% Samples RERUN has been made for the Nuts data points % looking suspicious on the profiles and scatter plots % % OC404-1 Silicate data points for which the new value ("Rerun") % has been used instead of the old ("Old"): % Variables: % Station #, Sample # (Cast Sheet), Nominal depth (m), OCBD Silicates (umol/L) - "Rerun", Silicates (umol/L) - "Old" 23 308 500 6.3780 1.2686 57 770 140 2.6609 6.0115 59 803 500 9.3421 2.3864 59 804 700 19.5776 5.3723 62 840 70 2.3782 3.0021 62 842 90 2.5262 8.5347 NOTE: Silicate samples ##: 840 and 848, 842 and 849 were swapped; doing so made both points onto the main NO3+NO2 - Si and PO4 - Si lines, and made a qualitative improvement in the profile.