
Project Acronym Start Date End Datesort descending
Amino Acid Molecular-Level Stable Isotopic and Enantiomeric Ratios: A New Approach for Understanding Source and Transformation of Organic Nitrogen in the Sea. Compound specific amino acids 2006-09 2011-08
Diversity and ecology of marine RNA viruses Diversity and ecology of marine RNA viruses 2008-09 2011-08
Resolving the physiological basis for fluorescence diagnostics of iron stress in natural phytoplankton populations Iron stress in phytoplankton 2007-09 2011-08
Marine microgels: A microlayer source of summer CCN in high Arctic open lead Marine Microgels 2007-09 2011-08
CAREER: Nitrate Isotopes and Biogeochemistry; A Plan for coupling CAREER 2005-09 2011-08
Examining Impacts on Squid Paralarval Development, Behavior, and Survival OA Squid Rearing 2011-06 2011-08
Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle: Identifying Cell-density Dependent Organic Carbon Degradation among Marine Bacteria in Sinking Particles Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle 2008-09 2011-08
The role of iron (Fe) in controlling in situ distributions and activities of marine Synechococcus Fe_Synechococcus 2008-09 2011-08
Importance of Winter Upwelling to California Current Ecosystem Dynamics Importance of winter upwelling 2009-09 2011-08
Expression profiling and functional genomics of a pennate diatom: Mechanisms of iron acquisition, stress acclimation, and recovery Pennate Diatom Genomics 2007-09 2011-08
GEOTRACES: Intercalibration of Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Analyses and Sample Processing Techniques GEOTRACES: Intercal Phosphate Oxygen 2008-08 2011-09
North Atlantic Bloom Experiment 2008 NAB 2008 2006-10 2011-09
Microbial Initiative in Low Oxygen areas off Concepción and Oregon MI-LOCO 2009-01 2011-09
The carbon balance of Lake Superior: Modeling lake processes and understanding impacts on the regional carbon budget OCB-024 2006-10 2011-09
Aplysina Red Band Syndrome: Investigating the etiology, pathogenesis, and ecology of an emerging marine disease Etiology of ARBS sponge disease 2007-11 2011-10
Autotrophic carbon fixation at a shallow-water hydrothermal system: Constraining microbial activity, isotopic and geochemical regimes Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation 2011-08 2011-10
Linkages Between Larvae and Recruitment of Coral Reef Fishes Along the Florida Keys Shelf: an Integrated Field and Modeling Analysis of Population Connectivity in a Complex System FK Population Connectivity 2006-11 2011-10
LIDAR Studies of Lateral Dispersion in the Seasonal Pycnocline LatMix 2008-11 2011-10
Biological and Physical Determinants of Euphausiid Aggregation, Behavior, and Interaction with Higher Predators at an Abrupt Topographical Feature in the Gulf of Maine Krill GoME 2010-01 2011-12
Scaling up from community to meta-ecosystem dynamics in the rocky intertidal - a comparative-experimental approach Meta-Eco 2007-08 2011-12
Concentrations and ratios of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the global ocean Global POM 1971-01 2011-12
Temporal and spatial scales of variability in bivalve connectivity Bivalve Connectivity 2007-03 2011-12
Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition ASPIRE 2009-08 2012-01
Feeding responses of marine phagotrophic protists: cell biological mechanisms Feeding responses of marine protists 2007-03 2012-02
Skidaway River Monitoring Program SRiMP 1986-08 2012-03
Enumeration of microbial cells in sediments from the Mediterranean Sea Microb Cells Med Sea 2012-02 2012-03
Responses of Seals and Sea Lions to Increased Rockfish Density Seal_response_to_prey 2006-04 2012-03
Improved observations and understanding of northeast Pacific coastal CO2 fluxes OCB-039 2008-04 2012-03
Patterns of Larval Dispersal and Postsettlement Selection Shaping Connectivity of Oyster Populations Along an Ecotone Oyster Connectivity 2007-08 2012-03
Pickled Protists or Community Uniquely Adapted to Hypersalinity? Pickled Protists 2009-02 2012-03
RAPID: Larval Abundance, Behavior and Dispersal at Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents in the Southern Mariana Trough Mariana Back-arc Vents 2010-05 2012-04
Establishing Radionuclide Levels in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Originating from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Facility Fukushima Radionuclide Levels 2011-05 2012-04
Composition of the plankton community and its contribution to particle flux in the Sargasso Sea Plankton particle flux 2008-05 2012-04
Microbial carbon and sulfur cycling in the hydrothermally altered sediments of Guaymas Basin Guaymas Basin Vents 2007-06 2012-05
RAPID: Trophic interactions in floating Sargassum communities of the Gulf of Mexico: potential consequences of habitat degradation Sargassum degradation in the GoMX 2010-06 2012-05
Dispersal and Life History Dynamics in Benthic Foraminifera Foram Dispersal 2009-06 2012-05
RAPID Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Deep pelagic and benthic impacts of the oil spill DWH_Deep_Microbes 2010-06 2012-05
Oceanic diazotroph community structure and activities in a high carbon dioxide world DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 2009-07 2012-06
Collaborative Research: Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific N2 fixation ETSP 2009-08 2012-07
Benthic Dinoflagellate Migration: Occurrence and Processes BenDiM 2007-08 2012-07
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Marine Snow and Sedimentation GoMX - DHOS Marine Snow and Sedimentation 2010-07 2012-07
Changing Phytoplankton Trace Metal Requirements in a High CO2 Ocean PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 2009-08 2012-07
Processes, feedbacks and air-sea carbon dioxide exchange in the land-coastal ocean system OCB-021 2008-04 2012-07
Influence of Temperature and Acidification on the Dynamics of Coral Co-Infection and Resistance Climate_CoralDisease 2009-08 2012-07
Effect of Temperature on Extracellular Polymeric Substance Production (EPS) by Diatoms Diatom EPS Production 2007-09 2012-08
Iron storage in diatoms and N2 fixing cyanobacteria: mechanisms, regulation and biogeochemical significance Mechanisms of Fe storage in phytoplankton 2007-09 2012-08
Does competition for nitrogen between autotrophs and heterotrophs control carbon fluxes in the western coastal Arctic? ArcticNITRO 2009-09 2012-08
Will Ocean Acidification Diminish Particle Aggregation and Mineral Scavenging, Thus Weakening the Biological Pump? OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation 2009-09 2012-08
Amazon iNfluence on the Atlantic: CarbOn export from Nitrogen fixation by DiAtom Symbioses ANACONDAS 2010-01 2012-08
MRI: Acquisition of Stable Isotope Instrumentation for the Biogeosciences at Princeton University stable isotope instrumentation 2009-09 2012-08
RAPID/MRI: Acquisition of a Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometer for Quantitative Identification of Dispersants and Water-Soluble Oil in the Gulf of Mexico RAPID Mass Spec for Dispersants 2010-09 2012-08
Collaborative Research: Biogeochemical Dynamics of Phosphorus in the Coastal Ocean: A Combined Observational, Experimental, and Ecosystem Modeling Study Coastal P Dynamics 2006-09 2012-08
Labyrinthulomycete diversity and abundance LabyLI 2007-09 2012-08
Oceanographic control and global distributions of subseafloor microbial life and activity Subseafloor Microbial Life 2008-09 2012-08
Particle Transport and Carbon Export over the Northwest Atlantic Margin Carbon Export 2009-09 2012-08
Darling Marine Center Monitoring Time Series DMC 2007-09 2012-09
El Nino-Southern Oscillation Disturbances On Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs: Patterns And Mechanisms Of Recovery EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: VII 2005-10 2012-09
Macrophyte-induced variability in coastal ocean pH and consequences for invertebrate larvae SeapHOx 2009-10 2012-09
Structure, Function and Evolution of Authigenic, Methane-Derived Carbonate Ecosystems Authigenic Carbonate Ecosystems 2008-10 2012-09
Are abundant bacteria more active than rare bacteria in the Sargasso Sea? Active bacteria in surface waters 2008-10 2012-09
BErmuda ocean Acidification and COral reef iNvestigation BEACON 2009-10 2012-09
Hydrothermal Exploration of the Chile Triple Junction Chile Triple Junction 2007-10 2012-09
Application of a novel geochemical approach to the alkalinity anomaly method of estimating coral reef calcification rates: implications of ocean acidification Implications of Ocean Acidification 2008-10 2012-09
En-Gen: A Functional Genomics Approach to Organic Sulfur Cycling in the Ocean En-Gen DMSP Cycling 2007-10 2012-09
En-Gen: A functional genomic analysis of how a major calcifying phytoplankter responds to ocean acidification predicted for the end of the century En-Gen OA and E huxleyi 2007-10 2012-09
Nitrogen fixation, nutrient supply and biological production in the Gulf of Mexico GoMX - N2 Fixation 2009-10 2012-10
Quantitative importance and trophic role of Noctiluca blooms in the Arabian Sea Arabian Sea Noctiluca 2010-10 2012-10
Impact of the 2010 Caribbean Coral Bleaching Event: Assessing Changes in Coral Immune Function Climate_Corals_Bleach_Disease 2010-12 2012-11
Ecological Release and Resistance at Sea: Invasion of Atlantic Coral Reefs by Pacific Lionfish Lionfish Invasion 2009-06 2012-11
Quantification of Trichodesmium spp. vertical and horizontal abundance patterns and nitrogen fixation in the western North Atlantic Trichodesmium 2009-12 2012-11
U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: CFC and SF6 Measurements GT NAT CFC and SF6 2009-12 2012-11
Does larval transport or physiological tolerance set the southern range boundary of a northern blue mussel? MuLTI 2010-06 2012-12
Characterizing biological function across a persistent oceanographic "hotspot" in the NE Pacific Ocean GeoMICS Bio 2012-01 2012-12
Using thermocouple arrays to investigate temporal and spatial microbial colonization in actively forming hydrothermal vent deposits Microbe colonization in hydrothermal vents 2008-10 2012-12
Climatological Mean Distribution of pH in Surface Waters in the Unified pH Scale and Mean Rate of changes in Selected Areas Climatological Mean Distribution of pH 2011-01 2012-12
CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2 2007-05 2012-12
Physiology and Biogeochemistry of Repeatedly Bleached and Recovering Caribbean Corals repeat coral bleaching 2009-02 2013-01
Studying genomic and population biology of dehalogenating Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments by single cell sorting and single cell genome amplification Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments 2011-03 2013-02
Top-Down Regulation of Picophytoplankton in the Sargasso Sea: Application of a Reciprocal Transplant / Dilution Approach Picophytoplankton_Regulation 2008-03 2013-02
Investigations into the Physiological State of DHAB Metazoans DHAB Metazoans 2011-03 2013-02
Assessing effects of ecosystem fragmentation using novel metrics of trophic structure ecosytem_fragmentation 2008-03 2013-02
Experimental studies to understand and evaluate acclimation of marine plankton assemblages to increased CO2 and temperature Plankton acclimation 2010-04 2013-03
Gene Expression Patterns in High CO2-Adapted Trichodesmium Trichodesmium in High CO2 2011-08 2013-03
Effects of ocean climate change on recruitment of kelp populations Climate Change Kelp 2008-05 2013-04
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Atlantic Section Nitrate Isotope Measurements (GP12) GT Atlantic Nitrate 2010-05 2013-04
World-wide exploration of microbial eukaryote diversity and activity in the marine subsurface Microbial Euk Div Mar Subsurface 2011-05 2013-04
RAPID: High-resolution sampling of plankton taxa, marine snow, and environmental variables across the north Atlantic subpolar gyre Transatlantic VPR Survey 2012-05 2013-04
Genetic diversity and distribution of microbes colonizing igneous minerals and glasses incubated in IODP Hole 1301A on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge Microbe Diversity & Distribution JdFR 2011-06 2013-05
CNH: Enhancing Resilience of Coastal Ecosystems and Human Communities to Oceanographic Variability: Social and Ecological Feedbacks CNH-Baja Pacific 2012-07 2013-05
Metagenomic signatures in seafloor rocks and subsurface sediments: East Pacific Rise and Loihi Seamount EPR and Loihi basalt genomes 2011-06 2013-05
The influence of predators on community structure and resultant ecosystem functioning at a biogeographic scale Oyster_Trophic_Cascades 2010-06 2013-05
Midwater animal models: Optical measurement of metabolic transitions in pelagic biota Optical Physiology 2009-06 2013-05
Deep Dissolved Organic Matter Multi-omics Analyses DeepDom Multi-omics 2013-03 2013-05
Development of geochemical proxies to evaluate larval pH-exposure history OA_Proxies 2011-06 2013-05
History and Future of Coastal Upwelling Modes and Biological Responses in the California Current California Current upwelling modes 2011-09 2013-05
Determining rates of group-specific phytoplankton and bacterial uptake of inorganic and organic nitrogen by means of stable isotope techniques Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing 2010-06 2013-05
Implication of ANAMMOX community structure and microbial interactions in estuarine N removal processes Estuarine ANAMMOX 2009-06 2013-05
Participation in October 2011 US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section Continuation Cruise NAT_Continue 2011-06 2013-06
CAMEO: Comparative Approaches to Predicting the Consequences of an Impending Re-Invasion: Top Predator Effects on Californian Near-Shore Fisheries SeaOtterReInv 2010-07 2013-06
The Black Carbon Cycle: Budget and Fluxes of Black Carbon in South Atlantic Sediments Black Carbon Cycle 2009-07 2013-06
