
Project Acronym Start Datesort descending End Date
Quantifying larval behavior to reconcile genetic connectivity with biophysical model predictions PLDvFST 2011-09 2016-07
Climate Change and Biogeography: Effects of Extreme Events EUROWINTER2 2011-09 2014-08
Feeding by the ciliated larvae of marine invertebrates: effects of diverse particle capture mechanisms on feeding performance Ciliated Larvae Feeding 2011-10 2015-09
Identification of Diagnostic Markers of Diapause Preparation in the Copepod Calanus finmarchicus Calanus_Diapause 2011-10 2015-09
Pattern and Process in Marine Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, and Effects of Human Impacts Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity 2011-10 2015-09
Collaborative Research: Iron Regulation of the Food Quality of Phytoplankton In Acidified Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems Iron Regulation Phyto Food Quality 2011-10 2015-09
Waterborne chemical cues in the plankton: a systems biology approach Plankton Chemical Cues 2011-10 2015-09
The Use of Nitrogen Isotopes of Amino Acids To Understand Marine Sedimentary 15N Records Amino Acid Sediment 15N 2011-10 2016-09
An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents 2011-10 2014-09
Environmental Variability, Functional Redundancy, and the Maintenance of Ecological Processes: Experiments in a Model Ecosystem Experiments in a Model Ecosystem 2012-01 2014-12
The relationship between microbial biogeography and ocean chemistry across a persistent oceanographic "hot spot" in the NE Pacific Ocean GeoMICS Chem 2012-01 2013-12
Understanding the Role of Picocyanobacteria in the Marine Silicate Cycle Si_in_Syn 2012-01 2015-12
Functional diversity of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton and their contributions to the C and N cycling DimBio NABE 2012-01 2015-12
Characterizing biological function across a persistent oceanographic "hotspot" in the NE Pacific Ocean GeoMICS Bio 2012-01 2012-12
Nitrate Assimilation and the Ecology of Prochlorococcus: Features and Implications of Intraspecific Diversity in a Model Marine Phototroph Prochloro_ecology 2012-02 2016-01
TRacing the fate of Algal Carbon Export in the Ross Sea TRACERS 2012-02 2015-06
Quantifying the importance of biological factors in the estimation of larval connectivity and population dynamics in the coastal ocean larval connectivity 2012-02 2016-01
The role of soluble Mn(III) in the biogeochemical coupling of the Mn, Fe and sulfur cycles Soluble ManganeseIII 2012-02 2016-01
Investigate a novel way of light harvesting by marine phytoplankton: proton-pump rhodopsin in dinoflagellates DinoRhodopsin 2012-02 2015-01
Enumeration of microbial cells in sediments from the Mediterranean Sea Microb Cells Med Sea 2012-02 2012-03
A phylogenetic and functional understanding of microbial sulfur cycling in oxygen minimum zones OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling 2012-02 2017-01
Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in the Deep Atlantic Ocean Deep Atlantic DOM 2012-02 2015-01
Influence of organism-scale turbulence on the predatory impacts of a suite of cnidarian medusae jellyfish predation in turbulence 2012-03 2016-02
Interacting Effects of Local Demography and Larval Connectivity on Estuarine Metapopulation Dynamics EstuarineMetaDyn 2012-03 2016-02
Microbial Interactions with Marine Plastic Debris: Diversity, Function and Fate Plastisphere 2012-03 2015-02
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) transformations in deep sub-surface sediments and its role as a source of "old" DOC to the water column DOC cycling in sediments 2012-03 2017-02
Marine biopolymers as tracers of major biogeochemical processes: Using proteomics and antibody-sensor technology RuBisCO at Line P 2012-03 2015-02
A novel approach for evaluating temporal and spatial changes in trophic structure of the mesopelagic eastern Pacific Sperm Whale SI Ratios 2012-03 2016-02
Natural Laboratories in the Chilean Fjords: Studying Reproduction and Development in Emergent Deep-Sea Corals ChileDeepCoral 2012-03 2014-03
Group-Specific Diatom Silica Production in a Coastal Upwelling System Diatom Group Si Prod 2012-04 2016-03
RAPID: Effect of a Very Low NAO Event on the Abundance of the Lipid-Rich Planktonic Copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, in the Gulf of Maine GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 2012-04 2014-03
Developing a model for transmission of an infectious disease of marine sponges Sponge Disease Model 2012-04 2015-03
Determining the Field Metabolic Rate of Marine Predators: Integrating Accelerometry and Respirometry to Bridge the Gap Between the Laboratory and the Field Shark Metabolic Rate 2012-04 2016-03
RAPID Response to an extreme low ice year on Lake Erie Lake Erie Ice 2012-04 2014-03
Buried alive: Microbial responses to sediment flux with implications for the deep biosphere Buried Alive 2012-04 2014-03
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey: Monitoring the Plankton of the North Atlantic CPR Plankton Survey 2012-04 2027-04
The Variable and Changing Carbonate Chemistry of the Southern Ocean SO Carb Chem Change 2012-04 2017-03
Primary productivity in young, oxic oceanic crust: rates of activity and autotrophic groups in subsurface and seafloor-exposed basalts from North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge Basalt carbon fixation 2012-04 2013-09
Establishing baselines for nearshore marine ecosystems by examining sea otter trophic variation over 5,000 years of climatic and anthropogenic change Sea Otter Trophic Variation 2012-05 2015-04
Constraints on microbial biogeography in hydrothermally active sediments of Guaymas Basin: Energetic limits, physical stressors, and upward compression of metabolic zones Microbial Biogeo Guaymas 2012-05 2014-06
RAPID: High-resolution sampling of plankton taxa, marine snow, and environmental variables across the north Atlantic subpolar gyre Transatlantic VPR Survey 2012-05 2013-04
Collaborative Research: Autonomous Lagrangian Floats for Oxygen Minimum Zone Biogeochemistry OMZ Biogeochemistry Floats 2012-06 2018-05
Acidification of the Coastal Ocean: Are deep waters of the Gulf of Maine already corrosive to pteropods? GoME OA Pteropods 2012-06 2014-06
Modeling how virus-microbe interactions influence carbon flow at a deep-sea volcano MMI Axial Seamount Subseafloor Life 2012-06 2016-12
A Device for In Situ Calibration of Oxygen Sensors In Situ Cal O2 Sensors 2012-06 2016-05
Are coral diseases contagious? Contagious coral diseases? 2012-06 2016-05
U.S. GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect (GP16) U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT 2012-06 2015-06
Consequences of hypoxia on food web linkages in a pelagic marine ecosystem PelagicHypoxia 2012-06 2016-05
Working around drilling contamination in deep cores: Costa Rica Margin Costa Rica Margin Microbes 2012-06 2014-05
Can Raman spectroscopy be used as a high-accuracy method to identify bivalve larvae? Raman Spec Bivalves 2012-07 2014-06
Ecological & genetic recovery from a massive invertebrate die-off along the central coast of California CHIPS 2012-07 2015-06
Genomic analyses and microbial cultivations in unexplored sub-seafloor ridge flank and continental margin environments Subseafloor Microbial Ecology 2012-07 2014-06
Ecology of microbial mats at seamount associated Fe-rich hydrothermal vent systems Ecology of Vent Mats 2012-07 2017-12
CNH: Enhancing Resilience of Coastal Ecosystems and Human Communities to Oceanographic Variability: Social and Ecological Feedbacks CNH-Baja Pacific 2012-07 2013-05
Diversity and dynamics of planktonic ciliates - what can next-generation sequencing technologies tell us? CiliateSequencing 2012-07 2015-08
RCN: Evaluating the Impacts of a Changing Ocean on Management and Ecology of Infectious Marine Disease Marine Disease Ecology 2012-07 2019-06
Quantifying the Photochemical Reactivity of Deep Ocean Water DORC PhotoChem 2012-08 2018-07
Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight SoCalPlumeEx2012 2012-08 2014-07
Ocean Acidification in the Canada Basin: Roles of Sea Ice OA - Canada Basin 2012-08 2015-07
Selecting and Applying an Inverse Method to Infer Particle Dynamics from GEOTRACES Data GEOTRACES Particle Dynamics 2012-08 2016-07
IODP Expedition 336 Objective Research: The deep biosphere of young and oxic oceanic crust North Pond basalts 2012-08 2015-07
Ocean Acidification: Effects on Morphology and Mineralogy in Otoliths of Larval Reef Fish OA-OTO MIN 2012-08 2015-07
Identifying and quantifying new markers of microbially mediated nutrient flow in the ocean Microbial metabolites 2012-08 2015-08
Mechanisms and Consequences of Fish Biodiversity Loss on Atlantic Coral Reefs Caused by Invasive Pacific Lionfish BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish 2012-08 2016-07
Ecology of eukaryote microbes in the deep North Atlantic Eukaryote Microbes NAtl 2012-08 2016-07
Effects of ocean acidification on Emiliania huxleyi and Calanus finmarchicus; insights into the oceanic alkalinity and biological carbon pumps OA_Copes_Coccoliths 2012-08 2015-07
Understanding the Effects of Complex Phage-Bacteria Infection Networks on Marine Ecosystems Phage-Bacteria-Nets 2012-08 2016-07
GEOTRACES Pacific Section: Surface Sampling with the GeoFish and Dissolved Trace Metals on the Peru to East Pacific Rise Section EPZT trace metals 2012-08 2016-01
Physiological Mechanisms for CO2-sensing and Related Intracellular Signaling Pathways in Corals Coral CO2 Sensing 2012-08 2016-07
Biodiversity, connectivity and ecosystem function in organic-rich whale-bone and wood-fall habitats in the deep sea BOWLS 2012-09 2016-08
Toward Predicting the Impact of Ocean Acidification on Net Calcification by a Broad Range of Coral Reef Ecosystems: Identifying Patterns and Underlying Causes Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact 2012-09 2015-08
GEOTRACES - 210Po and 210Pb distribution at Eastern Pacific Interface Regimes GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb 2012-09 2017-08
Sample Analysis to Test a Novel Method of Determining Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements to the Ocean/Ice System of the Arctic Be-7 Tracer Method 2012-09 2015-08
Repeat Observations by Gliders in the Equatorial Region ROGER 2012-09 2016-08
The role of the sensory environment and predator chemical signal properties in determining NCE strength in cascading interactions on oyster reefs SensoryNCE 2012-09 2016-08
Ocean Acidification: The Influence of Ocean Acidification and Rising Temperature on Phytoplankton Proteome Composition Phytoplankton Proteome Composition 2012-09 2016-08
The Drive to Survive: Copepods vs Ichthyoplankton PreyEscape 2012-09 2016-08
Penguin Foraging Reveals Phytoplankton Spatial Structure in the Ross Sea Penguin Glider 2012-09 2015-08
Collaborative Research: Exploring the Vulnerability of Southern Ocean Pinnipeds to Climate Change - An Integrated Approach Southern Ocean Pinnipeds 2012-09 2017-08
Tempo and mode of salt marsh exchange GrovesCreek 2012-09 2016-08
US GEOTRACES Pacific: Measuring the d13C-DIC distribution and quantifying the impact of organic matter export on d13C, nutrients and trace metals EPZT d13C-DIC 2012-09 2016-08
Physiological and genetic responses of the deep-water coral, Lophelia pertusa, to ongoing ocean acidification in the Gulf of Mexico Lophelia OA 2012-09 2015-08
Phaeocystis antarctica adaptive responses in the Antarctic ecosystem PHANTASTIC 2012-09 2015-08
The effect of inbreeding on metapopulation dynamics of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera KelpInbreedMetaPop 2012-09 2016-08
Collaborative Research: Seasonal bloom dynamics: Synechococcus-grazer interactions as a model system Syn-Grazer 2012-09 2017-08
Role of Organic Matter in Determining the Solubility of Atmospherically-Delivered Iron GEOTRACES Aerosol OM 2012-09 2015-08
Eutrophication Effects on Sediment Metabolism and Benthic Algal-bacterial Coupling: An Application of Novel Techniques in a LTER Estuary Benthic_PP_at_TIDE 2012-09 2015-08
Fundamental Coral-Microbial Associations Coral Microbial Relationships 2012-09 2016-08
US GEOTRACES Pacific Section-Shipboard Al, Mn and Fe EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe 2012-09 2017-08
Ocean Acidification: Collaborative Research: Investigation of seawater CO2 system thermodynamics under high pCO2 conditions High pCO2 Thermodynamics 2012-09 2018-03
Characterizing a refractory DOC sink in the deep northern North Pacific North Pacific RDOC 2012-09 2015-08
GEOTRACES Pacific section: Dissolved Fe, Cd, and Zn isotopes EPZT Diss Fe Zn Cd 2012-09 2017-07
Can you hear me now? Estuarine soundscapes and their role in larval settlement Larval settlement soundscapes 2012-09 2016-08
Nitrogen isotopic (d15N) composition of carbonate-bound organic nitrogen in Deep Sea Corals: A new, high resolution proxy for N cycle studies DeepSeaCoralNitrogen 2012-09 2016-08
The Microbial Carbon Pump and Bacterial Carbon Sequestration in the Ocean MCP 2012-09 2016-08
Ocean's dark energy: Global inventory of chemoautotrophs in the aphotic realm Dark ocean chemoautotrophs 2012-09 2015-08
Ocean Acidification - Collaborative Research: Measuring the kinetics of CaCO3 dissolution in seawater using novel isotope labeling, laboratory experiments, and in situ experiments CaCO3 dissolution 2012-09 2017-08
Connecting genetic diversity to ecosystem functioning: links between genetic diversity, relatedness and trait variation in a seagrass community Genetic Div to Ecosys Functioning 2012-09 2016-08
The Ocean Nitrogen Imbalance Paradox: Environmental Controls on the Denitrification Isotope Effect 15N2 Contamination 2012-09 2015-08
Establishing The Magnitude Of Sea-Surface Acidification During The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum OA_Paleocene-Eocene 2012-09 2015-08
