
Project Acronym Start Datesort descending End Date
Expression profiling and functional genomics of a pennate diatom: Mechanisms of iron acquisition, stress acclimation, and recovery Pennate Diatom Genomics 2007-09 2011-08
Labyrinthulomycete diversity and abundance LabyLI 2007-09 2012-08
Connecting local, regional and global scales of gene flow in planktonic marine diatoms Diatom Gene Flow 2007-10 2013-09
Interannual Variability of Coastal Phytoplankton Blooms in the Gulf of Maine and Their Relationships to Local and Remote Forcings Phytoplankton Blooms 2007-10 2013-09
IPY: Shedding dynamic light on iron limitation: The interplay of iron limitation and dynamic irradiance in governing the phytoplankton distribution in the Ross Sea DynaLiFE 2007-10 2010-09
Hydrothermal Exploration of the Chile Triple Junction Chile Triple Junction 2007-10 2012-09
En-Gen: A Functional Genomics Approach to Organic Sulfur Cycling in the Ocean En-Gen DMSP Cycling 2007-10 2012-09
En-Gen: A functional genomic analysis of how a major calcifying phytoplankter responds to ocean acidification predicted for the end of the century En-Gen OA and E huxleyi 2007-10 2012-09
Aplysina Red Band Syndrome: Investigating the etiology, pathogenesis, and ecology of an emerging marine disease Etiology of ARBS sponge disease 2007-11 2011-10
Coral Reef Primary Production and Calcification CRPPC 2007-11 2010-10
CAMEO: Building the Foundation: An End-to-End Modeling Workshop CAMWkshp 2008-01
Building the Foundation in N. California Current Shelf-Slope-Oceanic Ecosystems CalCurEco 2008-01
Role of predator-prey interactions in marine ecosystem organization: development of a new toolbox and a comparison of key interactions in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska ecosystems. RolePredPrey 2008-01
An Integrative Approach to Managing the Dewatering of Estuaries DewaterEst 2008-01
Mechanisms for low-frequency variability of forage fish: A comparative analysis of North Pacific sardine systems ForageFish 2008-01
Comparative Dynamics of Ecosystem Components from the Northeast Atlantic Shelf and Pacific Coast: New Approaches to Forecasting and Understanding Variability and Structure in Marine Ecosystems EcoCompDyn 2008-01
New statistical tools for analyzing community dynamics with applications to marine zooplankton StatsCommDyn 2008-01
Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment SO_GasEx 2008-02 2008-04
Top-Down Regulation of Picophytoplankton in the Sargasso Sea: Application of a Reciprocal Transplant / Dilution Approach Picophytoplankton_Regulation 2008-03 2013-02
Anammox, denitrification and nitrogen fixation in the Black Sea Anammox Black Sea 2008-03 2011-02
Assessing effects of ecosystem fragmentation using novel metrics of trophic structure ecosytem_fragmentation 2008-03 2013-02
Improved observations and understanding of northeast Pacific coastal CO2 fluxes OCB-039 2008-04 2012-03
Processes, feedbacks and air-sea carbon dioxide exchange in the land-coastal ocean system OCB-021 2008-04 2012-07
Does predator intimidation help structure a pristine seagrass community through multiple indirect pathways? Marine Risk Effects 2008-05 2014-04
Effects of ocean climate change on recruitment of kelp populations Climate Change Kelp 2008-05 2013-04
Composition of the plankton community and its contribution to particle flux in the Sargasso Sea Plankton particle flux 2008-05 2012-04
Integrating field methods and numerical models to quantify the links between larval transport, connectivity, and population dynamics TRANSPORT 2008-06 2014-09
GEOTRACES InterCalibration GEOTRACES IC 2008-06 2009-06
Gulf of Mexico NACP-OCB Coastal Synthesis GoMX - NACP-OCB 2008-06
Collaborative Research: GLOBEC Pan Regional Synthesis: The Effect of Varying Freshwater Inputs on Regional Ecosystems in the North Atlantic GLOBEC_PRS_Freshwater Inputs 2008-07 2013-06
GEOTRACES: Intercalibration of Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Analyses and Sample Processing Techniques GEOTRACES: Intercal Phosphate Oxygen 2008-08 2011-09
Do sediment-dwelling species have large ranges along a continental slope? Species ranges 2008-08 2013-07
Transitions in the Surface Layer and the Role of Vertically Stratified Microbial Communities in the Carbon Cycle - An Oceanic Microbial Observatory Ocean Microbial Observatory 2008-08 2014-07
Are Feeding and Growth Rates of Planktonic Ciliates Overestimated from Experiments in the Absence of Copepod Predators? ciliate response to predators 2008-08 2013-12
The role of marine Crenarchaeota in nitrification and links among biogeochemical processes in the eastern tropical North Pacific and Gulf of California CARNE ASADA 2008-08 2010-07
Basin-scale distribution and activity of deep-sea protists in the North Atlantic Ocean Basin-scale Protists 2008-08 2013-07
FeCycle II- Natural variability in plankton iron quotas during an unamended Lagrangian experiment FeCycle II 2008-08 2010-07
Quantifying the role of Group I Crenarchaeota in the marine nitrogen cycle using cultures and environmental monitoring of ammonia oxidation, 16S rRNA genes and lipid biomarkers Marine Nitrogen Cycle 2008-08 2009-05
Diversity and ecology of marine RNA viruses Diversity and ecology of marine RNA viruses 2008-09 2011-08
The effects of temperature on ecological processes in a rocky intertidal community: a mechanistic approach Intertidal Temp Effects 2008-09 2013-08
Resolving Migratory Connectivity of Basking Sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Integrating Novel Geochemical Tracers with Satellite Archival Tags Basking Shark Geochem Tracers 2008-09 2013-08
U.S. GLOBEC Pan-Regional Synthesis: Climate Forcing of Calanus finmarchicus Populations of the North Atlantic Calanus North Atlantic 2008-09 2013-08
U.S. GLOBEC Pan-Regional Synthesis: End-to-End Budgets in US-GLOBEC Regions GLOBEC-PRS-FoodWebs 2008-09 2013-08
Possible climate-induced change in the distribution of Pleuragramma antarcticum on the Western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf Antarctic_micronek 2008-09 2013-08
How important is quote old unquote Carbon in Lake Superior. A Radiocarbon Investigation Lake Superior Radiocarbon 2008-09 2011-08
Characterizing the Formation, Nature, and Export of Weddell Sea Bottom Water using Noble Gases and Transient Tracers Weddell Sea Tracers 2008-09 2013-08
Oceanographic control and global distributions of subseafloor microbial life and activity Subseafloor Microbial Life 2008-09 2012-08
Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle: Identifying Cell-density Dependent Organic Carbon Degradation among Marine Bacteria in Sinking Particles Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle 2008-09 2011-08
The role of iron (Fe) in controlling in situ distributions and activities of marine Synechococcus Fe_Synechococcus 2008-09 2011-08
Structure, Function and Evolution of Authigenic, Methane-Derived Carbonate Ecosystems Authigenic Carbonate Ecosystems 2008-10 2012-09
Are abundant bacteria more active than rare bacteria in the Sargasso Sea? Active bacteria in surface waters 2008-10 2012-09
Collaborative Research: Regulation of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Mid-Atlantic Estuaries Subject to Climatic Perturbations climate_phyto_estuaries 2008-10 2013-09
Using thermocouple arrays to investigate temporal and spatial microbial colonization in actively forming hydrothermal vent deposits Microbe colonization in hydrothermal vents 2008-10 2012-12
Application of a novel geochemical approach to the alkalinity anomaly method of estimating coral reef calcification rates: implications of ocean acidification Implications of Ocean Acidification 2008-10 2012-09
LIDAR Studies of Lateral Dispersion in the Seasonal Pycnocline LatMix 2008-11 2011-10
Microbial Initiative in Low Oxygen areas off Concepción and Oregon MI-LOCO 2009-01 2011-09
Costa Rica Dome FLUx and Zinc Experiments CRD FLUZiE 2009-01 2013-12
Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems ADIMA 2009-02 2015-09
Physiology and Biogeochemistry of Repeatedly Bleached and Recovering Caribbean Corals repeat coral bleaching 2009-02 2013-01
Pickled Protists or Community Uniquely Adapted to Hypersalinity? Pickled Protists 2009-02 2012-03
Exploring the adaptation and acclimatization potentials of tropical reef corals to Global Climate Change coral climate adaptation 2009-03 2014-02
Long-term and interactive effects of seaweed diversity and herbivory on intertidal community structure and functioning Intertidal Diversity 2009-03 2014-02
Larval Response to Turbulence During Dispersal and Settlement Larvae in turbulence 2009-03 2015-02
Mechanisms controlling the production and fate of DOM during diatom blooms SBDOM 2009-04 2014-03
Collaborative Research: Rapid Response to a Submarine Eruption at W. Mata Volcano West Mata Volcano 2009-04 2011-03
Nonconsumptive predator effects in a pelagic community: an integrated laboratory, field and modeling approach LM-NCE 2009-05 2014-10
LTREB Long-term coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 1987-2019 St. John LTREB 2009-05 2014-04
Midwater animal models: Optical measurement of metabolic transitions in pelagic biota Optical Physiology 2009-06 2013-05
Community Phylogeny and Global Phylogeography of the Neuston Neuston Phylogeny 2009-06 2013-09
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Nitrogen-Cycling Microbial Communities Across Physicochemical Gradients in the San Francisco Bay Estuary N-Cycling Microbial Communities 2009-06 2015-05
Ecological Release and Resistance at Sea: Invasion of Atlantic Coral Reefs by Pacific Lionfish Lionfish Invasion 2009-06 2012-11
Implication of ANAMMOX community structure and microbial interactions in estuarine N removal processes Estuarine ANAMMOX 2009-06 2013-05
Dispersal and Life History Dynamics in Benthic Foraminifera Foram Dispersal 2009-06 2012-05
The Black Carbon Cycle: Budget and Fluxes of Black Carbon in South Atlantic Sediments Black Carbon Cycle 2009-07 2013-06
Effects of Marine Preserves on Rocky Subtidal Communities Subtidal Preserves 2009-07 2013-06
The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change Climate_Coral_Larvae 2009-07 2013-06
Oceanic diazotroph community structure and activities in a high carbon dioxide world DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 2009-07 2012-06
Canyon Krill Canyon Krill 2009-07 2013-07
Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition ASPIRE 2009-08 2012-01
Controlled, Agile, and Novel Observing Network CANON 2009-08
EAGER: Initiation of a pH/pCO2-sensing mooring platform on the Oregon coast EAGER 2009-08 2011-07
Bodega Ocean Acidification Research BOAR 2009-08 2013-07
Hypoxia and the ecology, behavior and physiology of jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas Jumbo Squid Physiology 2009-08 2013-07
Seasonal Evolution of Chemical and Biological Variability in the Ross Sea GOVARS 2009-08 2013-08
Collaborative Research: Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific N2 fixation ETSP 2009-08 2012-07
Iron limitation, carbon metabolism and siderophore production in marine bacteria - a systems biology approach Iron regulation in Vibrio 2009-08 2013-07
Changing Phytoplankton Trace Metal Requirements in a High CO2 Ocean PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 2009-08 2012-07
Decadal Variation in Antarctic Marine Benthic Ecosystems McMurdo Marine Benthos 2009-08 2013-09
Influence of Temperature and Acidification on the Dynamics of Coral Co-Infection and Resistance Climate_CoralDisease 2009-08 2012-07
Connectivity of disease in marine Ecosystems: multi-scale dynamics of a viral disease infecting caribbean spiny lobster Lobster disease connectivity 2009-09 2013-08
Collaborative Research: Degrading offshore permafrost as a source of methane on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf East Siberian Arctic Shelf 2009-09 2014-08
Does competition for nitrogen between autotrophs and heterotrophs control carbon fluxes in the western coastal Arctic? ArcticNITRO 2009-09 2012-08
Significance of metabolic interactions of diatom-diazotrophic associations (DDAs) for ocean ecosystems DDA Metabolic Interactions 2009-09 2014-08
Will Ocean Acidification Diminish Particle Aggregation and Mineral Scavenging, Thus Weakening the Biological Pump? OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation 2009-09 2012-08
Phytoplankton Traits, Functional Groups and Community Organization: A Synthesis Phytoplankton Traits 2009-09 2015-08
Sources and Sinks of Stoichiometrically Imbalanced Nitrate in the Laurentian Great Lakes SINC 2009-09 2013-08
A Matter of Life or Death? Assessing the physiological roles of PCD-related genes to stress adaptation in diatoms Diatom PCD genes 2009-09 2013-08
Prochlorococcus and its contribution to new production in the Sargasso Sea Nitrogen uptake in Prochlorococcus 2009-09 2014-08
MRI: Acquisition of Stable Isotope Instrumentation for the Biogeosciences at Princeton University stable isotope instrumentation 2009-09 2012-08
The Role of Regenerated Nitrogen for Rocky Shore Productivity Regenerated Nitrogen 2009-09 2013-08
