewn into the codend. All but several tows were 30 min in duration. The majority of trawls were done during daytime, although a few were done at dawn and dusk and two diel series were completed in 2002.