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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1965
#   Data on chaetognath species recorded from the
#    entire Indian Ocean.
#   Population represented as number per standard haul.
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#   Vijaya Nair, PI
#      Diamantina cruise 65, station 64 dates changed from 12/1/65 to 12/5/1965 (dd/m/yyyy)
station  lat     lon     date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
106      17.45   70.45   23/5/1963   935         D               2820     5                10487            98         
107      15.67   70.12   24/5/1963   1245        D               2500     8                18628            99         
108      13.83   70.12   25/5/1963   750         D               3710     5                9455             100        
109      11.98   69.92   26/5/1963   700         D               4300     5.5              9791             101        
110      9.77    70.1    27/5/1963   747         D               4500     4                9529             102        
111      8.15    70.03   28/5/1963   647         D               4590     3                7357             103        
112      5.8     70.05   29/5/1963   627         D               4040     10               3785             104        
113      3.55    69.9    30/5/1963   609         D               3850     4.7              6542             105        
114      1.5     70.02   31/5/1963   600         D               4150     5                16392            106        
115      -1.12   71      1/6/63      612         D               3310     4.7              6626             107        
116      -2.38   70.4    2/6/63      805         D               4875     3                9503             108        
117      -4.37   69.4    3/6/63      1052        D               3475     1                2308             109        
118      -6.8    70.12   4/6/63      1512        D               3745     4                8410             110        
120      -11.17  70.03   7/6/63      1250        D               3365     3                5116             111        
121      -13.25  69.85   8/6/63      655         D               3745     3                1070             112        
122      -15.42  69.97   9/6/63      640         D               4114     0.5              763              113        
123      -17.3   70.08   10/6/63     635         D               4023     1                765              114        
124      -19.5   69.85   11/6/63     630         D               3146     1                1935             115        
125      -21.67  67.1    25/6/1963   615         D               3200     1                4559             116        
126      -23.78  69.08   26/6/1963   705         D               2600     3                3127             117        
127      -26.57  70.2    27/6/1963   720         D               2780     2.5              3626             118        
128      -28.55  69.93   28/6/1963   658         D               3640     0.3              201              119        
129      -30.57  69.92   29/6/1963   715         D               3740     1                2378             120        
130      -32.87  69.87   30/6/1963   1410        D               3931     0.2              604              121        
131      -35.15  69.98   1/7/63      755         D               4233     0.4              1169             122        
132      -37.2   70.17   2/7/63      717         D               3949     1                205              123        
133      -30.18  79.7    5/7/63      705         D               3310     0.9              2631             124        
134      -27.52  80.1    6/7/63      737         D               3835     1.5              3921             125        
135      -20.03  79.83   8/7/63      715         D               4773     1                3370             126        
136      -17.3   79.87   9/7/63      755         D               4956     3                5497             127        
137      -14.73  79.73   10/7/63     650         D               5303     2.2              3997             128        
138      -11.47  80      11/7/63     1110        D               3338     1.7              4769             129        
139      -8.62   79.57   12/7/63     644         D               4975     1.7              3135             130        
140      -5.88   79.95   13/7/1963   1042        D               5020     12               7813             131        
141      -3.22   80.03   14/7/1963   903         D               4879     2.5              5969             132        
142      -0.55   80.13   15/7/1963   900         D               4629     3.8              6967             133        
143      1.9     79.87   16/7/1963   1024        D               4188     2.5              8028             134        
144      4.3     80.13   17/7/1963   1233        D               4215     20               11807            135