/jgofs/eqpac/tt008/log ---- Level 0

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#  version February 13, 2009
#  (original version February 22, 1994)
#  EqPac Operation log
#  Spring Time Series, R/V Thompson TT008
#  March 19 - April 15, 1992
#  Important note: Date and time reported in local Hawaii time (+10 time zone).
#                  140 W is geographically located in time zone +9.
#  year =  year of event in the form (YYYY); added by DMO February 2009
#  date =  date of event in the form (YYYYMMDD); 
#          date was added by the US JGOFS DMO in October 2002
#  event = A unique number assigned to each over the side sampling activity.
#          This number is a composite of date and time in the form
#          MMDDHHmm that indicates the starting time of the sampling activity.
#          (MMDDHHmm: where MM = month, DD = day, HH = hour, mm = minutes)
#          Generally, one event began as the preceding event ended.
#  sta =   Station. A unique number designating a general geographic location at
#          which a suite of sampling activities may occur; occupied sequentially
#          during the cruise
#  lat =   starting latitude for each event (negative = south) in decimal degrees
#  lon =   starting longitude for each event (negative = west) in decimal degrees
#  activity_and_comments = Identifies the sampling/data collection method; 
#            Sampling key:
#            TM:            Trace-Metal Clean Rosette
#            MLTM:          Moss Landing Trace Metal Sample
#            LAPS:          Large Aggregate Profiling System
#            Phyto_Mocness: Phytoplankton MOCNESS Tow
#  person = Name of the scientist(s) involved in the particular sampling event or
#          responsible for the resulting data.
#  090213. DMO changed longitude for event 04010712 from -132.9752 to -139.9752
#          no data reported from this event in the database
year  date      event     sta  lat       lon        person        activity_and_comments  
1992  19920319  03191500  1    -8.7858   -143.0025  Ducklow       CTD1_(400m)            
1992  19920319  03191614  1    -8.7667   -142.9967  Sanderson     TM1                    
1992  19920319  03191616  1    -8.7667   -142.9967  Hirschberg    Surf_Th_Pumping        
1992  19920319  03191902  2    -8.5167   -142.7833  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920320  03201627  3    -4.9137   -139.9550  Sanderson     TM2                    
1992  19920320  03201700  3    -4.9940   -140.0058  Ducklow       CTD2_(400m)            
1992  19920320  03201800  3    -4.9895   -140.0090  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920320  03202034  3    -4.9718   -140.0167  Walsh         Video_camera_(LAPS)    
1992  19920321  03211119  4    -2.0013   -140.0025  Streib        CTD3_(400m)            
1992  19920321  03211230  4    -2.0100   -140.0262  Dam           Plankton_Tow           
1992  19920321  03211324  4    -2.0138   -140.0485  Urban         Plankton_Tow           
1992  19920321  03211400  4    -2.0178   -140.0717  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920321  03211540  4    -2.0000   -140.0000  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920321  03211637  4    -2.0295   -140.1103  Dam           Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920321  03211744  4    -2.0172   -140.1162  Walsh         CTD4_(no_samples)      
1992  19920321  03211830  4    -2.0202   -140.1278  Walsh         CTD4A_(4000m)          
1992  19920321  03212144  4    -2.0188   -140.1502  Asper         Aggregate_Camera       
1992  19920322  03220450  4    -1.9500   -140.1902  Sanderson     TM-3                   
1992  19920322  03220545  4    -1.9703   -140.1323  Hammar        Insitu_pumps_#1        
1992  19920323  03230415  5    -.0117    -139.9950  Sanderson     TM-4_(no_good)         
1992  19920323  03230450  5    -.0133    -139.9950  Sanderson     TM-4A                  
1992  19920323  03230530  5    -.0145    -139.9957  Tracy         CTD-5_(400m)           
1992  19920323  03230630  5    -.0167    -139.9967  Sanderson     Deploy_Prod_Array      
1992  19920323  03230725  5    -.0192    -140.0000  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920323  03230855  5    -.0195    -140.0078  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920323  03231000  5    -.0213    -140.0078  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920323  03231030  5    -.0227    -140.0078  Postel        Deploy_drifter#11957   
1992  19920323  03231047  5    -.0230    -140.0017  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920323  03231215  5    -.0667    -140.0667  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920323  03231253  5    -.0523    -140.0633  Ducklow       TM-5                   
1992  19920323  03231342  5    -.0258    -140.0473  Ducklow       TM-6                   
1992  19920323  03231424  5    .0017     -140.0392  Walsh         CTD-6_(1000m)          
1992  19920323  03231725  5    .0117     -140.0183  Christian     CTD-7_(400m)           
1992  19920323  03231912  5    -.0618    -140.0905  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920323  03232020  5    -.0687    -140.0792  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920323  03232130  5    -.0685    -140.0760  Dam           Plankton_tow           
1992  19920323  03232257  5    -.0793    -140.0807  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920324  03240300  5    -.1100    -140.0533  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920324  03240438  5    -.1227    -140.0452  Sanderson     TM-7                   
1992  19920324  03240510  5    .0000     -140.0000  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920324  03240954  5    .0372     -139.9855  Ducklow       TM-8                   
1992  19920324  03241052  5    .0338     -139.9855  Ducklow       TM-9                   
1992  19920324  03241120  5    .0320     -139.9873  Streib        CTD-8_(400m)           
1992  19920324  03241330  5    .0412     -140.0012  Hammar        Pump_#2                
1992  19920324  03242344  5    .0030     -139.9418  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920325  03250257  5    -.0033    -139.9190  Sanderson     TM-10_(no_good)        
1992  19920325  03250326  5    -.0042    -139.9157  Sanderson     TM-10A                 
1992  19920325  03250510  5    -.0025    -140.0000  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920325  03250525  5    -.0017    -139.9968  Tracy         CTD-9_(400m)           
1992  19920325  03250614  5    -.0007    -139.9973  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920325  03250800  5    .0027     -139.9987  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920325  03250928  5    .0063     -139.9890  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920325  03251050  5    -.0075    -139.9818  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920325  03251124  5    .0082     -139.9655  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920325  03251215  5    .0083     -139.9633  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920325  03251254  5    .0068     -139.9597  Ducklow       TM-11                  
1992  19920325  03251344  5    .0077     -139.9573  Ducklow       TM-12                  
1992  19920325  03251403  5    .0080     -139.9583  Walsh         CTD-10_(1000m)         
1992  19920325  03251545  5    -.0023    -139.9913  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920325  03251639  5    .0053     -139.9950  Butler        Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920325  03251813  5    .0150     -139.9900  Christian     CTD-11A_(400m)         
1992  19920325  03251901  5    .0267     -139.9913  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920325  03252032  5    .0282     -139.9985  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920325  03252135  5    .0113     -140.0233  Dam           Plankton_tow           
1992  19920325  03252212  5    .0108     -140.0258  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920325  03252327  5    .0020     -140.0110  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920326  03260250  5    .0000     -140.0000  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920326  03260355  5    .0000     -140.0000  Sanderson     TM-13_(no_good)        
1992  19920326  03260430  5    .0008     -139.9998  Urban         Plankton_tows          
1992  19920326  03260512  5    .0002     -139.9958  Wheeler       CTD-12_(124m_prod)     
1992  19920326  03260620  5    .0040     -140.0053  Tracy         CTD-13_(400m)          
1992  19920326  03260830  5    .0623     -139.9550  Benbow        Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920326  03261111  5    .0963     -139.8675  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920326  03261215  5    .0948     -139.8590  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920326  03261300  5    .0945     -139.8548  Ducklow       TM-14                  
1992  19920326  03261315  5    .0967     -139.8540  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920326  03261342  5    .0987     -139.8528  Ducklow       TM-15                  
1992  19920326  03261406  5    .1008     -139.8530  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920326  03261422  5    .1018     -139.8528  Walsh         CTD-14_(4000m)         
1992  19920326  03261826  5    .1343     -139.8318  Dam           Plankton_tow           
1992  19920326  03261906  5    .1363     -139.8415  Benbow        Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920326  03262147  5    .1008     -139.9468  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920327  03270200  5    .0028     -139.9997  Sanderson     TM-16_(no_good)        
1992  19920327  03270230  5    .0062     -140.0010  Sanderson     TM-16A                 
1992  19920327  03270410  5    .0238     -139.9952  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920327  03270505  5    .0313     -139.9940  Streib        CTD-15_(400m)          
1992  19920327  03270600  5    .0267     -140.0117  Urban/Dam     Plankton_tows          
1992  19920327  03270810  5    .0190     -139.9982  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920327  03270908  5    .0053     -139.9882  Roman         Insitu_bottles         
1992  19920327  03271035  5    .0113     -139.9892  Roman         Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920327  03271200  5    .0372     -140.0138  Davis/Rhea    Optics                 
1992  19920327  03271246  5    .0377     -140.0117  Ducklow       TM-17                  
1992  19920327  03271331  5    .0555     -140.0117  Ducklow       TM-18                  
1992  19920327  03271353  5    .0383     -140.0117  Walsh         CTD-16_(1000m)         
1992  19920327  03271610  5    .0450     -140.0033  Davis         Optics_(aborted)       
1992  19920327  03271701  5    .0585     -140.0033  Christian     CTD-17_(400m)          
1992  19920327  03271800  5    .0682     -139.9938  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920327  03271936  5    .0770     -140.0153  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920327  03272055  5    .0460     -139.9987  Roman         Insitu_bottles         
1992  19920327  03272159  5    .0488     -139.9858  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920328  03280220  5    .0000     -140.0000  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920328  03280322  5    .0032     -140.0007  Sanderson     TM-19                  
1992  19920328  03280512  5    .0018     -140.0003  Streib        CTD-18_(400m)          
1992  19920328  03280612  5    .0067     -139.9883  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920328  03280705  5    .0113     -139.9858  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920328  03280842  5    .0232     -139.9683  Walsh         CTD-19_(1000m)         
1992  19920328  03280955  5    .0300     -139.9650  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920328  03281029  5    .0400     -139.9783  Ducklow       TM-20                  
1992  19920328  03281124  5    .0867     -140.0200  Ducklow       TM-21                  
1992  19920328  03281145  5    .0867     -139.8978  Hammar        Pump_#3                
1992  19920329  03290015  5    .1905     -139.7685  Walsh         LAPS                   
1992  19920329  03290345  5    -.0017    -139.9993  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920329  03290419  5    -.0028    -139.9922  Sanderson     TM-22                  
1992  19920329  03290435  5    -.0020    -139.9880  Fitzwater     MLTM-prim._prod        
1992  19920329  03290550  5    -.0020    -139.9722  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920329  03290610  5    -.0032    -139.9683  Tracy         CTD-20_(400m)          
1992  19920329  03290655  5    -.0007    -139.9648  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920329  03290810  5    -.0053    -139.9465  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920329  03290900  5    -.0060    -139.9355  Roman         Insitu_bottles         
1992  19920329  03291017  5    -.0083    -139.9355  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920329  03291235  5    .0050     -139.9417  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920329  03291308  5    .0050     -139.9367  Ducklow       TM-23                  
1992  19920329  03291342  5    .0033     -139.9305  Walsh         CTD-21_(1000m)         
1992  19920329  03291500  5    .0015     -139.9258  Fitzwater     TM-24(by_MLML-40m)     
1992  19920329  03291530  5    .0015     -139.9258  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920329  03291611  5    .0007     -139.9297  Dam           Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920329  03291710  5    .0003     -139.9660  Christian     CTD-22_(200m)          
1992  19920329  03291810  5    .0070     -139.9432  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920329  03291947  5    .0110     -139.9308  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920329  03292120  5    .0075     -139.9273  Roman         Insitu_bottles         
1992  19920329  03292213  5    .0042     -139.9170  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920330  03300150  5    .0000     -140.0000  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920330  03300303  5    .0003     -140.0007  Sanderson     TM-25                  
1992  19920330  03300328  5    .0018     -139.9942  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920330  03300503  5    .0020     -140.0162  Tracy         CTD-23_(200m)          
1992  19920330  03300612  5    .0098     -140.0098  Benbow        Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920330  03300954  5    -.0005    -140.0027  Roman         Deploy_drifter_#2436   
1992  19920330  03301003  5    .0000     -139.9983  Walsh         CTD-24_(1000m)         
1992  19920330  03301115  5    .0033     -139.9850  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920330  03301203  5    .0048     -139.9750  Ducklow       TM-26                  
1992  19920330  03301246  5    .0067     -139.9683  Ducklow       TM-27                  
1992  19920330  03301305  5    .0060     -139.9668  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920330  03301400  5    .0002     -139.9638  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920330  03302100  5    .0013     -140.0037  Benbow        Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920331  03310258  5    .0007     -139.9953  Sanderson     TM-28                  
1992  19920331  03310425  5    .0063     -139.9903  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920331  03310458  5    .0062     -139.9798  Streib        CTD-25_(400m)          
1992  19920331  03310600  5    .0015     -140.0225  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920331  03310740  5    .0067     -139.9900  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920331  03310840  5    .0148     -139.9813  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920331  03311001  5    -.0005    -139.9910  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920331  03311125  5    .0038     -140.0290  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920331  03311200  5    .0057     -140.0280  Ducklow       TM-29                  
1992  19920331  03311246  5    .0122     -140.0203  Ducklow       TM-30                  
1992  19920331  03311314  5    .0180     -140.0237  Walsh         CTD-26_(1000m)         
1992  19920331  03311455  5    .0282     -139.9372  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920331  03311709  5    .0893     -139.8972  Christian     CTD-27_(400m)          
1992  19920331  03311800  5    .0932     -139.8945  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920331  03311938  5    .0993     -139.8567  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920331  03312110  5    .1072     -139.8713  Roman         Insitu_bottles         
1992  19920331  03312213  5    .1133     -139.8575  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920401  04010135  5    .1380     -139.7775  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920401  04010306  5    .0008     -140.0028  Ondrusek      CTD-28_(400m)          
1992  19920401  04010350  5    .0050     -139.9983  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920401  04010430  5    .0080     -139.9897  Sanderson     TM-31                  
1992  19920401  04010450  5    .0087     -139.9850  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920401  04010536  5    .0002     -140.0025  Tracy         CTD-29_(400m)          
1992  19920401  04010612  5    .0015     -139.9867  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920401  04010712  5    .0053     -139.9752  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920401  04010804  5    -.0007    -139.9995  Roman         CTD-30_(400m)          
1992  19920401  04010900  5    .0002     -140.0000  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920401  04010930  5    .0010     -140.0010  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920401  04011058  5    .0000     -139.9997  Walsh         CTD-31_(400m)          
1992  19920401  04011205  5    .0002     -140.0000  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920401  04011246  5    .0092     -139.9945  Ducklow       TM-32                  
1992  19920401  04011333  5    .0127     -139.9928  Ducklow       TM-33                  
1992  19920401  04011408  5    .0007     -140.0027  Walsh         CTD-32_(400m)          
1992  19920401  04011450  5    .0060     -139.9972  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920401  04011600  5    .0083     -139.9867  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920401  04011700  5    -.0037    -139.9960  Christian     CTD-33_(400m)          
1992  19920401  04011905  5    .0003     -140.0018  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920401  04012003  5    .0017     -139.9985  Walsh         CTD-34_(400m)          
1992  19920401  04012047  5    .0072     -139.9887  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920401  04012230  5    .0023     -139.9925  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920401  04012303  5    .0003     -139.9987  Zettler       CTD-35_(400m)          
1992  19920402  04020030  5    -.0023    -139.9997  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920402  04020041  5    .0025     -139.9987  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920402  04020219  5    -.0018    -140.0000  Asper         CTD-36_(400m)          
1992  19920402  04020257  5    -.0025    -139.9932  Sanderson     TM-34                  
1992  19920402  04020440  5    -.0138    -139.9957  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920402  04020459  5    -.0012    -140.0007  Streib        CTD-37_(400m)          
1992  19920402  04020554  5    -.0052    -139.9960  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920402  04020805  5    .0085     -140.0030  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920402  04020917  5    .0052     -139.9942  Roman         Mocness                
1992  19920402  04021120  5    -.0213    -139.9617  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920402  04021204  5    -.0238    -139.9520  Ducklow       TM-35                  
1992  19920402  04021241  5    -.0240    -139.9500  Ducklow       TM-36                  
1992  19920402  04021331  5    -.0003    -140.0012  Walsh         CTD-38_(1000m)         
1992  19920402  04021515  5    .0075     -139.9957  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920402  04021544  5    .0047     -140.0078  Benbow        Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920402  04021700  5    -.0160    -139.9550  Christian     CTD-39_(400m)          
1992  19920402  04021802  5    .0207     -139.9457  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920402  04021959  5    -.0178    -139.8925  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920402  04022154  5    -.0147    -139.9058  Roman         Insitu_bottles         
1992  19920402  04022218  5    -.0150    -139.9065  Walsh         LAPS                   
1992  19920403  04030145  5    -.0005    -139.8223  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920403  04030306  5    -.0010    -140.0003  Sanderson     TM-37                  
1992  19920403  04030340  5    -.0030    -140.0000  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920403  04030505  5    -.0052    -139.9862  Streib        CTD-40_(400m)          
1992  19920403  04030600  5    .0002     -140.0090  Benbow        Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920403  04031021  5    -.0020    -140.0005  Walsh         CTD-41_(1000m)         
1992  19920403  04031125  5    -.0012    -139.9945  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920403  04031159  5    .0002     -139.9847  Ducklow       TM-38                  
1992  19920403  04031242  5    .0027     -139.9792  Ducklow       TM-39                  
1992  19920403  04031315  5    .0060     -139.9768  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920403  04031352  5    .0095     -139.9737  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920403  04032036  5    .0288     -139.9398  Dam           Plankton_tows/Niskin   
1992  19920403  04032135  5    -.0010    -139.9297  Benbow        Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920404  04040232  5    .0097     -140.0037  Sanderson     TM-40                  
1992  19920404  04040415  5    .0025     -139.9910  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920404  04040504  5    -.0017    -139.9980  Tracy         CTD-42_(400m)          
1992  19920404  04040552  5    -.0023    -139.9733  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920404  04040710  5    -.0008    -139.9508  Roman         Insitu_bottles         
1992  19920404  04040812  5    -.0020    -139.9545  Martin        Deploy_drifter_#3116   
1992  19920404  04040832  5    -.0020    -139.9732  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920404  04041100  5    -.0188    -139.9663  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920404  04041159  5    -.0172    -139.9572  Ducklow       TM-41                  
1992  19920404  04041244  5    -.0160    -139.9472  Ducklow       TM-42_(no_good)        
1992  19920404  04041321  5    -.0142    -139.9465  Ducklow       TM-42A                 
1992  19920404  04041350  5    -.0138    -139.9467  Walsh         CTD-43_(1000m)         
1992  19920404  04041514  5    -.0117    -139.9508  Benbow        Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920404  04041700  5    -.0145    -139.9963  Christian     CTD-44_(400m)          
1992  19920404  04041930  5    -.0423    -139.9012  Dam           Zooplankton_tows       
1992  19920404  04042105  5    -.0398    -139.9195  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920404  04042209  5    -.0430    -139.9118  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920404  04042321  5    -.0438    -139.9643  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920405  04050304  5    -.0443    -139.8567  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920405  04050416  5    .0002     -140.0033  Sanderson     TM-43                  
1992  19920405  04050440  5    -.0017    -140.0000  Fitzwater     MLTM_bottles           
1992  19920405  04050534  5    -.0027    -139.9885  Streib        CTD-45_(400m)          
1992  19920405  04050615  5    -.0038    -139.9797  Dam           Plankton_tows/Niskin   
1992  19920405  04050803  5    -.0017    -139.9918  Walsh         CTD-46_(1000m)         
1992  19920405  04050920  5    -.0020    -140.0000  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920405  04051100  5    -.0013    -140.0007  Ducklow       TM-44                  
1992  19920405  04051145  5    -.0017    -140.0007  Ducklow       TM-45                  
1992  19920405  04051213  5    -.0002    -139.9980  Hammar        Pump_#4                
1992  19920406  04060008  5    -.0418    -139.8537  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920406  04060357  5    .0025     -140.0007  Sanderson     TM-46_(no_good)        
1992  19920406  04060502  5    .0012     -140.0008  Sanderson     CTD-47_(125m)_(prod)   
1992  19920406  04060600  5    .0042     -140.0020  Streib        CTD-48(400m)           
1992  19920406  04060643  5    .0045     -139.9948  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920406  04060804  5    -.0023    -139.9685  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920406  04060851  5    -.0028    -139.9590  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920406  04060958  5    -.0050    -139.9558  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920406  04061110  5    -.0080    -139.9942  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920406  04061159  5    -.0022    -140.0058  Ducklow       TM-47                  
1992  19920406  04061243  5    .0000     -139.9935  Ducklow       TM-48                  
1992  19920406  04061312  5    .0030     -139.9917  Walsh         CTD-49_(1000m)         
1992  19920406  04061428  5    .0085     -139.9907  Dam           Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920406  04061604  5    -.0017    -140.0533  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920406  04061700  5    .0003     -140.0480  Christian     CTD-50_(400m)          
1992  19920406  04061823  5    -.0102    -140.0408  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920406  04061955  5    -.0193    -140.0338  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920406  04062121  5    -.0038    -140.0187  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920406  04062214  5    -.0060    -140.0422  Walsh         LAPS                   
1992  19920407  04070202  5    .0012     -140.0017  Sanderson     TM-49                  
1992  19920407  04070345  5    -.0008    -139.9933  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920407  04070400  5    .0007     -139.9873  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920407  04070514  5    .0005     -139.9622  Streib        CTD-51_(400m)          
1992  19920407  04070604  5    -.0003    -139.9782  Roman         Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920407  04071035  5    -.0282    -139.9535  Walsh         CTD-52_(1000m)         
1992  19920407  04071134  5    -.0247    -139.9552  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920407  04071220  5    -.0245    -139.9513  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920407  04071258  5    -.0227    -139.9438  Ducklow       TM-50                  
1992  19920407  04071353  5    -.0298    -139.9352  Ducklow       TM-51                  
1992  19920407  04071417  5    -.0338    -139.9317  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920407  04071458  5    -.0345    -139.9277  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920407  04072208  5    -.1010    -139.8647  Benbow        Mocness_(1000m)        
1992  19920408  04080306  5    -.1110    -139.7812  Sanderson     Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920408  04080445  5    .0003     -140.0017  Sanderson     TM-52_(aborted)        
1992  19920408  04080503  5    -.0028    -139.9957  Streib        CTD-53_(400m)          
1992  19920408  04080546  5    -.0047    -139.9865  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920408  04080605  5    -.0088    -139.9748  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920408  04080702  5    -.0138    -139.9752  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920408  04080804  5    -.0017    -140.0000  Tracy         CTD-54_(400m)          
1992  19920408  04080905  5    -.0025    -140.0015  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920408  04080946  5    .0005     -140.0018  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920408  04081104  5    -.0015    -140.0013  Walsh         CTD-55_(400m)          
1992  19920408  04081205  5    -.0290    -139.9965  Ducklow       TM-53                  
1992  19920408  04081247  5    -.0338    -139.9907  Ducklow       TM-54                  
1992  19920408  04081315  5    -.0365    -139.9905  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920408  04081423  5    .0002     -140.0017  Walsh         CTD-56_(400m)          
1992  19920408  04081520  5    -.0023    -139.9972  Gordon        MLTM                   
1992  19920408  04081535  5    -.0038    -139.9965  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920408  04081705  5    .0033     -140.0010  Christian     CTD-57_(400m)          
1992  19920408  04081748  5    .0005     -139.9873  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920408  04082000  5    -.0007    -140.0000  Walsh         CTD-58_(400m)          
1992  19920408  04082043  5    .0007     -139.9963  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920408  04082105  5    .0142     -139.9932  Roman         Insitu_grazing         
1992  19920408  04082225  5    -.0052    -139.9843  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920408  04082334  5    -.0008    -139.9997  Zettler       CTD-59_(400m)          
1992  19920409  04090023  5    .0000     -139.9998  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920409  04090210  5    -.0010    -140.0003  Asper         CTD-60_(400m)          
1992  19920409  04090302  5    -.0018    -139.9967  Orchardo      TM-55                  
1992  19920409  04090432  5    -.0037    -139.9950  Sanderson     Deploy_prod_array      
1992  19920409  04090506  5    -.0017    -139.9833  Tracy         CTD-61_(400m)          
1992  19920409  04090625  5    -.0028    -139.9797  Duck/Wheeler  CTD-62_(100m)          
1992  19920409  04090705  5    -.0015    -139.9923  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920409  04090800  5    -.0092    -139.9872  Fitzwater     MLTM_(Fe_expt_#3)      
1992  19920409  04090903  5    -.0048    -139.9845  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920409  04091015  5    -.0130    -139.9543  Walsh         CTD-63_(4000m)         
1992  19920409  04091325  5    .0090     -139.9500  Ducklow       TM-56                  
1992  19920409  04091426  5    .0072     -139.9967  Ducklow       TM-57                  
1992  19920409  04091450  5    .0052     -139.9463  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920409  04091521  5    .0053     -139.9403  Fitzwater     MLTM                   
1992  19920409  04091700  5    -.1350    -139.8383  Hammar        Pump_#5                
1992  19920410  04100615  5    -.1245    -139.8262  Orchardo      Recover_prod_array     
1992  19920410  04100642  5    -.1258    -139.8252  Sanderson     TM-58                  
1992  19920410  04100804  5    .0018     -139.9982  Roman         Deploy_drifter#11955   
1992  19920410  04101744  6    2.0027    -140.0032  Streib        CTD-64_(400m)          
1992  19920410  04101830  6    2.0088    -140.0115  Benbow        Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920410  04101935  6    2.0343    -140.0035  Urban         Plankton_tows          
1992  19920410  04102023  6    2.0025    -140.0005  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920410  04102137  6    1.9992    -139.9995  Sanderson     TM-59_(aborted)        
1992  19920410  04102212  6    1.9977    -140.0127  Sanderson     TM-59A_(aborted)       
1992  19920410  04102241  6    1.9955    -140.0210  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920411  04110518  6    2.0017    -140.0040  Sanderson     TM-59B_(partial)       
1992  19920411  04110601  6    2.0085    -140.0043  Sanderson     TM-59C_(partial)       
1992  19920411  04110620  6    2.0112    -140.0037  Walsh         CTD-65_(4000m)         
1992  19920411  04110920  6    2.0378    -140.0187  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920411  04111135  6    2.0725    -139.9487  Hammar        Pump_#6                
1992  19920411  04111230  6    2.0000    -140.0000  Neptunus_Rex  Shellback_ceremony     
1992  19920412  04121320  7    4.9967    -139.9967  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920412  04121405  7    5.0098    -139.9967  Streib        CTD-66_(400m)          
1992  19920412  04121512  7    5.0173    -140.0483  Asper         Aggregate_camera       
1992  19920412  04122155  7    5.0523    -140.0392  Sanderson     TM-60                  
1992  19920412  04122301  7    5.0495    -140.0360  Hammar        Pump_#7                
1992  19920413  04131233  7    5.0213    -140.0512  Walsh         CTD-67_(4000m)         
1992  19920413  04131515  7    5.0432    -140.0610  Dam           Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920413  04131608  7    5.0793    -140.0470  Dam           Plankton_tows          
1992  19920413  04131704  7    5.0960    -140.0478  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920414  04141212  8    9.0012    -140.0027  Davis         Optics                 
1992  19920414  04141255  8    9.0110    -140.0097  Streib        CTD-68_(400m)          
1992  19920414  04141344  8    9.0172    -140.0160  Benbow        Mocness_(200m)         
1992  19920414  04141514  8    9.0510    -140.0033  Dam           Phyto_Mocness_(200m)   
1992  19920414  04141605  8    9.0817    -139.9910  Sanderson     TM-61                  
1992  19920414  04141650  8    9.0905    -139.9947  Walsh         CTD-69_(4000m)         
1992  19920414  04142200  8    9.0875    -139.9472  Hammar        Pump_#8                
1992  19920415  04150802  8    9.1277    -139.9108  Asper         Aggregate_camera