/jgofs/southern/delta_13C_surface --cruise_id eq KIWI-8-- Level 1

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#  version February 18, 2000
#  Paul Quay
#  Total CO2 and Delta 13C of seawater
#  AESOPS/ All cruises - surface seawater line
date      lat     lon      tco2    delta13C  
19980114  -60.08  170.11   2110.0  1.77      
19980115  -61.02  170.10   2097.9  1.96      
19980115  -62.19  170.10   2112.9  1.75      
19980115  -62.99  170.10   2089.5  1.87      
19980115  -64.17  170.10   2058.6  2.32      
19980116  -65.02  170.10   2084.0  2.10      
19980116  -66.11  170.10   2124.9  1.36      
19980116  -66.96  170.10   2135.4  1.27      
19980116  -67.78  170.11   2131.5  1.23