
Project Acronym Start Date End Datesort descending
Collaborative Research: In Situ Oxidation Rates of Methane Injected from Seafloor Gas Seeps AMOR 2020-02 2023-01
REU Site: Observing the Ocean REU-OTO 2019-03 2023-02
Positive Effects of Coral Biodiversity on Coral Performance: Patterns, Processes, and Dynamics Coral Biodiversity 2020-03 2023-02
Causes and consequences of hypoxia and pH impacts on zooplankton: Linking movement behavior to vertical distribution. Zooplankton Swimming 2017-03 2023-02
Quantifying ocean oxygen-to-carbon demand by chemical analyses and inverse models oxygen-to-carbon demand 2020-03 2023-02
Collaborative Research: Iron Incorporation into Biogenic Silica SO-Fe-bSi 2017-03 2023-02
Collaborative Research: RUI: OCE-BO: Tango in the Mat World: Biogeochemistry of diurnal vertical migration in microbial mats of Lake Huron’s sinkholes Tango in the Mat World 2021-02 2023-02
Collaborative Research: The Annual Cycle of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Subpolar North Atlantic OOI Irminger BCP 2019-07 2023-02
Trojan Horses in the Marine Realm: Protist Parasite-host Dynamics in Coastal Waters Coastal Parasites 2019-03 2023-02
Interactions between phytoplankton and bacterioplankton mediated by volatile organic compounds Plankton Interactions and VOC 2020-03 2023-02
Collaborative Research: Keystone chemicals: Identifying general and universal molecules of fear Identifying molecules of fear 2020-04 2023-03
Collaborative Research: High resolution glider observations enable reassessment of export production in the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea Biological Production and Exports 2019-04 2023-03
Quantifying the drivers of midwater zooplankton community structure Zooplankton Gradients 2020-04 2023-03
Collaborative Research: Orientation of elongate diatoms as a strategy for light harvesting Phytoplankton Orientation 2017-04 2023-03
Collaborative Research: Understanding the impact of warming on the structure and function of marine communities WARMEM 2019-04 2023-03
Collaborative Research: Evolutionary, biochemical and biogeochemical responses of marine cyanobacteria to warming and iron limitation interactions Cyanobacteria Warming Responses 2019-04 2023-03
Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Oxygen Minimum Zones Using Deep-Dwelling, Low-Oxygen Planktic Foraminifera OMZ forams 2019-05 2023-04
Low temperature hydrothermal vent fluxes as traced by radium isotopes Plume Raiders Radium Isotopes 2018-11 2023-04
Collaborative Research: Quantifying trophic roles and food web ecology of salp blooms of the Chatham Rise Salp Food Web Ecology 2018-05 2023-04
Collaborative Research: RUI: Combined spatial and temporal analyses of population connectivity during a northern range expansion KW connectivity 2020-05 2023-04
RUI: Collaborative: The Predictive Nature of Microbial Biofilms for Cuing Larval Settlement at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Vent Settlement Cues 2020-05 2023-04
CAREER: An integrated molecular and physiological approach to examining the dynamics of upwelled phytoplankton in current and changing oceans Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics 2018-05 2023-04
Eco-Evolutionary Response to the Scale of Temporal Environmental Fluctuation Eco Evolutionary Response 2019-05 2023-04
Characterizing and quantifying the impact of phagotrophic protists at hot spots of primary production at Axial Seamount PROT-ATAX 2020-06 2023-05
Quantifying Processes Driving Interannual Variability in the Biological Carbon Pump in the Western Antarctic Peninsula WAP Carbon export 2020-06 2023-05
RAPID: Recolonization dynamics following mass mortality in the ecologically important sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) Phel recol dynamics 2022-06 2023-05
Linking eco-evolutionary dynamics of thermal adaptation and grazing in copepods from highly seasonal environments evolutionary_copepods 2020-06 2023-05
Collaborative Research: The importance of particle disaggregation on biogeochemical flux predictions Disaggregation 2020-06 2023-05
Pathways and regulation of transformation of low molecular weight carbon compounds in subseafloor sediments from the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) Guaymas Basin Sediments 2020-07 2023-06
Collaborative Research: Tracking the interacting roles of the environment, host genotype, and a novel Rickettsiales in coral disease susceptibility Coral Rickettsiales 2019-08 2023-07
Collaborative research: Patterns, causes, and consequences of synchrony in giant kelp populations Giant kelp synchrony 2020-08 2023-07
NSFGEO-NERC: Why are complex habitats more diverse? Complex habitats 2020-08 2023-07
Collaborative Research: Biogeochemical and Physical Conditioning of Sub-Antarctic Mode Water in the Southern Ocean Conditioning_SAMW 2017-08 2023-07
Spring Blooms of Sea Ice Algae Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Effects of Warming and Freshening on Cell Physiology and Biogeochemical Cycles. Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) 2018-08 2023-07
Methylated mercury sources and cycling in the high latitude North Atlantic Mercury in the far North Atlantic 2021-08 2023-07
Counter-gradient Flow of Fatty Acids in Marine Food Webs Through Egg Boons Egg Boon Food Webs 2020-06 2023-07
Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study BATS 1988-10 2023-07
Collaborative Research: CBET: The role of sunlight in determining the fate and microbial impact of microplastics in surface waters Sunlight Microbial Microplastics 2019-08 2023-07
RUI: Collaborative Research: Cycling of ethanol and acetaldyhyde in coastal waters Coastal Water Cycling 2020-09 2023-08
Island mass effects on planktonic communities in the open ocean Island Mass Effect 2020-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Seasonal Variability in refractory dissolved organic carbon fluxes associated with primary marine aerosol emitted from the oceans Carbon Flux and Aerosol Emissions 2020-09 2023-08
RAPID: Here we go again - The fate of Diadema antillarum and Caribbean reefs in the 21st century Caribbean Reefs 2022-09 2023-08
WHCOHH - Climate forcing of harmful algal blooms and toxicity exposure in the Northeast U.S. WHCOHH Climate and Algal Blooms 2013-03 2023-08
Collaborative research: The effects of predator traits on the structure of oceanic food webs SiphWeb 2018-09 2023-08
Resolving sources of marine DOM via novel sulfur isotope analyses S isotopes in marine DOM 2020-09 2023-08
Dissolved trace elements in the tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean Trace elements in NW Pacific 2019-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Defying Dissolution: Unraveling the Enigma of North Pacific Deep-Sea Scleractinian Reefs in Undersaturated Water Defying Dissolution 2019-09 2023-08
A power law model of dynamic marine phytoplankton stoichiometry Power_law_model 2018-09 2023-08
Evolutionary and ecological dynamics of a contemporary climate-driven range expansion LottiaRangeExp 2020-09 2023-08
The Biological Pump in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: in situ measurements of Oxygen and Nitrate Biological Pump in the Equatorial Pacific 2017-09 2023-08
Biogenic Calcium Carbonate Solubilities and Reaction Rates by Lab and Field Saturometry Calcite Saturometer 2019-09 2023-08
Planktonic Omnivores and Stable Isotopes: Developing, Validating and Field-testing a Multi-species Functional Response Model MSFR 2020-09 2023-08
WHCOHH - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Long-Term Effects of Early Life Exposure to HAB Toxins WHCOHH HAB toxins 2013-03 2023-08
CAREER: "The Omnivore's Dilemma": The Effect of Autumn Diet on Winter Physiology and Condition of Juvenile Antarctic Krill Omnivores Dilemma 2018-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the trophic roles of epipelagic ctenophores Ocean Ctenos 2018-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Dissolved organic phosphorus controls on marine nitrogen fixation and export production DOP N2 fixation and export production 2018-09 2023-08
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Assessing the contribution of plastics to marine particulate organic carbon Marine Plastic POC 2021-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Coupling of physical and chemical processes in the shelf to basin transport of iron and iodine off Washington and Oregon Oregon shelf to basin transport 2020-09 2023-08
The significance of doliolid-microbial interactions: Do doliolids fundamentally alter the trophic structure and productivity of sub-tropical continental shelf food webs? DolMICROBE 2020-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Transparent exopolymer and phytoplankton vertical migration as sources for preformed nitrate anomalies in the subtropical N. Pacific Ocean TEP and phytoplankton migration 2019-09 2023-08
WHCOHH - Community Engagement Core WHCOHH CEC 2013-03 2023-08
Hydrothermal and microbial controls on organic carbon mobilization from Guaymas Basin sediments GuaymasCarbon 2020-09 2023-08
The Speed, Signature, and Significance of Barium Transformations in Seawater The Three S's 2020-09 2023-08
Diel growth and activity of Prochloroccocus in an Oxygen Deficient Zone ODZ Prochlorococcus 2020-09 2023-08
Using genomics to link traits to ecosystem function in the eelgrass Zostera marina ZosteraEcoGenomics 2018-09 2023-08
Nutritional ecology of climate change: Impacts on Northwest Atlantic fishes NECC 2020-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Determining the isotopic signature of iron released via ligand-mediated dissolution of atmospheric dust in the surface ocean Dust Ligand Interactions 2018-09 2023-08
WHCOHH - Physiological and behavioral plasticity in harmful algal bloom dynamics: variation across different habitats WHCOHH Algal Bloom Dynamics 2013-03 2023-08
Are strong ligands and dissolved iron tightly coupled in hydrothermal systems? organic iron ligands in hydrothermal systems 2021-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Assessing the relative importance of small vs large particles as sources of nutrition to abyssal communities Abyssal food web 2018-09 2023-08
US GEOTRACES PMT: the geochemistry of size-fractionated suspended particles collected by in-situ filtration PMT Size-fractionated Suspended Particles 2017-10 2023-09
Lake Erie Center for Fresh Waters and Human Health Great Lakes Center 2018-10 2023-09
OCE-PRF: Mechanisms of coral resistance to climate change driven stressors in the Tropical Eastern Pacific TEP coral resistance 2021-10 2023-09
LTER: Resilience in the Environmental Mosaic of the Northern Gulf of Alaska (NGA) Shelf Ecosystem NGA LTER 2017-10 2023-09
Collaborative Research: Cleaning stations as hubs for the maintenance and recovery of microbial diversity on coral reefs. Cleanerfish microbiomes 2021-03 2023-09
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect: Sources and Sinks of Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements GP15 Nd isotopes 2017-11 2023-09
OCE-PRF: Drivers of phenotypic diversity and adaptation in asexually propagating coral populations Adaptation in asexual coral populations 2021-10 2023-09
EarthCube RCN for Marine Ecological Time Series (METS) METS RCN 2020-10 2023-09
Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect: Thorium-232, Thorium-230 and Protactinium-231 as tracers of trace element supply and removal PMT Thorium Isotopes 2017-11 2023-10
RAPID: Too hot to hold: Effects of unseasonable warming on the Azores nekton community and its keystone taxon Too hot to hold 2021-11 2023-10
Collaborative Research: RAPID: Extreme disturbances/perturbations to coastal deposition systems Extreme Si 2021-12 2023-11
Gradient Exchange Mass Spectrometry (GEMS) for Quantifying a Suite of Dissolved Gas Fluxes Mass Spec Fluxes 2021-01 2023-12
Collaborative Research: IODP-enabled Insights into Fungi and Their Metabolic Interactions with Other Microorganisms in Deep Subsurface Hydrothermal Sediments IODP insights Fungi 2021-01 2023-12
Octopus Odyssey OctoOdyssey 2023-06 2023-12
Collaborative Research: dispersal depth and the transport of deep-sea, methane-seep larvae around a biogeographic barrier SALT 2019-08 2023-12
EAGER: Mechanistic Study of Extracellular Vesicle Production by Marine Microalgae using Advanced Imaging Technologies Marine Microbial Extracellular Vesicles 2022-01 2023-12
[Current] Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT): 2018-2023; [Previous] Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT): Sustaining ocean ecosystem and climate observations in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre HOT 1988-07 2023-12
Collaborative Research: Constraining the role of chemical transformations in the cycling of mercury at the Arctic Ocean air-sea interface Mercury air-sea exchange in the Arctic 2020-01 2023-12
Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans EuroSea 2019-11 2023-12
Exploring the role of boundary layer microbial remineralization in flavivirus-host dynamics Holothurian Flaviviruses 2021-01 2023-12
Oligotrophic ocean metabolism from underwater glider observations Glider Ocean Metabolism 2021-01 2023-12
Collaborative Research: Gases in the Overturning and Horizontal circulation of the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (GOHSNAP) GOHSNAP 2020-02 2024-01
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the effects of variable light and iron on the nitrate assimilation isotope effect of phytoplankton Nitrate Assimilation Phytoplankton 2019-02 2024-01
Collaborative Research: Individual Based Approaches to Understanding Krill Distributions and Aggregations Krill Aggregation 2019-08 2024-01
OCE-PRF Detecting signatures of multigenerational plasticity in a marine forage fish HypOA Cross-generational Plasticity 2022-02 2024-01
Collaborative Research: Microscale interactions of foundation species with their fluid environment: biological feedbacks alter ecological interactions of mussels Microscale Mussels 2021-02 2024-01
Collaborative Research: Cyanobacteria, Nitrogen Cycling, and Export Production in the Laurentian Great Lakes Cyanos Great Lakes 2020-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: RAPID: A multi-scale approach to predicting coral disease spread: leveraging an outbreak on coral-dense isolated reefs FGB Disease 2023-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Chemical and microbiological studies of water-soluble alkanes in the ocean CASA 2018-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: The consequences of species loss for food web persistence and functioning in the Gulf of Maine rocky intertidal GOMFWR 2021-03 2024-02
