/jgofs/southern/nbp97_3/O2_production ---- Level 0

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#  version April 24, 1999
#  Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson
#  Gross and net oxygen production rates
#  AESOPS NBP97-3, Ross Sea Process 3 cruise
event     sta  sta_name   cast  cast_type  
04121938  3    Sei        2     CTD        
04141534  4    Orca       1     CTD        
04171524  5    Minke      2     CTD        
04201714  6    Emperor    3     CTD        
04211728  7    Orca       1     CTD        
04241600  10   O          4     CTD        
04261614  14   Minke      1     CTD        
04301756  16   Sei        10    CTD