/jgofs/southern/delta_13C_surface --cruise_id eq NBP97-3-- Level 1

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        Level 0 - At last level -       Flat list

#  version February 18, 2000
#  Paul Quay
#  Total CO2 and Delta 13C of seawater
#  AESOPS/ All cruises - surface seawater line
date      lat     lon      tco2    delta13C  
19970405  -46.00  173.35   2058.9  2.00      
19970405  -46.57  173.38   2060.8  1.98      
19970405  -47.02  173.42   2054.6  2.03      
19970405  -47.53  173.43   2061.4  2.03      
19970405  -48.05  173.47   2059.9  2.02      
19970405  -48.52  173.50   2078.0  1.80      
19970405  -49.02  173.55   2074.3  1.79      
19970405  -49.53  173.57   2075.3  1.88      
19970405  -50.02  173.60   nd      1.78      
19970405  -50.52  173.65   2081.1  1.75      
19970406  -51.03  173.68   2082.5  1.73      
19970406  -51.52  173.70   2086.0  1.68      
19970406  -52.02  173.75   2082.3  1.58      
19970406  -52.02  173.75   2090.7  1.55      
19970406  -52.52  173.78   2085.6  1.75      
19970406  -53.00  173.83   2089.5  1.73      
19970406  -53.50  173.85   2092.2  1.67      
19970406  -54.22  173.93   2088.2  1.66      
19970406  -55.00  174.00   nd      1.66      
19970406  -55.00  174.00   2096.6  1.76      
19970407  -55.58  174.00   2089.9  1.86      
19970407  -56.00  174.05   2088.9  1.72      
19970407  -56.47  174.08   2092.6  1.74      
19970407  -57.50  174.17   2095.5  1.76      
19970407  -58.00  174.20   2096.4  1.70      
19970407  -58.47  174.23   2103.8  1.75      
19970407  -59.00  174.30   2102.1  1.75      
19970407  -59.50  174.33   2108.6  1.73      
19970408  -59.75  174.35   2111.9  1.69      
19970408  -60.00  174.38   2114.0  1.67      
19970408  -60.48  174.42   2112.5  1.72      
19970408  -61.00  174.45   2115.2  1.72      
19970408  -61.52  174.50   2119.1  1.67      
19970408  -62.00  174.57   2127.6  1.58      
19970408  -62.48  174.60   2137.2  1.57      
19970408  -63.00  174.65   2143.7  1.31      
19970408  -63.50  174.78   2142.2  1.28      
19970409  -64.02  174.73   2159.0  1.06      
19970409  -64.53  174.80   2158.8  1.10      
19970409  -65.50  174.93   2164.7  1.06      
19970409  -66.00  174.97   2163.9  1.08      
19970409  -66.50  175.02   2167.4  1.10      
19970409  -67.00  175.12   2167.8  1.09      
19970409  -67.53  175.17   2163.8  1.08      
19970410  -68.00  175.23   2169.8  1.10      
19970410  -68.50  175.22   2173.4  1.06      
19970410  -69.00  175.18   2182.7  1.01      
19970410  -69.50  175.35   2182.6  1.01      
19970411  -70.00  175.42   2183.3  1.02      
19970411  -70.50  175.48   2190.8  0.96      
19970411  -71.00  175.55   2191.8  1.00      
19970411  -71.50  175.62   2190.0  1.04      
19970411  -72.00  175.72   2167.1  1.02