/jgofs/eqpac/tt012/sarco30 ---- Level 0

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#  version 24 August 1995
#  D. Stoecker
#  Sarcodines counts and carbon biomass 
#  Thomas Thompson cruise   TT012 
#  Samples obtained from 30 liter Go-Flo bottles, 26 liters of water filtered
#  through a modified Buchner funnel with 20 um nitex mesh screen.
#  Samples were preserved with 20% buffered formalin.  Strontium chloride was
#  added to aid with acantharian preservation.  Samples stored in dark and
#  refrigerated.
event     sta  cast  
10021111  5    9     
10081115  5    28    
10091102  5    31    
10141104  5    47    
10210953  5    69