
Datasetsort descending Project Validated Version
Bottle AR29 Collaborative Research: Shelfbreak Frontal Dynamics: Mechanisms of Upwelling, Net Community Production, and Ecological Implications (SPIROPA) Yes 2
Bottle AR29 - Transect 24 Collaborative Research: Shelfbreak Frontal Dynamics: Mechanisms of Upwelling, Net Community Production, and Ecological Implications (SPIROPA) Yes 1
bottle base hydrography Eddies Dynamics, Mixing, Export, and Species composition (EDDIES) Yes 1 November 2007
Bottle chemistry data from AT37-12 Collaborative Research: Environmental Drivers of Chemoautotrophic Carbon Production at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents - Comparative Roles of Oxygen and Nitrate (vent O2 NO3 roles) Yes 1
Bottle Data Investigations of Alexandrium fundyense dynamics in the Gulf of Maine (ALEX-GoME) Yes 21 March 2013
Bottle Data Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
Bottle Data WHCOHH - Physiological and behavioral plasticity in harmful algal bloom dynamics: variation across different habitats (WHCOHH Algal Bloom Dynamics) Yes 1
Bottle Data Biology and Ecology of Newly Discovered Diazotrophs in the Open Ocean (DIAZOTROPHS) Yes 12Nov2009
Bottle data Interannual Variability in the Antarctic-Ross Sea (IVARS): Nutrients and Seasonal Production (IVARS) Yes 1
Bottle data - Krill cruises Consequences of hypoxia on food web linkages in a pelagic marine ecosystem (PelagicHypoxia) Yes 1
bottle data - NBP1201 Processes Regulating Iron Supply at the Mesoscale - Ross Sea (PRISM-RS) Yes 2017-05-31
bottle data 2000 U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific (NEP) Yes 1
Bottle data and chemical analysis Solving Microbial Mysteries with Autonomous Technology (Microbial Mysteries) Yes 1
Bottle Data for EN665 Gulf of Maine Biogenic Calcium Carbonate Solubilities and Reaction Rates by Lab and Field Saturometry (Calcite Saturometer) Yes 1
Bottle data from trace-metal CTD casts Impact of Convective Processes and Sea Ice Formation on the Distribution of Iron in the Ross Sea: Closing the Seasonal Cycle (PIPERS) Yes 1
bottle oxygen Eddies Dynamics, Mixing, Export, and Species composition (EDDIES) Yes 21 June 2005
Bottle RB1904 Collaborative Research: Shelfbreak Frontal Dynamics: Mechanisms of Upwelling, Net Community Production, and Ecological Implications (SPIROPA) Yes 1
bottle salinity Eddies Dynamics, Mixing, Export, and Species composition (EDDIES) Yes 12 April 2007
Bottle TN368 Collaborative Research: Shelfbreak Frontal Dynamics: Mechanisms of Upwelling, Net Community Production, and Ecological Implications (SPIROPA) Yes 2
Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen profiles Collaborative Research: The Annual Cycle of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Subpolar North Atlantic (OOI Irminger BCP) Yes 1
Bottle-calibrated Dissolved Oxygen Profiles Collaborative Research: Gases in the Overturning and Horizontal circulation of the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (GOHSNAP) (GOHSNAP) Yes 1
bottle_BC_PS Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX) Yes 27 February 2007
bottle_data RAPID Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Deep pelagic and benthic impacts of the oil spill (DWH_Deep_Microbes) Yes 1
bottle_data_2002 U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific (NEP) Yes 1
bottle_KN207-01 Biogeochemical Impact and Fate of Non-phosphorus Membrane Lipids in the Sargasso Sea (SargassoSeaLipids) Yes 13 Nov 2012
bottle_merged U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes December 23, 1998
bottle_proc U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific (NEP) Yes 1
bottle_salts_PS Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX) Yes 08 February 2007
bottle_samples_PS Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX) Yes 27 February 2007
bottle_SIO Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX) Yes 28 March 2007
bottle_summ VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) Yes 8 December 2008
bottle_TM_RR Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX) Yes 9 January 2006
Bowdoin buoy discrete sampling River and sediment-modulated stress in planktonic and early settlement Mya arenaria (OA stress in Mya arenaria) Yes 26 Jan 2015
Bowdoin buoy pCO2 hourly 2011-12 River and sediment-modulated stress in planktonic and early settlement Mya arenaria (OA stress in Mya arenaria) Yes 29 January 2015
BOWLS mooring epifauna counts Biodiversity, connectivity and ecosystem function in organic-rich whale-bone and wood-fall habitats in the deep sea (BOWLS) Yes 1
BOWLS mooring infauna counts Biodiversity, connectivity and ecosystem function in organic-rich whale-bone and wood-fall habitats in the deep sea (BOWLS) Yes 1
BOWLS Moorings Biodiversity, connectivity and ecosystem function in organic-rich whale-bone and wood-fall habitats in the deep sea (BOWLS) Yes 1
BOWLS sample log Biodiversity, connectivity and ecosystem function in organic-rich whale-bone and wood-fall habitats in the deep sea (BOWLS) Yes 1
Brault 2014 - Bulk Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes A novel approach for evaluating temporal and spatial changes in trophic structure of the mesopelagic eastern Pacific (Sperm Whale SI Ratios) Yes
Brault 2014: Compound-specific Carbon in sperm whale dentin A novel approach for evaluating temporal and spatial changes in trophic structure of the mesopelagic eastern Pacific (Sperm Whale SI Ratios) Yes
Brault 2014: Compound-specific Nitrogen in sperm whale dentin A novel approach for evaluating temporal and spatial changes in trophic structure of the mesopelagic eastern Pacific (Sperm Whale SI Ratios) Yes
Braun-Blanquet Seagrass Surveys for PN clusters Using novel ecosystem-scale experiments to quantify drivers of reef productivity in a heavily impacted coastal ecosystem (Reef Production Drivers) Yes 1
Brazos Plume Core Data RAPID: Collaborative Research: Tracking the Flood Pulse of a Record Discharge of the Brazos River in the Gulf of Mexico (Flood Pulse Brazos)

NSFOCE-BSF: Collaborative Research: The Role and Mechanisms of Nuclei-induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in the Coastal Carbon Cycle: A First In-depth Study (Nuclei CaCO3 Precip)
Yes 1
Breviolum antillogorgium cell counts RUI: Collaborative Research: Genetic variation as a driver of host and symbiont response to increased temperature on coral reefs (Host Symbiont Temp Response) Yes 1
Breviolum antillogorgium microsatellite loci RUI: Collaborative Research: Genetic variation as a driver of host and symbiont response to increased temperature on coral reefs (Host Symbiont Temp Response) Yes 1
Breviolum Symbiont Genotypes in Orbicella faveolata Adults Ontogenic change in Cnidarian-algal symbioses: A genomic and ecologic perspective (SymBioSys) Yes 1
Breviolum Symbiont Microsatellite Genotypes in Orbicella faveolata Recruits Ontogenic change in Cnidarian-algal symbioses: A genomic and ecologic perspective (SymBioSys) Yes 1
broadscale_grid U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1
broadscale_summary U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1
brooded coral larvae 1 - carbonate chemistry The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-09-08
brooded coral larvae 1 - release The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-09-08
brooded coral larvae 1 - respiration The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-09-08
brooded coral larvae 1 - settlement competency The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-09-08
brooded coral larvae 1 - size_July The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-09-08
brooded coral larvae 1 - size_protein_symbionts_photosynth The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-09-08
brooded coral larvae 2 - carbonate chemistry The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-08-30
brooded coral larvae 2 - larval release March 2003-2008 The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-08-30
brooded coral larvae 2 - respiration_photosyth_mortality The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 2014-08-30
brooded coral larvae 3 - carbonate chemistry The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 1
brooded coral larvae 3 - light The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 1
brooded coral larvae 3 - mortality The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 1
brooded coral larvae 3 - protein The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
No 1
brooded coral larvae 3 - respiration and protein The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 1
brooded coral larvae 3 - respiration raw data The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 1
brooded coral larvae 3 - symbiont density The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 1
brooded coral larvae 3 - tank temperature The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (Climate_Coral_Larvae)

Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research site (MCR LTER)
Yes 1
Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal and Microbiological Investigations of the Active Brothers Volcano in the Kermadec Arc (Brothers Volcano Microbiology) Yes 1
Brownetal_2014 Paired Quadrats Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) No 2017-10-05
BrownOsenberg_2018- FlDyeSurvey Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) 2017-10-05
BrownOsenberg_2018- Fluorescein dye Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) No 2017-10-05
BrownOsenberg_2018- InitO2_DBLthick Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) 2017-10-05
BrownOsenberg_2018- LightSensor Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) 2017-10-05
BrownOsenberg_2018- OxygenConcentrations Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) 2017-10-05
Brown_et_al_2016 QuadratSurvey Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) 2017-10-05
Brown_et_al_2016 SimpleCounts Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) 2017-10-05
Brown_et_al_2016 SizeComparison Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (Vermetids_Corals) 2017-10-05
Browsing data Killer Seaweeds: Allelopathy against Fijian Corals (Killer Seaweeds) No 1
BUBL_IMG_2018 Collaborative Research: RUI: Investigating Gas Exchange Processes using Noble Gases in a Controlled Environment (Gas Exchange at SUSTAIN) No 1
Bugula neritina Genotype Distribution Biogeography of a marine defensive microbial symbiont: relative importance of host defense vs. abiotic factors (BiogeogDefensiveSymb) Yes 2
Bugula neritina mesocosm symbiont titers Biogeography of a marine defensive microbial symbiont: relative importance of host defense vs. abiotic factors (BiogeogDefensiveSymb) Yes 1
Bulk and CSIA-AA stable isotopes in sinking POM and proteinaceous deep-sea coral skeletal material Development and application of CSI-AA biogeochemistry reconstructions in deep-sea corals to study decadal-centennial variability in the North Pacific (Deep Sea Coral Reconstruction) No 1
Bulk cyclic AMP (cAMP) assays Influence of environmental pH variability and thermal sensitivity on the resilience of reef-building corals to acidification stress (Coral Resilience) Yes 1
