/jgofs/eqpac/rad_sed_trap ---- Level 0

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

 - At level 0 -  Level 1 (of 1)      Flat list

#  version  April 22, 2002
#  PI:              Bob Anderson
#  of:              Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
#  dataset:         Radionuclides, moored sediment trap samples
#  project/cruise:  EqPac/Eqpac-1, Mooring Deployment 
#  ship:            R/V Wecoma
#  Notes:
#  Due to the the nature of this file, the standard suite of graphical
#  applications will not function properly.
#  Note that within each mooring there can be several samples
#  at a given depth but with different cup sampling dates.
sta_name  lat_n  lon_n  
9North    9      -140   
5North    5      -140   
2North    2      -139   
Equator   0      -140   
2South    -2     -140   
5South    -5     -140   
12South   -12    -135