/jgofs/southern/nbp97_8/SeaSoar ---- Level 0

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 - At level 0 -  Level 1 (of 1)      Flat list

#  version:  December 02, 2002
#  PI:       Taro Takahashi
#            S.C. Sutherland and Burke Hales
#  of:       Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
#  dataset:  Lamont Pumping SeaSoar (LPSS); CTD,Optics,Chemistries,Chl-a
#  cruise:   AESOPS/NBP978 - Process Cruise 8
#  DMO note: section tows are large (3-13 MB each)
# ======================================================================
event     section_name  date_begin  date_end  
11250049  tow_3         19971125    19971126  
12020651  tow_4         19971202    19971203  
12050800  tow_5a        19971205    19971206  
12050800  tow_5b        19971205    19971206  
12050800  tow_5c        19971205    19971206  
12050800  tow_5d        19971205    19971206  
12050800  tow_5e        19971205    19971206  
12071108  tow_6         19971207    19971208