/OCB/VERTIGO/KM0414/zoop_biomass ---- Level 0

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#  version  27 July 2007
#  PI: Debbie Steinberg
#      Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)
#  VERTIGO cruise zooplankton biomass data 
Cruise_ID  event       date      
KM0414     04176_2041  20040624  
KM0414     04176_2041  20040625  
KM0414     04177_0812  20040625  
KM0414     04180_0808  20040628  
KM0414     04180_2004  20040628  
KM0414     04185_2009  20040703  
KM0414     04186_0809  20040704  
KM0414     04190_0925  20040708  
KM0414     04190_1934  20040708