/OCB/SOFeX/Polar_Star/bottle_BC ---- Level 1

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#  version  27 February 2007 
#  PI: Ken Buesseler 
#  SOFeX cruise: USCGC Polar Star 
#  salinity, SF6 and chlorophyll-a from bottle cast (BC) samples 
#  collected with WHOI logger system 
event        station  yrDay   lat      lon       
140202_2350  BC_01    45.979  -65.955  -172.166  
bot  depth_n  depth   temp    sal_CTD  sal_bot  SF6      Chl_a  
6    80       68.0    nd      nd       33.9520  10.4372  1.190  
5    60       50.9    nd      nd       33.9048  13.2862  2.040  
4    40       33.9    nd      nd       33.9111  9.4418   2.135  
3    20       nd      nd      nd       nd       nd       nd     
event        station  yrDay   lat      lon       
150202_0205  BC_02    46.085  -65.964  -172.158  
bot  depth_n  depth   temp    sal_CTD  sal_bot  SF6      Chl_a  
6    130      125.0   nd      nd       34.5549  0.6089   nd     
5    110      105.7   nd      nd       34.3668  0.6860   nd     
4    90       86.5    nd      nd       34.2389  1.5543   nd     
3    70       67.3    nd      nd       34.0914  3.6882   nd     
2    50       48.1    nd      nd       33.9055  1.3779   nd     
1    30       28.8    nd      nd       33.8932  13.8346  nd     
event        station  yrDay   lat      lon       
170202_0345  BC_03    48.144  -65.898  -172.125  
bot  depth_n  depth   temp    sal_CTD  sal_bot  SF6      Chl_a  
6    120      119.0   0.77    34.597   34.6037  0.0000   0.072  
4    100      99.0    -0.38   34.467   34.4415  0.7747   0.438  
3    80       79.0    -1.35   34.267   34.2472  1.4732   1.250  
2    60       59.0    -0.90   34.004   34.0188  6.7755   2.030  
1    40       39.0    -0.43   33.907   33.9805  8.8351   1.840  
5    20       19.0    -0.38   33.910   33.9421  8.4594   0.220  
event        station  yrDay   lat      lon       
170202_2315  BC_04    48.965  -66.166  -172.609  
bot  depth_n  depth   temp    sal_CTD  sal_bot  SF6      Chl_a  
6    120      132.4   0.80    34.579   34.5879  0.3453   0.457  
5    100      112.4   -0.17   34.382   34.4391  0.6226   0.176  
4    80       92.4    -1.24   34.297   34.2761  1.6035   0.351  
3    60       72.4    -1.06   34.028   33.9675  nd       1.390  
2    40       52.4    -0.50   33.866   33.8371  nd       0.816  
1    20       32.4    -0.36   33.832   33.7665  1.1184   0.584  
event        station  yrDay   lat      lon       
180202_0445  BC_05    49.185  -66.573  -172.943  
bot  depth_n  depth   temp    sal_CTD  sal_bot  SF6      Chl_a  
6    120      106.6   0.55    34.457   34.4307  0.8622   0.092  
5    100      86.6    -0.23   34.436   34.2280  1.0699   0.240  
4    80       66.6    -1.27   34.074   34.0711  1.6721   0.351  
3    60       46.6    -0.45   33.729   33.7432  2.2693   0.720  
2    40       26.6    -0.42   33.730   33.7316  1.8787   0.360  
1    20       6.6     -0.40   33.728   33.7348  1.5653   0.701  
event        station  yrDay   lat      lon       
180202_2315  BC_06    49.965  -65.239  -172.676  
bot  depth_n  depth   temp    sal_CTD  sal_bot  SF6      Chl_a  
6    120      118.5   -0.28   34.359   34.2529  0.5708   0.093  
5    100      98.5    -0.54   34.254   nd       1.1370   0.074  
4    80       78.5    -1.21   34.089   nd       0.9306   0.157  
3    60       58.5    -0.68   33.808   nd       1.6177   0.703  
2    40       38.5    -0.01   33.505   33.5085  1.7089   1.570  
1    20       18.5    0.01    33.495   nd       1.3358   1.930