/jgofs/nabe/atlantisII/trace_metals ---- Level 0

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#  version:         January 2, 2002
#  PI:              John Martin and Mike Gordon
#  of:              Moss Landing Marine Laboratory
#  dataset:         Trace metals, water column, 47N 20W
#  project/cruise:  NABE/cruise 119 leg 5, 5/15/89 - 6/8/89
#  ship:            R/V Atlantis II
#   DMO note:  These data are reported as a summary at 47N 20W
lat_n  lon_n  depth_n  Cd_diss_lt0d4  Co_diss_lt0d4  Cu_diss_lt0d4  Fe_diss_lt0d4  Fe_part_gt0d4_refrac  Mn_diss_lt0d4  Ni_diss_lt0d4  Pb_diss_lt0d4  Zn_diss_lt0d4  
47     -20    20       7.5            22             0.83           0.07           1.08                  0.62           2.17           115            nd             
47     -20    40       23             26             0.90           0.19           0.30                  0.82           2.55           122            0.15           
47     -20    75       60             44             0.99           0.23           0.77                  0.58           3.14           nd             0.41           
47     -20    100      67             nd             1.00           0.17           0.53                  0.82           nd             119            0.44           
47     -20    150      74             41             0.96           0.26           0.41                  0.70           3.02           108            0.58           
47     -20    200      89             44             0.98           nd             0.52                  0.60           3.12           nd             0.41           
47     -20    300      82             nd             1.02           0.25           nd                    0.81           nd             104            0.51           
47     -20    400      100            50             1.04           0.29           nd                    0.86           3.48           93             0.36           
47     -20    500      130            56             1.08           0.28           nd                    0.50           3.66           112            0.68           
47     -20    600      156            42             1.08           0.34           nd                    0.33           3.59           116            1.06           
47     -20    800      206            42             1.15           0.56           nd                    0.32           3.92           112            1.62           
47     -20    900      196            52             1.15           0.53           nd                    0.37           nd             94             1.57           
47     -20    950      206            42             1.15           0.55           nd                    0.27           3.94           98             1.76           
47     -20    1100     196            52             1.18           nd             nd                    0.18           3.92           99             1.83           
47     -20    1500     216            53             1.26           nd             nd                    0.32           3.66           nd             nd             
47     -20    2000     195            50             1.29           0.53           nd                    0.36           3.87           65             1.44           
47     -20    2500     225            43             1.49           0.59           nd                    0.31           4.14           59             1.69           
47     -20    2900     248            30             1.85           0.64           nd                    0.24           4.81           34             1.98