
Project Acronym Start Date End Datesort descending
Collaborative Research: Sources and transformations of export production: A novel 50-year record of pelagic-benthic coupling from coral and plankton bioarchives GoME Copepod Coral Export 2021-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Cyanobacteria, Nitrogen Cycling, and Export Production in the Laurentian Great Lakes Cyanos Great Lakes 2020-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: RAPID: A multi-scale approach to predicting coral disease spread: leveraging an outbreak on coral-dense isolated reefs FGB Disease 2023-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Chemical and microbiological studies of water-soluble alkanes in the ocean CASA 2018-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: The consequences of species loss for food web persistence and functioning in the Gulf of Maine rocky intertidal GOMFWR 2021-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Interactions in a Changing Ocean LTPE 2019-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Mesoscale Drivers of Oxygen in the Tropical Pacific Oxygen at the Mesoscale 2020-03 2024-02
Larval dispersal capacity and realized connectivity: integration of physical transport models, larval plasticity, and gene flow in the north central Pacific North Pacific Larval Transport and Gene Flow 2021-03 2024-02
Shunt or shuttle? Nutrient-driven biogeochemical consequences of diatom host-virus interactions Shunt or Shuttle 2021-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Novel constraints on air-sea gas exchange and deep ocean ventilation from high-precision noble gas isotope measurements in seawater HPNGI 2019-09 2024-02
Features and implications of nitrogen assimilation trait variability in populations of Prochlorococcus Prochlorococcus N assimilation 2021-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Biodiversity and resilience of corals and their microbiomes in response to ocean deoxygenation Coral microbiome resilience 2021-03 2024-02
Estuary plumes as drivers of inner continental shelf benthic community structure and function Estuary Plumes 2021-03 2024-02
Collaborative research: Regulation and dynamics of microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling in hydrothermally-influenced habitats in the Gulf of California GoC Microbial Biogeochem 2021-04 2024-03
Collaborative Research: Reevaluating calcification response to changes in seawater chemistry by testing the Proton Flux Hypothesis and the Coral Metabolism Model Proton Flux Hypothesis 2021-04 2024-03
Using novel ecosystem-scale experiments to quantify drivers of reef productivity in a heavily impacted coastal ecosystem Reef Production Drivers 2020-04 2024-03
Influence of environmental pH variability and thermal sensitivity on the resilience of reef-building corals to acidification stress Coral Resilience 2019-10 2024-03
Collaborative Research: Megaripples as biocatalytical filters Megaripples 2019-04 2024-03
Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction Coastal Adaptation 2019-04 2024-03
Global analysis of stratification impacts on seabirds through food resources Stratification impacts on seabirds 2022-04 2024-03
Collaborative Research: Pattern and process in the abundance and recruitment of Caribbean octocorals Octocoral Community Dynamics 2018-04 2024-03
Effects of Climate Change Variables on Microbial Autotroph-Heterotroph Carbon Flux CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes 2020-04 2024-03
RUI: Collaborative Research: Linking physiological thermal thresholds to the distribution of lobster settlers and juveniles Lobster Thermal Thresholds 2021-04 2024-03
CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem High latitude kelp dynamics 2018-04 2024-03
NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Novel imaging, physiology and numerical approaches for understanding biologically mediated, unsteady sinking in marine diatoms Unsteady diatom sinking 2021-04 2024-03
Collaborative Research: Quantifying N2 fixation rates of noncyanobacterial diazotrophs and environmental controls on their activity NCDN2FIX 2021-04 2024-03
CAREER: Gulf of Maine Temperature Trends and Variability from the early Holocene to the Present GoM Temperature Trends 2019-05 2024-04
Collaborative Research: Characterization of Reactive Nitrogen in The North Pacific Atmosphere North Pacific Atmos 2019-05 2024-04
Collaborative Research: Are Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Vents an Important but Overlooked Source of Stabilized Dissolved Iron to the Ocean? PLUME RAIDERS 2018-04 2024-04
Collaborative Research: How and Why eNd Tracks Ocean Circulation Pacific Porewater Nd 2019-05 2024-04
Importance of Riverine Discharge on the Benthic Flux of Alkalinity to Continental Margins NGoM Benthic Alk Flux 2020-05 2024-04
Collaborative Research: Improving quantification of larval dispersal in the global coastal ocean to understand the genetic structure, biogeography, and spread of benthic organisms Larval dispersal in the global coastal ocean 2020-06 2024-05
Collaborative research: Functional genomic investigations of iron and carbon cycle coupling in select keystone marine Bacteria heterotrophs Fe_C coupling in marine bacteria 2021-06 2024-05
CAREER: Mechanisms of bioturbation and ecosystem engineering by benthic infauna Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering 2019-06 2024-05
Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal Estuaries: What Sets the Hydrothermal Flux of Fe and Mn to the Oceans? Hydrothermal Estuaries 2019-06 2024-05
How do multiple coastal stressors structure the genomic diversity of marine populations? CSSGDMP 2021-06 2024-05
RUI: Evaluating selection via ocean acidification and evolutionary responses of two coastal fishes OA and natural selection 2020-06 2024-05
Role of the Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Oceanic Distributions of N2O GO-SHIP N2O 2021-07 2024-06
CAREER: Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in Oxygen Minimum Zones Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean 2019-07 2024-06
Collaborative Research: Influence of pressure on microbial communities in subseafloor sediment at hadal, abyssal, bathyal, and shelf water depths Microbial Sediment Pressure 2021-07 2024-06
Collaborative Research: Microbes need frenemies: unveiling microbial relationships with protists and viruses that support deep-sea hydrothermal vent food webs frenemies 2022-07 2024-06
Quantification of sedimentary oxygen and carbon dioxide dynamics in a dry sandy beach affected by macroalgae deposition Sargassum 2021-07 2024-06
Investigating mechanisms underlying adaptive capacity to ocean warming URO 2021-01 2024-06
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Solving Darwins paradox: combining emerging technologies to quantify energy fluxes on coral reefs COREEF 2022-07 2024-06
Thermal stress and differential recovery of coral reefs Coral Recovery 2021-07 2024-06
Collaborative Research: What controls the marine refractory DOC reservoir? Marine RDOC 2021-07 2024-06
Characterizing the effects of exogenous reactive oxygen species on marine microbial ecosystem dynamics ROS and Microbial Dynamics 2020-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: What Happens to Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Ocean? Solving the Mystery Behind an Iconic Question MUDBENCS 2019-08 2024-07
Environmental consequences of expanded recruitment of an ecosystem engineer on a hypoxia-influenced continental shelf Neotrypaea COP Effects 2021-08 2024-07
Putting B-vitamins on the map: to what extent do they shape phytoplankton dynamics and biogeography in the global ocean? VitaMaps 2022-08 2024-07
Substrate structural complexity and abundance control distinct mechanisms of microbially-driven carbon cycling in the ocean Substrate complexity and microbes 2020-08 2024-07
Mapping Dissolved Oxygen using Observations and Machine Learning DO Machine Learning 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: Isotopic Indicators for Mechanisms of Organic Matter Degradation under High Productivity and High Carbon Flux Conditions (EXPORTS) EXPORTS OM Degradation Indicators 2021-08 2024-07
A novel time-structured framework to account for the cryptic effects of temperature fluctuations on population dynamics Time Structured Modeling 2021-07 2024-07
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE: Size-Fractionated Particle Collection and Analysis from Ultra-Oligotrophic to Antarctic Waters GP17-OCE Particle Composition 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: Dynamic similarity or size proportionality? Sensory ecological adaptations of Euchaeta to viscosity Euchaeta Viscosity 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: Tipping points in coral reefs and their associated microbiomes: interactive effects of herbivory, nutrient enrichment, and temperature RECHARGE 2020-08 2024-07
NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Accelerating Thwaites Ecosystem Impacts for the Southern Ocean (ARTEMIS) ARTEMIS 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: Direct determination and model analysis of elemental stoichiometry of phytoplankton from the Oregon Coast Determination and analysis of phytoplankton stoichiometry 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: Vitamin B1 Limitation and Advantageous Use of B1-related Compounds by Marine Bacterioplankton. VBLAM 2021-08 2024-07
BCO-DMO: Accelerating Scientific Discovery through Adaptive Data Management BCO-DMO 2019-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Quantifying nitrous oxide sources across an oxygen gradient in the northern Benguela upwelling system RGNO Course and Cruise 2022 2021-09 2024-08
Hawaii Aerosol Time-Series (HATS):Quantifying Marine Dust Deposition and Composition in an Oligotrophic Gyre HATS 2020-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Zooplankton mediation of particle formation in the Sargasso Sea Zooplankton Mediation 2020-09 2024-08
Local adaptation and the evolution of plasticity under predator invasion and warming seas: consequences for individuals, populations and communities evolution of plasticity 2020-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Multiyear autonomous measurement of N-loss in the ETNP ODZ N-loss in the ETNP ODZ 2019-03 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Probing the Ventilation Efficiency of the Deep Ocean with Conservative Dissolved Gas Tracers in Archived Samples TTO NGs and O2 2021-09 2024-08
Production and Fate of Fats in the Upper Ocean RIPPLE 2020-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Developing Automated Nutrient and Trace Metal Methodology using Programmable Flow Injection pFI-SI-LOV 2019-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Mesoscale variability in nitrogen sources and food-web dynamics supporting larval southern bluefin tuna in the eastern Indian Ocean BLOOFINZ-IO 2019-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Comparative feeding by gelatinous grazers on microbial prey Gelatinous Grazer Feeding 2019-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: In Situ Investigations and Historical Analysis of Eddy Impacts on coastal carbon chemistry and coral calcification Eddy Reef 2021-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the role of microbial extracellular vesicles in marine dissolved organic matter production and consumption VesicleDOM 2021-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Tradeoffs between phenology and geography constraints in response to climate change across species life cycles Pheno Geo Tradeoffs 2021-09 2024-08
Collaborative Proposal: Unravelling the Oceanic Dimethylmercury Cycle DMHg in the Ocean 2020-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Resolving the production and fate of nitrogenous metabolites in the surface ocean Nitrogenous Metabolites 2021-09 2024-08
Atmospheric and Lateral Inputs of Trace Metals in the Indonesian Through-Flow BLOOFINZ-IO TM Flow 2021-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Redefining the footprint of deep ocean methane seepage for benthic ecosystems Methanosphere 2021-10 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Impacts of surface ocean surfactant sources and transformations on their chemical composition and air-sea relevant properties SOAPI 2021-10 2024-09
Parsing the biogeochemistry of marine carbonic anhydrases Carbonic Anhydrase 2021-10 2024-09
RUI: The role of ecological memory in nearshore seagrass beds affected by multiple stressors EcoMem Project 2021-10 2024-09
US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE: Investigating the role of the Southern Ocean's biogeochemical divide in shaping the global distributions of radium and barium isotopes GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes 2021-10 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Assessing the changing symbiotic milieu on Caribbean coral reefs under climate change: magnitude, tradeoffs, interventions, and implications Symbiont Shifts on Reefs 2019-04 2024-09
The black urchin (Diadema antillarum) massive resurgent die-off: Causes, demographic, and community consequences Diadema antillarum die-off associated microbiota in Puerto Rico 2022-12 2024-09
The Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience: hydrodynamic and ecological drivers of coral survival under extreme heat Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience 2021-10 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Plankton size spectra and trophic links in a dynamic ocean Plankton Size Spectra 2021-10 2024-09
US GEOTRACES GP17 Section: South Pacific and Southern Ocean (GP17-OCE) GP17-OCE 2020-01 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Do benthic feedbacks couple sulfur, nitrogen and carbon biogeochemistry during transient deoxygenation? BASIN 2018-10 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Shifting the Hypoxia Paradigm – New Directions to Explore the Spread and Impacts of Ocean/Great Lakes Deoxygenation HypoxiDigm 2019-10 2024-09
US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT: Sources and Rates of Trace Element and Isotope Cycling Derived from the Radium Quartet GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Radium Isotopes 2021-10 2024-09
US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT: Cobalt Biogeochemical Cycling and Phytoplankton Protein Biomarkers in the Pacific and Southern Oceans GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Cobalt and Protein Biomarkers 2021-10 2024-09
Coral reproduction following mass corallivore outbreak and offspring tolerance during El Nino modulates reef recovery Corallivore and warming impacts on coral reproduction 2023-11 2024-10
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the atmospheric flux of bio-active trace elements to the southwestern Indian Ocean SWINGS Be-7 2020-11 2024-10
Collaborative Research: How do selection, plasticity, and dispersal interact to determine coral success in warmer and more variable environments? Palau coral selection plasticity dispersal 2021-11 2024-10
RUI: Collaborative Research: Understanding bioerosion from individuals to ecosystems: the impacts of biotic and abiotic stressors on sponge erosion of oyster reefs. Understanding Bioerosion 2021-11 2024-10
RAPID: A subtle epidemic: unique mortality of Mytilus californianus on the Oregon coast Scattered mussel mortality 2023-11 2024-10
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES GP17-ANT: Characterizing the composition, scavenging efficiency and bioavailability of size fractionated particles GP17-ANT Particle Composition 2021-11 2024-10
Collaborative Research: Manganese Cycling and Coupling Across Redox Boundaries within Stratified Basins of the Baltic Sea Baltic Sea 2019-12 2024-11
Predicting impacts of coastal species redistribution in a changing climate CoastalRedistImpacts 2021-12 2024-11
Inferring trace element inputs to North Pacific surface waters from Alaskan and Asian dust Dust Flux to North Pacific 2018-06 2024-11
