/jgofs/arabian/ttn-053/N15_uptake ---- Level 0

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#    version June 30, 1997
#    James J. McCarthy
#    Thomas Thompson process cruise 6, Arabian Sea, TTN-053
#    N-15 uptake rate profile data
#    Due to the strong diel patterns in nitrogen uptake and the resulting
#    possible misinterpretation of these profile data through simple integration
#    and daily multipliers, the user community is directed to the areal summary
#    data file.
event     sta  sta_std  cast  
10300007  2    nd       2     
10301547  3    nd       2     
10310733  5    nd       3     
11010052  6    nd       1     
11011819  7    nd       1     
11020615  7    nd       7     
11030030  7    nd       16    
11030818  8    N2       2     
11040804  9    N4       2     
11041516  9    N4       5     
11051717  10   N7       2     
11060528  10   N7       8     
11062255  10   N7       18    
11091524  13   S15      4     
11100103  13   S15      8     
11100636  13   S15      11    
11110806  14   S13      3     
11111335  14   S13      5     
11120800  15   S11      2     
11121628  15   S11      6     
11130103  15   S11      10    
11132345  16   S9       1     
11140710  16   S9       4     
11151456  18   S4       2     
11160055  18   S4       7     
11160756  18   S4       10    
11171633  20   S1       3     
11180128  20   S1       7     
11180754  20   S1       11    
11190258  21   nd       1     
11190727  21   nd       3     
11191601  22   nd       2     
11200059  22   nd       6     
11200759  22   nd       9     
11210206  23   nd       1     
11210630  23   nd       3     
11211629  24   nd       2     
11230104  25   nd       3