/jgofs/eqpac/tt013/fattyacid_core ---- Level 0

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#  version December 18, 1995
#  Stuart Wakeham, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Univ. Georgia
#  Fatty Acid concentrations, Sediment cores
#  R/V Thomas Thompson, cruise TT013 to the Equatorial Pacific
#  Note due to the nature of this data set the standard suite of data
#  manipulative tools (plot/other options) on the JGOFS Data System 
#  do not apply.
#  Samples collected with a mulicore device, see event log for precise
#  locations of multicore sampling.
#  Fatty_acid = concentration of fatty acids, units = ng/g dry wt.
#               names have been prefixed with (fa_).  This prefix must be 
#               ignored when deciphering the fatty acid name.  Names 
#               are defined as number carbon atoms:number of double bonds.  
#               Prefixes i=iso, a=anteiso.
#  n9_0_0d5 = Nominal latitude (9N) of the core location along 140W, (0-0.5)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  n9_10_12 = Nominal latitude (9N) of the core location along 140W, (10_12)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  n5_0_0d5 = Nominal latitude (5N) of the core location along 140W, (0-0.5)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  n5_10_12 = Nominal latitude (5N) of the core location along 140W, (10_12)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  n2_0_0d5 = Nominal latitude (2N) of the core location along 140W, (0-0.5)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  eq_0_0d5 = Nominal latitude (0N) of the core location along 140W, (0-0.5)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  eq_10_12 = Nominal latitude (0N) of the core location along 140W, (10_12)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  s2_0_0d5 = Nominal latitude (2S) of the core location along 140W, (0-0.5)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  s5_0_0d5 = Nominal latitude (5S) of the core location along 140W, (0-0.5)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  s12_0_0d5 = Nominal latitude (12S) of the core location along 140W, (0-0.5)cm
#             is the interval in the core sampled.
#  nd = no/bad data
fatty_acids  n9_0_0d5  n9_10_12  n5_0_0d5  n5_10_12  n2_0_0d5  eq_0_0d5  eq_10_12  s2_0_0d5  s5_0_0d5  s12_0_0d5  
fa_12:0      29        25        28        7         40        114       9         nd        45        44         
fa_13:0      11        8         10        3         21        72        2         nd        25        15         
fa_i-14:0    43        12        24        2         90        201       5         nd        27        25         
fa_14:1      40        18        8         1         32        100       5         nd        50        66         
fa_14:0      253       131       149       29        546       1064      43        170       220       180        
fa_i-15:0    177       32        110       7         434       925       19        114       124       78         
fa_a-15:0    270       58        149       11        455       1175      30        163       202       125        
fa_15:0      118       63        61        15        210       441       21        89        97        119        
fa_i16:0     154       140       130       4         280       771       8         80        nd        48         
fa_16:2      10        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        30         
fa_16:1      106       148       124       28        475       1169      38        160       170       125        
fa_16:1      554       106       324       19        1416      3464      62        457       416       192        
fa_16:1      161       31        101       9         483       1058      25        192       128       55         
fa_16:0      930       590       550       121       1619      3846      182       700       1086      1078       
fa_i-17:0    63        15        39        4         152       449       6         53        81        49         
fa_a-17:0    75        23        38        6         122       344       3         60        70        49         
fa_17:1      140       55        85        9         300       584       16        150       130       130        
fa_17:0      56        34        36        7         95        251       8         51        62        56         
fa_i-18:0    41        52        25        6         85        223       7         30        20        12         
fa_18:2      35        nd        nd        nd        50        117       10        nd        40        55         
fa_18:1      390       236       260       34        632       1936      49        295       321       388        
fa_18:1      581       114       320       24        1197      3612      46        540       399       270        
fa_18:0      271       186       264       39        421       964       51        245       267       395        
fa_20:5      20        nd        33        nd        72        540       nd        65        nd        nd         
fa_20:4      9         nd        5         nd        51        150       nd        nd        nd        nd         
fa_20:2      66        nd        12        nd        130       150       nd        60        nd        nd         
fa_20:1      38        35        65        4         190       200       6         100       nd        nd         
fa_20:0      81        40        51        10        238       343       14        97        99        104        
fa_21:0      55        18        23        4         110       265       11        45        75        72         
fa_22:6      nd        nd        nd        nd        80        149       nd        nd        nd        nd         
fa_22:5      nd        nd        nd        nd        25        89        nd        nd        nd        nd         
fa_22:2      nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        152       nd        nd        nd        nd         
fa_22:1      14        14        25        1         41        110       5         26        nd        nd         
fa_22:0      99        70        56        13        353       424       24        141       225       180        
fa_23:0      56        24        18        6         108       170       11        43        100       53         
fa_24:1      8         nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd         
fa_24:0      153       75        71        20        395       424       33        170       200       170        
fa_25:0      70        40        18        5         120       300       26        80        140       87         
fa_26:1      nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd        nd         
fa_26:0      181       102       68        30        375       280       43        183       258       220        
fa_27:0      30        23        6         4         75        111       9         53        27        55         
fa_28:0      52        52        12        14        107       133       25        65        100       140        
fa_29:0      19        10        10        2         72        50        10        30        nd        20         
fa_30:0      20        25        10        3         40        90        7         nd        nd        35         
TOTAL        5479      2605      3318      501       11737     27010     869       4707      5204      4720