/jgofs/eqpac/tt007/lipids ---- Level 0

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#  version December 4, 1995
#  Stuart Wakeham, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Univ. Georgia
#  Neutral Lipid fluxes, Indented Rotary Sphere (IRS) Floating Sediment Traps
#  Thomas Thompson cruise TT007 to the Equatorial Pacific
#  Note due to the nature of this data set the standard suite of data
#  manipulative tools (plot/other options) on the JGOFS Data System 
#  do not apply.
#  Neutral lipid names have been abbreviated and prefixed with (nl_).  This 
#  prefix must be ignored when deciphering the true neutral lipid name.  See 
#  meta data file for the list of full lipid names.
#  The field labels n12 thru s12 are nominal latitudes for trap deployments
#  along 140 west.
neutral_lipids       n12     n7     n5      n2       n1      eq      s1      s2      s5      s12     
nl_14ROH             7200    780    1900    5900     3400    2500    2000    1000    2300    3400    
nl_2-6-10-TMP-one    0       nd     0       0        0       nd      nd      nd      nd      0       
nl_15ROH             2170    550    1600    4200     2240    3100    3400    1260    1700    2100    
nl_16ROH             50680   10400  45000   11500    46800   42000   31100   20600   32800   41400   
nl_17ROH             2000    400    2300    800      1000    1500    1500    500     1700    2000    
nl_18ROH             5300    1560   5600    11600    6700    6500    7000    2900    3900    3500    
nl_phytol            3940    1100   9200    25000    17300   12000   10300   3200    2200    2000    
nl_19ROH             500     300    670     1000     1490    1100    1000    700     300     500     
nl_20:1ROH           0       0      0       0        0       0       2000    0       nd      nd      
nl_20ROH             820     660    1240    2700     3240    3000    0       800     1100    1000    
nl_21ROH             500     200    500     1000     0       1000    0       0       nd      nd      
nl_22:1ROH           0       0      120     0        0       0       0       0       nd      nd      
nl_22ROH             0       270    1300    2400     3000    2600    0       600     1000    500     
nl_23ROH             0       0      600     1000     0       800     0       0       nd      nd      
nl_27HC              0       0      0       0        0       0       0       0       nd      nd      
nl_24:1ROH           0       0      0       0        0       0       0       0       nd      nd      
nl_24ROH             0       300    1150    1900     3700    1500    0       400     400     500     
nl_28HC              0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_squalene          0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_25ROH             0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_29HC              0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_26ROH             0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_30HC              0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_27ROH             0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_31HC              0       0      0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_26(5-22)          5930    400    2100    5800     6500    3000    3068    1700    1200    2300    
nl_27-NOR-(5-22)     15600   1000   5740    16200    12400   8700    1000    5800    3700    4300    
nl_27(5-22)          73000   7200   52000   178000   119000  78500   68500   30500   34350   28000   
nl_27(22)            10500   900    5860    15000    8800    6200    6900    6300    5100    2700    
nl_28ROH             0       0      0       0        0       nd      nd      nd      nd      nd      
nl_27(5)             163000  23000  139000  257000   255000  194000  162000  95700   100000  82000   
nl_27(0)             13333   1300   11600   21000    15700   15100   13100   9700    8500    6000    
nl_bisnorhopane      nd      nd     nd      0        0       3000    3000    nd      nd      nd      
nl_27(5-24)          2500    1100   2440    23000    2300    0       nd      2000    1500    4000    
nl_28(5-22)          66000   7800   55000   183000   140400  87000   88000   32000   28000   25200   
nl_28(22)            11600   555    7900    19300    12400   8500    9200    8500    6700    4500    
nl_27(4-en-3-one)    0       0      0       0        nd      0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_28(5-24(28))      37600   4290   44200   181000   138000  97300   86500   19200   14700   10000   
nl_28(5)             4700    680    12000   19300    15000   10000   9700    5400    4550    3470    
nl_28(22)            10100   300    5100    10000    12000   4000    12000   4000    3100    2100    
nl_28-diol           nd      nd     0       0        0       0       0       nd      nd      nd      
nl_29(5-22)          9100    1488   8700    35000    26000   17000   18000   4600    4200    4800    
nl_DM-29(5-22)       1700    300    1700    4800     4000    3000    3000    1000    1000    900     
nl_29(5)             16900   2800   24900   85000    67000   42200   42500   12300   11360   7900    
nl_29(0)             3700    456    2700    6000     3800    3000    2000    2200    2100    1400    
nl_29(5-24(28))      3400    820    8860    38000    28000   28000   28000   4343    2700    2700    
nl_30(22)            2600    749    4130    7600     6000    4700    4000    1700    1300    300     
nl_29(5-24(28))      3230    700    5800    20000    12000   7100    56000   1960    1400    1900    
nl_30(0)             1340    300    800     2100     3500    2600    2200    950     500     500     
nl_30-diol           nd      nd     0       0        0       0       nd      nd      nd      nd      
nl_30-keto-ol        nd      nd     0       0        0       0       nd      nd      nd      nd      
nl_homohopane        nd      nd     0       0        0       0       nd      nd      nd      nd      
nl_37:2_alkenone     780     900    1000    9800     8400    3580    4900    450     220     nd      
nl_38:2_alkenone-et  300     250    400     3500     2000    800     1500    nd      nd      nd      
nl_38:2_alkenone-me  nd      nd     0       0        0       0       nd      nd      nd      nd      
TOTAL                530023  73808  473110  1209400  987070  704880  683368  282263  283580  251870