HADES-K - Deployment Log from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN309 from the Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand; 2014 (HADES project)

Website: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/626031
Version: 02 November 2015
Version Date: 2015-11-02

» Controls on Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure: a Systematic Examination of Pressure, Food Supply, and Topography (HADES)
Drazen, Jeffrey C.University of Hawai'i (UH)Principal Investigator
Shank, Timothy M.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)Principal Investigator, Contact
Yancey, PaulWhitman CollegePrincipal Investigator
Gegg, Stephen R.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

Dataset Description

HADES-K - Deployment Log

Methods & Sampling

Generated by cruise personnel

Data Processing Description

BCO-DMO Processing Notes
 - Generated from original file: "HADESK_deployment_log_20140517_0325.xlsx" contributed by Tim Shank
 - Parameter names edited to conform to BCO-DMO naming convention found at Choosing Parameter Name
 - "nd" (no data) inserted into blank cells and cells with "-"
 - Minor corrections to date/time fields (remove spaces, add a missing digit)
 - Lat/Lon integer degrees and decimal minutes signed to match lat/lon decimal degrees

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 22.12 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 626031

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Deploy_NoConsecutive Deployment Number dimensionless
VehicleVehicle or Instrument Deployed text
SiteDeployment Site text
Dive_IDDive Id text
StationStation dimensionless
Deploy_Date_Time_GMTDate/Time of Deployment (includes date/time ranges) YYYYMMDD_HHMM
Deploy_LatDeployment Latitude (South is Negative) decimal degrees
Deploy_LonDeployment Longitude (West is Negative) decimal degrees
Deploy_Lat_DegDeployment Latitude Integer Degrees (South is Negative) degrees
Deploy_Lat_MinDeployment Latitude Decimal Minutes (South is Negative) decimal minutes
Deploy_Lon_DegDeployment Longitude Integer Degrees (West is Negative) degrees
Deploy_Lon_MinDeployment Longitude Decimal Minutes (West is Negative) decimal minutes
Recovery_Date_Time_GMTDate/Time of Recovery (includes date/time ranges) YYYYMMDD_HHMM
Recovery_LatRecovery Latitude (South is Negative) decimal degrees
Recovery_LonRecovery Longitude (West is Negative) decimal degrees
Recovery_Lat_DegRecovery Latitude Integer Degrees (South is Negative) degrees
Recovery_Lat_MinRecovery Latitude Decimal Minutes (South is Negative) decimal minutes
Recovery_Lon_DegRecovery Longitude Integer Degrees (West is Negative) degrees
Recovery_Lon_MinRecovery Longitude Decimal Minutes (West is Negative) decimal minutes
Target_DepthTarget Depth meters
Time_on_bottomTime On Bottom text
DepthDepth meters
Radio_FreqRadio Frequency of Tracking Beacon on Vehicle text
NotesNotes text

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R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Original data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog

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Project Information

Controls on Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure: a Systematic Examination of Pressure, Food Supply, and Topography (HADES)

Coverage: Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand: approximately 37 12.75 S and 178 51.43 E to 31 51.29 S and 176 49.07 W

Extracted from the NSF award abstract:

Severe technical challenges associated with the extremes of hydrostatic pressure have prevented major advances in hadal ecological studies, and relegated hadal systems to among the most poorly investigated habitats on Earth. Through this project, Hadal Ecosystems Studies (HADES) program, PIs will determine the composition and distribution of hadal species, the role of hadal pressures (piezolyte concentrations, enzyme function under pressure), food supply (distribution of POC with the abundance and biomass of trench organisms, and metabolic rates/energetic demand), and depth/topography (genetic divergence and spatial connectivity of populations) have on impacting deep-ocean community structure. This project will examine these factors using the world's first full-ocean depth hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) in conjunction with the only full-ocean depth imaging lander (Hadal-Lander). This project will provide the first seafloor data and samples in one of the world's best, yet little known trenches- the Kermadec Trench (SW Pacific Ocean).  Megafaunal community structure and the relationship between POC and benthic bacterial biomass will be examined as a function of depth and location by systematic high-definition imaging and sediment/faunal sampling transects from abyssal to full trench depths both along and perpendicular to the trench axis. Population genetic approaches will provide levels of genetic divergence and evolutionarily independent lineages to assess the role of depth and topography in trenches and their adjacent abyssal plain in promoting the formation of species. Physiological constraints will be investigated by examining in-situ respiration of selected fauna and tissue concentrations of such protein stabilizers as trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), and the structural adaptations of macromolecules. 

Image of NEREUS Deployment Sites. [click on the image to view a larger version]

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)

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