/OCB/VERTIGO/RR_K2/sedtrapflux ---- Level 0

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

 - At level 0 -  Level 1 (of 1)      Flat list

#  version: 06 February 2009
#  PIs: Lamborg, Buesseler "
#  Sediment Trap Fluxes of mass,  elements and phytoplankton pigments"
Site   date      event       ev_code           lat        lon       Device     Deployment  Depth  
K2     20050730  05211_0212  NBST_C-13_150m_I  46.997     160.977   NBST_13    1st         150    
K2     20050730  05211_0157  NBST_E-15_150m_I  46.997     160.977   NBST_15    1st         150    
K2     20050730  05211_0240  NBST_G-17_150m_I  46.997     160.978   NBST_17    1st         150    
K2     20050730  05211_0510  NBST_D-14_300m_I  46.998     160.999   NBST_14    1st         300    
K2     20050730  05211_0456  NBST_F-16_300m_I  46.998     160.966   NBST_16    1st         300    
K2     20050730  05211_0851  NBST_A-11_500m_I  46.995     160.962   NBST_11    1st         500    
K2     20050730  05211_0828  NBST_B-12_500m_I  46.996     160.962   NBST_12    1st         500    
K2     20050730  05211_0105  CLAP_150m_1_I     46.997     160.99    Clap_Trap  1st         150    
K2     20050730  05211_0336  CLAP_300m_1_I     46.997     160.978   Clap_Trap  1st         300    
K2     20050730  05211_0709  CLAP_500m_1_I     46.997     160.966   Clap_Trap  1st         500    
K2     20050809  05221_2240  NBST_C-13_150m_I  46.985     160.975   NBST_13    2nd         150    
K2     20050809  05221_2300  NBST_E-15_150m_I  46.995     160.974   NBST_15    2nd         150    
K2     20050809  05221_2320  NBST_G-17_150m_I  46.995     160.973   NBST_17    2nd         150    
K2     20050810  05222_0147  NBST_D-14_300m_I  46.984     160.95    NBST_14    2nd         300    
K2     20050810  05222_0204  NBST_F-16_300m_I  46.984     160.949   NBST_16    2nd         300    
K2     20050810  05222_0355  NBST_A-11_500m_I  46.976     160.929   NBST_11    2nd         500    
K2     20050810  05222_0412  NBST_B-12_500m_I  46.976     160.929   NBST_12    2nd         500    
K2     20050809  05221_2017  CLAP_150m_2_I     46.999     160.987   Clap_Trap  2nd         150    
K2     20050810  05222_0007  CLAP_300m_2_I     46.99      160.973   Clap_Trap  2nd         300    
K2     20050810  05222_0247  CLAP_500m_2_I     46.98      160.939   Clap_Trap  2nd         500    
K2     nd        nd          nd                nd         nd        Blk        both        All