/jgofs/nabe/atlantisII/grazing --event>=05181743-- Level 0

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#  version December 05, 1994
#  Hans Dam
#  Mesozooplankton weight-specific ingestion rates
#  Atlantis II cruise 119 legs 4 & 5
#  Rates are the means of two pseudoreplicates (subsamples
#  from one tow).  For details see Dam et al. (1993, Deep-Sea
#  Res. II, 40: 197-212). 
#  Collections were made immediately after tows for biomass.
#  sta = station number from event log
#  cast = cast/operation number within station from event log
#  event = event number a composite of month, day and time reported as
#          MMDDHHMM, local time.
#  Note:  The reporting of plankton tow events was inconsistent, event numbers
#         may reference a single tow or a series of tows.  Use caution in a 
# 	 merging of data from different sources.
#  sizefrac = size fraction/interval of organisms analysed, units = mm
#  C_ingest = carbon ingestion rate, units = mg Carbon ingested/(mg body
#             carbon) hour
#  nd = no data
year  event     sta  cast  
1989  05181743  25   13    
1989  05182340  25   15    
1989  05201402  27   08    
1989  05231315  30   09    
1989  05240036  31   01    
1989  05241300  31   10    
1989  05271300  34   09    
1989  05272330  34   13    
1989  05291300  36   09    
1989  05292315  36   13    
1989  05311300  38   09    
1989  05312300  38   12