/jgofs/eqpac/tt012/dino ---- Level 0

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#  version Nov 29, 1994
#  Peter Verity
#  Abundance/biovolume/biomass of heterotrophic dinoflagellates
#  Abundance and biovolume were measured using a fluorescence microscope
#  image analysis system.  Carbon was calculated from biovolume using a 
#  constant density factor of 0.24 pgC/cubic micron cell volume.
sta  cast  event     date      lat_n  
2    001   09252041  19920925  -12    
3    004   09291903  19920929  -5     
4    008   10010347  19921001  -2     
5    010   10020430  19921002  0      
5    020   10050430  19921005  0      
5    035   10080449  19921008  0      
5    045   10110430  19921011  0      
5    059   10140435  19921014  0      
5    085   10200459  19921020  0