/jgofs/arabian/sediment_traps --site eq J3,deploy eq 2-- Level 2

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#  version June 26, 1997
#  Susumu Honjo and Jack Dymond
#  Deep sea sediment trap particle flux data
#  Arabian Sea 
site  mooring  trap_type   trap_id  
J3    3        shallow_13  m3_s13   
deploy  depth_trap  date_set  lat       lon       sample_loc  
2       792         19950510  17.21050  59.61217  WHOI        
cup  date_open  time_open  days_open  flux_tot  C_org  C_inorg  N_tot  Si_bio  Al    
15   19950517   1100       17.00      93.55     8.54   7.44     1.16   4.51    0.94  
16   19950603   1100       17.00      114.62    9.66   7.04     1.21   5.02    1.13  
17   19950620   1100       17.00      168.37    8.01   6.42     1.04   7.23    1.14  
18   19950707   1100       17.00      337.54    6.27   5.92     0.77   10.31   1.21  
19   19950724   1100       17.00      69.66     nd     nd       nd     1.16    0.36  
20   19950810   1100       8.50       519.44    nd     nd       nd     6.54    0.58  
21   19950818   2300       8.50       822.98    7.91   4.13     1.04   15.93   0.50  
22   19950827   1100       8.50       213.36    5.39   7.24     0.71   9.36    0.52  
23   19950904   2300       8.50       397.54    8.32   5.46     1.11   11.06   0.57  
24   19950913   1100       17.00      267.52    10.49  5.07     1.46   12.05   0.45  
25   19950930   1100       17.00      98.67     10.57  5.18     1.47   10.50   0.50  
26   19951017   1100       34.00      49.18     12.48  5.16     1.78   7.54    0.59  
27   19951120   1100       34.00      54.71     9.96   6.90     1.44   6.44    0.63  
site  mooring  trap_type   trap_id  
J3    3        shallow_21  m3_s21   
deploy  depth_trap  date_set  lat       lon       sample_loc  
2       888         19950510  17.21050  59.61217  WHOI        
cup  date_open  time_open  days_open  flux_tot  C_org  C_inorg  N_tot  Si_bio  Al    
23   19950517   1100       17.00      99.40     8.34   7.53     1.09   3.63    0.91  
24   19950603   1100       17.00      128.75    9.54   6.54     1.23   4.26    1.17  
25   19950620   1100       17.00      160.78    7.80   6.74     1.03   4.75    1.03  
26   19950707   1100       8.50       457.75    7.53   5.41     0.95   10.46   1.30  
27   19950715   2300       8.50       401.03    6.01   5.79     0.75   8.42    1.25  
28   19950724   1100       8.50       106.45    4.89   7.12     0.60   4.70    1.40  
29   19950801   2300       8.50       84.16     5.88   7.80     0.74   5.35    0.96  
30   19950810   1100       4.25       164.25    6.86   7.01     0.93   5.83    0.65  
31   19950814   1700       4.25       297.02    6.15   7.00     0.74   7.06    0.75  
32   19950818   2300       8.50       799.92    6.24   6.37     0.86   9.43    0.49  
33   19950827   1100       8.50       274.09    6.67   5.97     0.92   11.37   0.60  
34   19950904   2300       8.50       383.91    8.83   5.01     1.20   12.11   0.57  
35   19950913   1100       8.50       187.24    9.87   5.15     1.35   11.90   0.46  
36   19950921   2300       8.50       nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
37   19950930   1100       8.50       nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
38   19951008   2300       8.50       nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
39   19951017   1100       8.50       nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
40   19951025   2300       8.50       nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
41   19951103   1100       17.00      nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
42   19951120   1100       17.00      nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
43   19951207   1100       17.00      nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
site  mooring  trap_type   trap_id  
J3    3        middle_21   m3_m21   
deploy  depth_trap  date_set  lat       lon       sample_loc  
2       1882        19950510  17.21050  59.61217  WHOI        
cup  date_open  time_open  days_open  flux_tot  C_org  C_inorg  N_tot  Si_bio  Al    
23   19950517   1100       17.00      112.29    7.56   6.64     1.00   nd      nd    
24   19950603   1100       17.00      133.04    8.15   6.10     1.03   nd      nd    
25   19950620   1100       17.00      151.07    6.90   6.45     0.88   5.87    1.46  
26   19950707   1100       8.50       304.05    6.68   5.83     0.84   8.86    0.98  
27   19950715   2300       8.50       909.17    7.85   3.51     0.97   17.55   1.26  
28   19950724   1100       8.50       409.39    5.92   5.16     0.74   10.40   1.35  
29   19950801   2300       8.50       332.79    5.56   6.20     0.71   7.70    1.36  
30   19950810   1100       4.25       435.81    6.19   6.32     0.79   nd      0.93  
31   19950814   1700       4.25       425.65    6.47   6.31     0.84   9.19    0.91  
32   19950818   2300       8.50       651.53    7.01   5.31     0.90   12.29   1.12  
33   19950827   1100       8.50       558.47    5.86   5.95     0.77   10.14   1.02  
34   19950904   2300       8.50       451.40    6.98   5.49     1.01   11.48   0.94  
35   19950913   1100       8.50       490.63    6.72   5.73     0.90   11.81   0.76  
36   19950921   2300       8.50       239.69    7.63   5.46     1.01   12.24   0.76  
37   19950930   1100       8.50       182.41    6.46   6.29     0.85   10.05   0.82  
38   19951008   2300       8.50       143.97    6.55   6.12     0.87   8.84    1.00  
39   19951017   1100       8.50       101.95    6.86   6.31     0.95   7.64    1.16  
40   19951025   2300       8.50       82.49     6.71   6.72     0.96   6.66    1.23  
41   19951103   1100       17.00      144.77    7.59   6.79     1.03   6.73    0.83  
42   19951120   1100       17.00      116.81    6.86   6.76     0.97   5.95    1.07  
43   19951207   1100       17.00      193.08    8.39   6.53     1.24   6.58    0.69  
site  mooring  trap_type   trap_id  
J3    3        deep_21     m3_d21   
deploy  depth_trap  date_set  lat       lon       sample_loc  
2       2991        19950510  17.21050  59.61217  OSU         
cup  date_open  time_open  days_open  flux_tot  C_org  C_inorg  N_tot  Si_bio  Al    
23   19950517   1100       17.00      120.16    6.22   6.60     0.84   6.13    1.10  
24   19950603   1100       17.00      114.50    7.30   6.02     0.97   6.42    1.26  
25   19950620   1100       17.00      132.39    6.51   6.50     0.85   5.36    1.35  
26   19950707   1100       8.50       nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
27   19950715   2300       8.50       775.41    6.35   3.93     0.78   11.25   1.10  
28   19950724   1100       8.50       614.93    5.62   4.40     0.71   11.08   1.15  
29   19950801   2300       8.50       nd        nd     nd       nd     nd      nd    
30   19950810   1100       4.25       284.24    5.25   6.72     0.69   6.69    1.22  
31   19950814   1700       4.25       311.89    6.00   6.31     0.81   8.05    0.95  
32   19950818   2300       8.50       408.31    5.57   6.21     0.72   8.10    0.92  
33   19950827   1100       8.50       525.72    5.51   5.61     0.72   9.54    1.00  
34   19950904   2300       8.50       403.21    5.48   5.86     0.70   8.63    1.13  
35   19950913   1100       8.50       441.28    6.04   5.37     0.79   10.27   1.01  
36   19950921   2300       8.50       389.90    6.00   5.27     0.76   10.36   0.99  
37   19950930   1100       8.50       295.65    5.53   6.11     0.74   8.90    1.04  
38   19951008   2300       8.50       176.03    5.59   6.22     0.76   8.53    1.19  
39   19951017   1100       8.50       122.42    5.89   6.27     0.81   7.60    1.28  
40   19951025   2300       8.50       101.10    5.38   6.58     0.75   6.92    1.25  
41   19951103   1100       17.00      149.10    6.06   6.75     0.79   5.95    0.89  
42   19951120   1100       17.00      90.27     5.61   6.98     0.76   6.05    1.10  
43   19951207   1100       17.00      187.46    6.22   6.97     0.96   5.86    0.80