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#  version December 14, 1994
#   minor correction April 12, 2000 event 02270557 -> 05270557
#  Steve Fitzwater and John Martin, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
#  Primary productivity 
#  Atlantis II cruise 119 leg 5
#  The primary productivity values are means of two to three samples.
#  For sta 27, event 05200530 the productivity array was left out for
#  2 days because of storm.
#  sta = station number from event log
#  event = event number, a unique number assigned to each sampling operation,
#          consisting of month, day, hour, minutes  
#  date = date reported as MMDDYY                                 
#  pp_int = intergated productivity, units = mgC/m^2/day
#  depth = sample depth, units = meters
#  pp = primary productivity, units mgC/m^3/day 
sta  event     date      pp_int  
25   05180526  19890518  1173    
27   05200530  19890520  712     
30   05230615  19890523  1562    
32   05250625  19890525  876     
34   05270557  19890527  658     
36   05290415  19890529  1230    
38   05310600  19890531  1259    
60   06060600  19890606  856