
Project Acronym Start Date End Datesort descending
Collaborative Research: Impact of the Amazon River Plume on Nitrogen Availability and Planktonic Food Web Dynamics in the Western Tropical North Atlantic Amazon River Plume Nitrogen 2018-01 2021-12
Collaborative research: Quantifying the influence of nonconsumptive predator effects on prey population dynamics Predatory NCEs and Scale 2018-01 2021-12
Collaborative Research: The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Fe Availability to Phytoplankton in Coastal and Oceanic Waters of the Eastern North Pacific pH-Fe availability 2019-01 2021-12
Collaborative Research: Diel dynamics of dissolved organic matter production and remineralization as a driver of coral reef nutrient recycling Coral Diel 2020-01 2021-12
Development of low Nitrogen:Phosphorus ratios in the euphotic zone - the Phosphorus side of the story GOMP 2018-01 2021-12
Development of Spectrophotometric pH Measurement Capabilities in Estuaries ph in estuaries 2017-02 2022-01
How Bacteria Influences the Production of Domoic Acid DA Bacterial Influence 2018-02 2022-01
CAREER: Linking genetic diversity, population density, and disease prevalence in seagrass and oyster ecosystems Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems 2017-02 2022-01
Collaborative Research: Organic Alkalinity: Impacts of the [OTHER] Alkalinity on Estuary and Coastal Ocean Chemistry organic alkalinity 2017-02 2022-01
RAPID - Assessing the response of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge ecosystem to an Indian Ocean Dipole event SCTR_IOD 2020-03 2022-02
RAPID: Human-Driven Trophic Cascades: Mesopredator Release and Recreational Fishing in Estuaries Trophic cascades 2020-05 2022-02
Constraining Upper-Ocean Carbon Export with Biogeochemical Profiling Floats EXPORTS BGC Floats 2018-03 2022-02
Collaborative Research: Diatoms, Food Webs and Carbon Export - Leveraging NASA EXPORTS to Test the Role of Diatom Physiology in the Biological Carbon Pump Diatoms and carbon export 2018-03 2022-02
Collaborative Research: Molecular profiling of the ecophysiology of dormancy induction in calanid copepods of the Northern Gulf of Alaska LTER site Diapause preparation 2018-03 2022-02
Collaborative Research: Transforming Carbon in the Deep Sea Carbon in the Deep Sea 2019-04 2022-03
Preparation and Distribution of DOC Consensus Reference Materials DOC-CRM 2019-04 2022-03
CAREER: Oxygen sensitivity of aerobic respiration and nitrification in oxygen minimum zones and biogeochemical feedbacks to deoxygenation RANDOM 2016-04 2022-03
Collaborative Research: Investigation of paired uranium and chromium isotope behavior during authigenic metal uptake into continental margin sediments Sediment uranium chromium 2017-04 2022-03
RUI: Collaborative Research: Trait differentiation and local adaptation to depth within meadows of the foundation seagrass Zostera marina ZosMarLA 2019-04 2022-03
Development and application of CSI-AA biogeochemistry reconstructions in deep-sea corals to study decadal-centennial variability in the North Pacific Deep Sea Coral Reconstruction 2016-09 2022-03
Trajectories in functional diversity after disturbance at vents on the East Pacific Rise EPR Functional Diversity 2019-04 2022-03
Collaborative Research: Constraining the source of oceanic dissolved black carbon using compound-specific stable carbon isotopes DBC Stable Isotopes 2018-04 2022-03
Measurement of Helium Isotopes on the U.S. GEOTRACES Alaska-Tahiti Section (GP15) PMT Helium Isotopes 2018-04 2022-03
Collaborative Research: Tracking fine-scale selection to temperature at the invasion front of a highly dispersive marine predator West Coast Carcinus 2019-05 2022-04
Collaborative Research: Illuminating microbes and their viruses within the dark ocean crust through strain-level approaches JdFR Strain level 2019-05 2022-04
BEE: Testing the evolutionary responses of mixotrophs to future ocean conditions MixoEvo 2019-05 2022-04
Collaborative Research: Cryptic nitrogen cycling in the anoxic subterranean estuary Subsurface cryptic N cycle 2017-05 2022-04
REU Site: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences - Undergraduate Research Experience in the Gulf of Maine and the World Ocean Bigelow REU GOM 2015-05 2022-04
CAREER: The Impact of Hydrologic State on CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries 2017-05 2022-04
Collaborative Research: Regulation of plankton and nutrient dynamics by hydrodynamics and profundal filter feeders Filter Feeders Physics and Phosphorus 2017-05 2022-04
CAREER: The biological nitrogen isotope systematics of ammonium consumption and production Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation 2016-05 2022-04
Collaborative Research: Did the SE Pacific Gyre become a Hot Spot for N2 Fixation during Dusty Glacial Conditions? N2 Fixation Glacial Dust Pacific Gyre 2016-05 2022-04
Collaborative Research: Dynamic Marine Landscapes: Feedbacks and spatial patterns of corals and their associated fishes CAFI-Coral feedbacks 2019-06 2022-05
RAPID: Ecosystem impact of a coral bleaching event: The role of coral exudates in shifting oligotrophic biogeochemistry and reef microbiomes. Ecosystem Impacts of Coral Bleaching 2019-06 2022-05
The Ecology of Cloning Ecology of Cloning 2019-06 2022-05
A microbe’s perspective on the marine nitrogen budget Microbe Perspective 2019-05 2022-05
U.S. GEOTRACES PMT: Measurement of the organic complexation and chemical lability of dissolved copper using multiple techniques PMT Copper 2018-03 2022-05
Investigating Mixotrophic Algal Contribution to Copepod Diet and Reproduction MixoCopepod 2022-07 2022-06
Deciphering the Cryptic Cycling of Methane in Sediments of a Coastal Wetland Cryptic CH4 Cycling 2019-07 2022-06
EAGER: Diatom Programmed Cell Death at Single-Cell Resolution Diatom Death 2020-07 2022-06
RCN: Evolution in Changing Seas RCN ECS 2018-07 2022-06
RAPID: Illuminating the effects of a COVID-19 elimination of diver disturbance on reef fish behavior, distribution and ecosystem functioning in the Galapagos Marine Reserve Galapagos diver disturbance 2020-07 2022-06
The Role of Temperature in Regulating Herbivory and Algal Biomass in Upwelling Systems Temperature and Herbivory 2017-08 2022-07
Bacteria as Biosensors of Carbon and Energy Flow in Marine Ecosystems: Quantitative Links Between Substrates, Transcripts, and Metabolism Bacterial DOC Sensor 2019-08 2022-07
The genetic legacy of an Asian oyster introduction and its disease-causing parasite Oyster historical genetics 2019-08 2022-07
CAREER: Small-scale plankton-aggregate dynamics and the biological pump: Integrating mathematical biology in research and education PlanktonAggDyn 2017-07 2022-07
Multi-omic bases of coral disease resistance coral disease resistance 2019-08 2022-07
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES PMT: Pb and Cr isotopes PMT Pb and Cr 2017-08 2022-07
Improving Accuracy and Precision of Marine Inorganic Carbon Measurements Inorganic Carbon Meaurements 2019-08 2022-07
Collaborative Research: The Influence of Sponge Holobiont Metabolism on Coral Reef Dissolved Organic Matter and Reef Microorganisms Sponge Holobiont DOM 2019-08 2022-07
Collaborative Research: Isotopic Indicators for Mechanisms of Organic Matter Degradation in the Northeast Pacific (EXPORTS) EXPORTS Isotopes 2018-08 2022-07
Collaborative Research: Assessing the role of compound-specific phosphorus hydrolase transformations in the marine phosphorus cycle P-hydrolase 2017-09 2022-08
Collaborative Research: Experimental constraints on the rates and mechanisms of iodine redox transformations in seawater Iodine Redox 2018-09 2022-08
Collaborative Research: Lead-210 and Polonium-210 as tracers for scavenging and export: GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Section PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210 2017-09 2022-08
Dispersal, connectivity and local adaptation along an extreme environmental gradient Env Gradient Adaptation 2019-09 2022-08
Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC: A Thermodynamic Chemical Speciation Model for the Oceans, Seas, and Estuaries Chemical Speciation Model 2017-09 2022-08
NSF-BSF: The role of rhodopsin phototrophy in ocean's solar energy capture and its regulation in contrasting nutrient regimes RECON 2019-09 2022-08
Collaborative Research: Physical Mechanisms Driving Food Web Focusing in Antarctic Biological Hotspots Project SWARM 2018-09 2022-08
RII Track-1: Rhode Island Consortium for Coastal Ecology Assessment, Innovation, and Modeling C-AIM 2017-09 2022-08
Investigation of mechanisms leading to seasonal hypoxia in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System SBUS Hypoxia 2019-09 2022-08
Ecosystem-scale responses of coupled carbon and nutrient cycles to dramatic shifts in benthic communities: The Upper Great Lakes Great Lakes CNP cycles 2017-09 2022-08
Superoxide Dynamics in Irradiated Seawater Superoxide Dynamics 2019-09 2022-08
Collaborative research: Coral community resilience: testing the role of hidden diversity in pocilloporid corals at Moorea Pocilloporid Coral Diversity 2018-09 2022-08
RUI: Collaborative Research: Defining the biogeochemical context and ecological impacts of submarine groundwater discharge on coral reefs Moorea SGD 2019-09 2022-08
NSFGEO-NERC: Quantifying the Modern and Glacial Ocean's Carbon Cycle Including Isotopes Ocean Carbon 2019-09 2022-08
Decadal trends in oceanic anthropogenic CO2 from the CLIVAR and GO-SHIP d13C datasets and in an ocean biogeochemistry model CO2 Decadal Trends 2018-09 2022-08
Collaborative Research: Key Microbial Processes in Oxygen Minimum Zones: From In Situ Community Rate Measurements to Single Cells MicroPro 2019-10 2022-09
RAPID: Immediate and Subsequent Effects of Coral Bleaching on Fore Reef Community Metabolism Moorea Bleaching Metabolism 2019-10 2022-09
Collaborative Research: New approaches to study calcium carbonate dissolution on the sea floor and its impact on paleo-proxy interpretations CDISP 2021 2018-10 2022-09
Collaborative Research: DOC removal in the ocean according to polymer gel theory DOC REMOVAL 2016-10 2022-09
Collaborative Research: Creatine Cycling in Marine Bacterial and Phytoplankton Assemblages Creatine Cycling 2016-10 2022-09
RAPID: Understanding the unprecedented anchovy response to warm-water conditions in the California Current RAPID Anchovy Response 2020-10 2022-10
Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES PMT: Dissolved trace metal distributions and size partitioning PMT Dissolved Metals 2017-11 2022-10
RAPID: Waiting to Exhale: Quantifying Tropical Storm-Induced Increased Flux of Coastal Wetland Carbon into the Atmosphere? Waiting To Exhale 2020-11 2022-10
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Tracking Amazon Forest Fires from Source to Sink Amazon Fires 2019-11 2022-10
Collaborative Research: Underexplored Connections between Nitrogen and Trace Metal Cycling in Oxygen Minimum Zones Mediated by Metalloenzyme Inventories CliOMZ 2019-11 2022-10
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Disentangling the effects of heat stress versus bleaching phenotype on coral performance Mcap pairs time series 2020-12 2022-11
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Sponge resilience in the face of multiple stressors Sponge resilience 2017-12 2022-11
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES PMT: Quantification of Atmospheric Deposition and Trace Element Fractional Solubility PMT Aerosol Collection 2018-03 2022-12
Collaborative Research: Defining the Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements Into The Arctic Ocean-Ice Ecosystem During The Year-Long MOSAiC Ice Drift MOSAiC 2018-01 2022-12
The role of heterotrophic bacteria in protecting cyanobacteria from hydrogen peroxide in coastal ecosystems Lake Erie H2O2 2018-01 2022-12
EAGER: Tracking marine diazotrophy with isotope-labeling proteomics 15N2Fix Proteomics 2021-01 2022-12
Collaborative Research: Estuarine metabolism and gas exchange determined from dissolved oxygen time series: method development, field evaluation, and application to historical data MAGIC 2020-01 2022-12
Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Network Coral Bleaching RCN 2019-01 2022-12
Collaborative Research: Understanding substrate limitation and Lithium and Silicon isotope fractionation during secondary clay formation in marine systems Marine Secondary Clay Formation 2020-01 2022-12
Collaborative research: US GEOTRACES PMT: Trace-metal concentrations and stable isotopes in the North Pacific PMT TM Stable Isotopes 2017-08 2023-01
Coupling of carbonate cycling and redox reactions in the bioturbated zone of marine sediments Carbonate cycling bioturbated zone 2017-08 2023-01
The fate of lysis products of picocyanobacteria contributes to marine humic-like chromophoric dissolved organic matter Picocyanobacteria CDOM 2019-02 2023-01
Collaborative Research: In Situ Oxidation Rates of Methane Injected from Seafloor Gas Seeps AMOR 2020-02 2023-01
Collaborative Research: Iron Bioavailability in High-CO2 Oceans: New Perspectives on Iron Acquisition Mechanisms in Diatoms Iron_CO2_Diatoms 2018-02 2023-01
Cycling of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Pacific and Indian Oceans Using Radiocarbon DOC 14C and 13C 2020-02 2023-01
Cr Isotope Oceanography of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean ETNP Cr Isotopes 2019-08 2023-01
Collaborative Research: Iron Incorporation into Biogenic Silica SO-Fe-bSi 2017-03 2023-02
Collaborative Research: RUI: OCE-BO: Tango in the Mat World: Biogeochemistry of diurnal vertical migration in microbial mats of Lake Huron’s sinkholes Tango in the Mat World 2021-02 2023-02
Collaborative Research: The Annual Cycle of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Subpolar North Atlantic OOI Irminger BCP 2019-07 2023-02
Trojan Horses in the Marine Realm: Protist Parasite-host Dynamics in Coastal Waters Coastal Parasites 2019-03 2023-02
REU Site: Observing the Ocean REU-OTO 2019-03 2023-02
Positive Effects of Coral Biodiversity on Coral Performance: Patterns, Processes, and Dynamics Coral Biodiversity 2020-03 2023-02
Causes and consequences of hypoxia and pH impacts on zooplankton: Linking movement behavior to vertical distribution. Zooplankton Swimming 2017-03 2023-02
Quantifying ocean oxygen-to-carbon demand by chemical analyses and inverse models oxygen-to-carbon demand 2020-03 2023-02
