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#  version March 6, 1995
#  James J. McCarthy
#  Thomas Thompson cruise TT007, Transect Cruise #1
#  Integrated (1% Io) daily N-15 uptake rates and F ratio
sta  lat_n  lon_n  pNO2  pNO3  pNH4  f     
1    12     -140   nd    0.6   3.57  nd    
2    9      -140   0.2   0.37  3.53  0.09  
3    7      -140   0.22  0.44  2.81  0.13  
4    5      -140   0.29  0.71  3.98  0.14  
5    3      -140   0.12  0.77  5.94  0.11  
6    2      -140   0.22  1.13  6.56  0.14  
7    1      -140   0.05  0.44  7.14  0.06  
8    0      -140   0.1   0.48  6.81  0.06  
9    -1     -140   0.04  0.58  5.04  0.1   
10   -2     -140   0.06  0.97  6.43  0.13  
12   -5     -140   0.06  0.76  6.08  0.11  
15   -12    -135   0.43  0.56  4.43  0.17