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#  version August 2, 1995
#  William Broenkow
#  R/V Endeavor Cruise 198
#  North Atlantic Bloom Experiment
#  Collated optics/CTD profile with LiCor instrument # 3 (MEAN VALUES)
#  Vertical profiles of PAR, upwelled blue and green irradiance with CTD data
#  Ref:  JGOFS North Atlantic Bloom long track and vertical profiling results.
#         W.W. Broenkow, R.E. Reaves and M.A. Yarbrough  MLML Tech Pub 90-1.
sta  cast  event     lat      lon       par_ei_norm  depth_cast  
3    5     06301100  59.5283  -20.9350  1627.02      100         
4    6     07011337  59.5100  -20.8383  358.15       60          
5    8     07021340  59.4967  -20.8550  791.35       60          
6    7     07031300  59.4900  -20.9833  523.04       60          
7    5     07041215  59.4917  -20.9733  1724.41      60