/globec/gb/oc_shipdata --cruiseid eq OC303-- Level 1

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#  GLOBEC Georges Bank Cruises OCEANUS Shipboard Sensor Data
#  Cleaned and merged to 1 minute intervals (see Jim Manning for details)
#  Note: "Corrected" wind is questionable. Use Dick Payne's processed or NOAA buoy data as alternative.
cruiseid  year  ship  
OC303     1997  OC    
day_gmt  hr     mn     yrday0_gmt  lon         lat          temp_ss5   sal_ss3    cond_mM   temp_air  wind_vel_u  wind_vel_v  press_bar   radiation_s  wind_taux  wind_tauy  
7        0      0      126.0000    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.276     40.011    9.42      -2.84     -0.04     1006.56     0.30        -0.01     -0.00     
7        0      1      126.0007    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.276     40.014    9.41      -2.84     -0.04     1006.54     0.50        -0.01     -0.00     
7        0      2      126.0014    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.277     40.016    9.42      -2.34     1.18      1006.59     0.50        -0.01     0.00      
7        0      3      126.0021    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.274     40.014    9.40      2.21      0.87      1006.63     0.50        0.01      0.00      
7        0      4      126.0028    -70.6717    41.5234      16.36      31.277     40.017    9.40      -0.44     -2.34     1006.62     0.30        -0.00     -0.01     
7        0      5      126.0035    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.277     40.018    9.38      0.09      2.65      1006.64     0.20        0.00      0.01      
7        0      6      126.0042    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.276     40.018    9.37      2.91      -0.34     1006.63     0.20        0.01      -0.00     
7        0      7      126.0049    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.277     40.018    9.37      3.01      0.94      1006.50     0.10        0.01      0.00      
7        0      8      126.0056    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.275     40.018    9.36      -2.14     2.35      1006.57     0.00        -0.01     0.01      
7        0      9      126.0062    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.275     40.018    9.33      1.23      -2.32     1006.59     0.00        0.00      -0.01     
7        0      10     126.0069    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.277     40.020    9.33      -0.54     -2.60     1006.60     -0.10       -0.00     -0.01     
7        0      11     126.0076    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.276     40.020    9.36      -2.19     -0.05     1006.62     -0.10       -0.01     -0.00     
7        0      12     126.0083    -70.6717    41.5234      16.36      31.278     40.023    9.34      1.85      -0.73     1006.63     -0.20       0.00      -0.00     
7        0      13     126.0090    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.277     40.021    9.34      2.77      0.34      1006.66     -0.10       0.01      0.00      
7        0      14     126.0097    -70.6718    41.5234      16.36      31.276     40.022    9.32      -1.81     1.02      1006.62     -0.10       -0.01     0.00      
7        0      18     126.0125    -70.6718    41.5234      16.37      31.276     40.023    9.32      2.43      -0.54     1006.55     0.00        0.01      -0.00     
7        0      19     126.0132    -70.6717    41.5235      16.37      31.276     40.024    9.31      2.11      -1.50     1006.67     0.10        0.01      -0.01     
7        0      20     126.0139    -70.6718    41.5234      16.37      31.276     40.023    9.30      -1.75     1.31      1006.60     0.20        -0.01     0.00      
7        0      21     126.0146    -70.6718    41.5234      16.37      31.276     40.024    9.28      0.85      2.48      1006.62     0.00        0.00      0.01      
7        0      22     126.0153    -70.6718    41.5235      16.37      31.275     40.023    9.29      1.53      -1.87     1006.66     0.10        0.00      -0.01     
                [ ... truncating listing here]
                Full data listing