/globec/gb/chloro_bottle_ctd_join --cruiseid eq EN263-- Level 1

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        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#   Bottle data from Dave Mountain and Maureen Taylor
#      EN278 & EN276 Chlorophyll Data revised Jul 2005:
#       "now using ""old"" fluorometer calibrations 7/27/05"
#      (* means "from .PRE file")
cruiseid  year  
EN263     1995  
cast  month_local  day_local  time_local  yrday_local  lat      lon       depth_w  depth  
1     03           13         2241        72.9451      41.0002  -68.9878  81       73     
2     03           14         0353        73.1618      40.6487  -68.987   68       56     
3     03           14         0824        73.3500      40.5317  -68.4483  90       83     
4     03           14         1819        73.7632      41.0017  -68.2517  52       47     
5     03           14         2213        73.9257      40.8517  -68.0017  60       55     
6     03           15         0120        74.0556      40.6683  -67.7667  72       67     
7     03           15         0610        74.2569      40.4517  -67.2983  300      202    
8     03           15         1220        74.5139      40.87    -67.0533  85       80     
9     03           15         1528        74.6444      40.965   -67.325   75       70     
10    03           15         1934        74.8153      41.0867  -67.6517  57       54     
11    03           15         2308        74.9639      41.2317  -67.9617  49       46     
12    03           16         0415        75.1771      41.4033  -67.5567  31       26     
13    03           16         0909        75.3812      41.2767  -67.17    52       50     
14    03           16         1255        75.5382      41.1967  -66.9517  65       61     
15    03           16         1606        75.6708      41.0317  -66.7     75       72     
16    03           16         1909        75.7979      40.921   -66.4517  800      199    
17    03           17         0103        76.0438      41.1983  -66.45    91       86     
18    03           17         0610        76.2569      41.41    -66.6983  80       75     
19    03           17         1328        76.5611      41.6     -66.98    59       54     
20    03           17         1830        76.7708      41.715   -66.5633  76       65     
21    03           17         2347        76.9910      41.5383  -66.3983  87       84     
22    03           18         0312        77.1333      41.5517  -66.0283  110      103    
23    03           18         0635        77.2743      41.7983  -66.1917  80       75     
24    03           18         0912        77.3833      41.8083  -66.205   82       81     
25    03           18         1310        77.5486      42.0483  -65.95    167      160    
26    03           18         1751        77.7438      42.2283  -65.6883  210      199    
27    03           18         1953        77.8285      42.2383  -65.7267  210      200    
28    03           19         0050        78.0347      42.065   -66.435   80       75     
29    03           19         0415        78.1771      41.9433  -66.6967  62       55     
30    03           19         0826        78.3514      42.0933  -66.8967  63       nd     
31    03           19         0850        78.3681      42.1183  -66.9217  64       61     
32    03           19         1102        78.4597      42.2983  -66.9017  295      202    
33    03           19         1255        78.5382      42.3433  -66.9367  290      200    
34    03           19         1641        78.6951      41.915   -67.235   50       49     
35    03           19         2135        78.8993      42.05    -67.6533  130      124    
36    03           20         0225        79.1007      41.7317  -67.68    40       37     
37    03           20         0605        79.2535      41.83    -67.9933  53       46     
38    03           20         0900        79.3750      41.85    -68.3017  216      202