/jgofs/eqpac/tt013/CaCO3_core ---- Level 0

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#  version:         August 01, 2002
#  PI:              Margaret Leinen
#  of:              University of Rhode Island, Grad. School of Oceanography
#  dataset:         Calcium Carbonate concentrations, sediment cores			
#  project/cruise:  EqPac/TT013, Benthic survey
#  ship:            R/V Thomas Thompson
event     sta  lat      lon        depth_w  core_type    
11071651  18   -1.8395  -139.7137  4354     Piston_core  
11101338  32   -4.9605  -139.7436  4236     Piston_core  
11191756  72   0.1137   -139.4015  4298     Piston_core  
11220058  83   2.067    -140.1467  4414     Piston_core  
11230913  89   0.814    -139.9192  4412     Piston_core  
11291231  114  4.0433   -139.8508  4432     Piston_core