/jgofs/arabian/ttn-050/aggregates ---- Level 0

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#  version January 26, 1999
#  Ian Walsh & Wilf Gardner
#  Aggregates with equivalent spherical diameters greater than .5 mm
#  Thomas Thompson,  Arabian Sea cruise ttn-050
event     sta  sta_std  cast  
08220620  6    N6       2     
08260547  11   N11      5     
08290805  13   S15      6     
08300317  13   S15      7     
08310300  15   S13      8     
09021620  17   S11      10    
09031450  19   S9       11    
09051140  21   S7       13    
09060140  21   S7       14    
09080915  24   S4       15    
09082317  24   S4       16    
09091620  25   S3       17    
09110922  26   S2       18    
09120154  26   S2       19    
09121523  27   S1       20    
09121925  28   nd       21    
09131855  31   nd       23