/globec/soglobec/zooabund_nbp --cruiseid eq NBP0104-- Level 1

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#     Zooplankton abundance based on taxa and life stages or size.
#     Southern Ocean MOCNESS species counts and abundance from the
#        N. B. Palmer 2001 and 2002 cruises.
#     Carin Ashjian, PI
#        versions:
#     111609: Replaced blank cel(ttw)th zeros where no animals were found. ected NBP0081023: Corrn1 depth_close,M4n1 depth_close, depth_mid and depth_interval (njc)
#     070820: Missing krill counts added (njc)
#     070816: Please note: the counts for euphausiids in NBP0103 and nal0104 are not correct.
#              Additional animals were counted that are not included in this data. (njc)
#     070807: Correction made to NBP0103 tow-1 net-3 samp_fraction_denom. Changed from 256 to 1.3333 (njc)
cruiseid  year  
NBP0104   2001  
station  tow  month_local  day_local  time_local  event         lat         lon         depth_w  region                yrday_local  
15       4    07           30         0949        NBP21201.014  -66.753     -70.1606    501      shelf_north-central   210.409      
17       5    07           31         2221        NBP21201.028  -67.0451    -69.1626    393      shelf_north-central   211.931      
35       9    08           08         0215        NBP22001.002  -67.896     -68.18      600      MB_north              219.094      
47       11   08           11         0918        NBP22301.010  -67.24445   -74.4211    2917     off-shelf             222.387      
63       13   08           17         2117        NBP22901.028  -68.2202    -72.94217   325      shelf_south-central   228.887      
87       14_15 08           21         1136        NBP23301.010  -69.243     -75.603     405      shelf_south           232.483      
87       14   08           21         1136        NBP23301.010  -69.243     -75.603     405      shelf_south           232.483      
87       15   08           21         1136        NBP23301.010  -69.243     -75.603     405      shelf_south           232.483      
4        17   08           26         0306        NBP23701.022  -66.189     -69.104     346      shelf_north           237.129