
Dataset Project Validated Version
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Imagery California Current Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research site (CCE LTER)

Carbon Flux Explorer Development (C-SNOW Development)

Carbon Sedimentation In the Ocean Watercolumn (C-SNOW): Calibration (C-SNOW)
Yes 1
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - SOLO CTD Profiles California Current Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research site (CCE LTER)

Carbon Flux Explorer Development (C-SNOW Development)

Carbon Sedimentation In the Ocean Watercolumn (C-SNOW): Calibration (C-SNOW)
Yes 1
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Particulate Carbon Flux California Current Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research site (CCE LTER)

Carbon Flux Explorer Development (C-SNOW Development)

Carbon Sedimentation In the Ocean Watercolumn (C-SNOW): Calibration (C-SNOW)
Yes 1
Dissolved Mercury Speciation in the California Current System California Current Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research site (CCE LTER) Yes 1
Bulk Raw Isotopes - Non-tunas CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models (CAMEO_Trophic_Position) Yes 1
AA-CSIA Bradley CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models (CAMEO_Trophic_Position) No 14 Aug 2015
Bulk Raw Isotopes CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models (CAMEO_Trophic_Position) Yes 19 May 2015
AA-CSIA Olson CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models (CAMEO_Trophic_Position) Yes 1
Amino Acids CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models (CAMEO_Trophic_Position) Yes 19 May 2015
Bulk Raw Isotopes - Tunas CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models (CAMEO_Trophic_Position) Yes 1
Kelp Forest Database CAMEO: Comparative Approaches to Predicting the Consequences of an Impending Re-Invasion: Top Predator Effects on Californian Near-Shore Fisheries (SeaOtterReInv) Yes 15 May 2012
coral colony size CAMEO: Multiscale modeling of Hawaii's coral reef communities (HI Coral Reefs) Yes 2014-10-16
NWACS CAMEO Database - Species CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) No 1
Predator-prey simulation model CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) Yes 30 April 2015
multispecies-biomass dynamics model CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) No 1
NWACS CAMEO Database - Ecosystem CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) No 1
NWACS CAMEO Database - Survey CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) No 1
NWACS CAMEO Database - Landings CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) No 1
NWACS CAMEO Database - Fishery Independent Surveys CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) No 1
NWACS CAMEO Database - Environmental Data CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems (NW_AtlEcosysConnect) No 1
HerringHg CAMEO: Using interdecadal comparisons to understand trade-offs between abundance and condition in fishery ecosystems (GoMEcosysDynamics) Yes good
Palau dissepiment counts Can Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Survive Ocean Warming? A 2015 El Nino Test (Coral Reef Resilience) Yes 1
Dongsha Atoll Coral Calcification Rates Can Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Survive Ocean Warming? A 2015 El Nino Test (Coral Reef Resilience) Yes 1
Dongsha Atoll Ecological Survey Data Can Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Survive Ocean Warming? A 2015 El Nino Test (Coral Reef Resilience) Yes 1
coral dissepiment spacing Can Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Survive Ocean Warming? A 2015 El Nino Test (Coral Reef Resilience) Yes 1
Dongsha Atoll temperature Can Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Survive Ocean Warming? A 2015 El Nino Test (Coral Reef Resilience) Yes 18 April 2017
Raman Spectra of Bivalve Larvae Can Raman spectroscopy be used as a high-accuracy method to identify bivalve larvae? (Raman Spec Bivalves) Yes 10 November 2014
SPOT Vitamins Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? (B-vitamin plankton succession) Yes 0
vitamin B particulate - Hotmix 2014 Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? (B-vitamin plankton succession) Yes
vitamin B particulate - Vitacopss 2015 Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? (B-vitamin plankton succession) Yes
Vitacopss: nutrients and microbial cell counts Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? (B-vitamin plankton succession) Yes 1
Vitacopss: eukaryote abundance by taxon Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? (B-vitamin plankton succession) Yes 1
Vitacopss: cell counts and chla Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? (B-vitamin plankton succession) Yes 1
vitamin B dissolved - Hotmix 2014 Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? (B-vitamin plankton succession) Yes
Harris Creek May 2015 Acoustic Time Series: raw files Can you hear me now? Estuarine soundscapes and their role in larval settlement (Larval settlement soundscapes) Yes 1
West Bay 2011-2012 Acoustic Time Series: raw files Can you hear me now? Estuarine soundscapes and their role in larval settlement (Larval settlement soundscapes) Yes 2
Middle Marsh 2014 Acoustic Time Series: raw files Can you hear me now? Estuarine soundscapes and their role in larval settlement (Larval settlement soundscapes) Yes 1
zooplankton biovols from canyons Canyon Krill (Canyon Krill) Yes
Florida Keys Spectral Analyses Carbon Cycling in Carbonate-Dominated Benthic Ecosystems: Eddy Covariance Hydrogen Ion and Oxygen Fluxes (ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems) Yes 1
Bermuda Reefs Carbon Cycling in Carbonate-Dominated Benthic Ecosystems: Eddy Covariance Hydrogen Ion and Oxygen Fluxes (ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems) Yes 1
Florida Keys velocity and flux Carbon Cycling in Carbonate-Dominated Benthic Ecosystems: Eddy Covariance Hydrogen Ion and Oxygen Fluxes (ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems) Yes 1
Florida Keys PAR Carbon Cycling in Carbonate-Dominated Benthic Ecosystems: Eddy Covariance Hydrogen Ion and Oxygen Fluxes (ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems) Yes 1
Florida Keys SeapHOx Carbon Cycling in Carbonate-Dominated Benthic Ecosystems: Eddy Covariance Hydrogen Ion and Oxygen Fluxes (ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems) Yes 1
Global Noble Gases Carbon Dioxide Dynamics in Mode Water of the North Atlantic Ocean (CarboMODE) Yes 2
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Sulfur Speciation in Sediments and Biomass Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems via Abiotic Sulfurization (Mangroves OS) No 1
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Elemental and Isotope Composition Data for Sediment and Biomass Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems via Abiotic Sulfurization (Mangroves OS) No 1
Arabian Gulf Carbonate System Chemistry Carbonate System Chemistry in the Arabian Gulf (Arabian Gulf CO2) Yes 1
Upwelling Experiment Discrete Raw Measurements CAREER: An integrated molecular and physiological approach to examining the dynamics of upwelled phytoplankton in current and changing oceans (Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics) Yes 1
Sample Accession Numbers CAREER: An integrated molecular and physiological approach to examining the dynamics of upwelled phytoplankton in current and changing oceans (Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics) Yes 1
Acer Fecundity Polpys per Area CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer Aquaria water quality pH and DO CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) No 1
Buoyant weight 2017 CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer Fecundity Gamete Bundles CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer Aquaria water quality PAR CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) No 1
Imaging Pulse Amplitude Modulator Fluorometer 2017 CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer Aquaria water quality TA, DIC, and CO2 CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) No 1
Acer Fecundity Oocyte Number CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer Fecundity Colony Size and Morphometrics CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer Fecundity Oocyte Size CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Disease Exposure Experiment CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 11 April 2016
Acropora cervicornis photosynthesis and respiration rates CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer Pilot Study CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) No 1
Acropora cervicornis buoyant weight 2016 CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acer 25 genotype full factorial study CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) No 1
Acropora cervicornis calcification rates CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Imaging Pulse Amplitude Modulator Fluorometer Data 2016 CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) Yes 1
Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys (Resilient Acerv) No 1
Spatial surveys of carbonate chemistry in Kaneohe Bay CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification (Nearshore CO2) Yes 1
San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification (Nearshore CO2) Yes 1
Diel Carbonate and Nutrient Chemistry CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification (Nearshore CO2) No 1
Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Bermuda CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification (Nearshore CO2) No 1
Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Hawaii CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification (Nearshore CO2) No 1
La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification (Nearshore CO2) Yes 1
Heron Reef Carbonate Chemistry CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification (Nearshore CO2) Yes 1
Coral reef and halo stats data from global satellite images CAREER: Decoding seascape-scale vegetation patterns on coral reefs to understand ecosystem health: Integrating research and education from organismal to planetary scales (Coral Reef Halos) No 1
Coralline algae growth CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Benthic community at Sitka Sound and Torch Bay CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Coralline algae experiment - P-E curve data CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Coralline algae experiment - total alkalinity (TA) incubation data CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
GPS coordinates for Sitka Sound and Torch Bay CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Kelp Growth CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Plant biomass and foliar standing crop CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Benthic light exposure CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Abalone growth rates from the Sitka Sound (SSSC) CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) No 1
Macroalgal growth and loss: plant retention CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Coralline algae experiment - algal growth data CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Feeding Assays CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Macroalgal growth and loss: understory blade growth CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Coralline algae experiment treatment conditions CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Carbon and Nitrogen CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Macroalgal growth and loss: M. pyrifera frond growth CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Nutrient monitoring CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
Abalone respiration rates from the Sitka Sound (SSSC) CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) No 1
Macroalgal carbon and nitrogen content CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem (High latitude kelp dynamics) Yes 1
