Summary of all OC 404-4 Nutrient sample reruns Downloaded from EDDIES Web site October 4, 2007 % Nitrate+Nitrite % % Samples RERUN has been made for the Nuts data points % looking suspicious on the profiles and scatter plots % % OC404-4 NO3+NO2 data points for which the new value ("Rerun") % has been used instead of the old ("Old"): % Variables: % Station #, Sample # (Cast Sheet), Nominal depth (m), OCBD NO3+NO2 (umol/L) - "Rerun", NO3+NO2 (umol/L) - "Old" 29 403 500 9.0195 6.6382 57 780 700 22.9366 25.5637 % Phosphate % % Samples RERUN has been made for the Nuts data points % looking suspicious on the profiles and scatter plots % % OC404-4 PO4 data points for which the new value ("Rerun") % has been used instead of the old ("Old"): % Variables: % Station #, Sample # (Cast Sheet), Nominal depth (m), OCBD PO4 (umol/L) - "Rerun", PO4 (umol/L) - "Old" 29 403 500 0.4309 1.9724 43 595 120 0.0832 1.1631 46 645 700 1.0615 0.0000 57 780 700 1.1523 0.0500 % Silicate % % Samples RERUN has been made for the Nuts data points % looking suspicious on the profiles and scatter plots % % OC404-4 Silicates data points for which the new value ("Rerun") % has been used instead of the old ("Old"): % Variables: % Station #, Sample # (Cast Sheet), Nominal depth (m), OCBD Silicates (umol/L) - "Rerun", Silicates (umol/L) - "Old" 44 613 300 3.4400 7.4067