/globec/gb/chloro_bottle_ctd_join --cruiseid eq AL9506-- Level 1

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        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#   Bottle data from Dave Mountain and Maureen Taylor
#      EN278 & EN276 Chlorophyll Data revised Jul 2005:
#       "now using ""old"" fluorometer calibrations 7/27/05"
#      (* means "from .PRE file")
cruiseid  year  
AL9506    1995  
cast  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat      lon       depth_w  depth  
1     06           05         2140        156.9028     40.9967  -68.9967  83       78     
2     06           06         0220        157.0972     40.6617  -69.02    69       65     
3     06           06         0545        157.2396     40.5333  -68.45    90       86     
4     06           06         1235        157.5243     41.0033  -68.2633  51       47     
5     06           06         1649        157.7007     40.8617  -68.0083  62       58     
6     06           06         2006        157.8375     40.6683  -67.765   78       74     
7     06           07         0042        158.0292     40.4517  -67.2983  296      201    
8     06           07         0750        158.3264     40.6917  -66.795   398      300    
9     06           07         1237        158.5257     40.8733  -67.05    90       82     
10    06           07         1530        158.6458     40.9783  -67.3233  76       73     
11    06           08         1416        159.5944     40.9783  -67.3233  75       72     
12    06           08         1802        159.7514     41.08    -67.6517  55       52     
13    06           08         2113        159.8840     41.2283  -67.9567  46       42     
14    06           09         0142        160.0708     41.4067  -67.555   31       28     
15    06           09         0924        160.3917     41.265   -67.165   55       51     
16    06           09         1229        160.5201     41.2017  -66.9517  70       65     
17    06           09         1629        160.6868     41.0417  -66.7133  80       75     
18    06           09         2003        160.8354     40.9167  -66.4783  600      200    
19    06           10         0512        161.2167     41.195   -66.4733  96       92     
20    06           10         0935        161.3993     41.4117  -66.7     83       81     
21    06           10         1733        161.7312     41.6017  -66.9817  60       57     
22    06           10         2132        161.8972     41.7383  -66.5233  77       72     
23    06           11         0103        162.0437     41.5367  -66.4033  90       84     
24    06           11         0557        162.2479     41.55    -66.0467  110      105    
25    06           11         1016        162.4278     41.805   -66.185   85       81     
26    06           11         1424        162.6000     42.045   -65.9483  175      172    
27    06           11         1518        162.6375     42.05    -65.945   180      173    
28    06           11         2144        162.9056     42.2367  -65.6767  200      162    
29    06           12         0558        163.2486     42.07    -66.4283  82       78     
30    06           12         1032        163.4389     41.96    -66.69    68       65     
31    06           12         1447        163.6160     42.0967  -66.8983  67       65     
32    06           12         1955        163.8299     42.2983  -66.8967  297      201    
33    06           13         0518        164.2208     42.3033  -67.18    280      15     
34    06           13         0810        164.3403     41.915   -67.2283  62       60     
35    06           13         1313        164.5507     42.0467  -67.645   94       89