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#  Indian Ocean data
#   Station Details represented in IIOE collections.
#   Volume and population presented as milliliters and
#     number per standard haul, respectively
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Changed 12/1/1965 to 12/5/1965 for Diamantina cruise 1 1965. dd/m/yyyy.   mda 20 April 2015
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
2        -32     110       30/3/1963   1100        D               4938     4                11351            458        
4        -30.5   109.95    30/3/1963   2130        N               5160     4.5              6287             459        
5        -29     110       31/3/1963   1100        D               5350     4                11011            460        
7        -27.5   110       31/3/1963   2115        N               5486     8.5              11853            461        
10       -26     110       1/4/1963    1030        D               3990     6.5              16736            462        
11       -24.6   109.15    1/4/1963    2115        N               3970     6.5              19038            463        
14       -23     110       2/4/1963    1200        D               4938     8.5              11056            464        
16       -21.5   110       2/4/1963    2045        N               4938     7                17476            465        
19       -20     110       3/4/1963    1050        D               4400     24.5             10140            466        
21       -18.5   110       3/4/1963    2115        N               5058     18               25008            467        
24       -17     110       4/4/1963    1130        D               5669     7.5              14837            468        
26       -15.5   110       4/4/1963    2100        N               5759     7                18666            469        
29       -14     110       5/4/1963    1100        D               5596     9                17778            470        
31       -12.5   110       5/4/1963    2115        N               5221     7.5              14681            471        
35       -9.5    110       6/4/1963    2115        N               1280     8                11748            472        
36       -9      105       7/4/1963    0015        N               5576     5                2072             473        
37       -8.92   105       18/4/1963   1545        D               6126     15               22210            474        
38       -9.53   109.6     19/4/1963   1415        D               3383     5.5              16502            475        
39       -11     110       19/4/1963   2100        N               5066     22.5             27237            476        
40       -12.5   110       20/4/1963   1130        D               4526     6.2              11379            477        
41       -14     110       20/4/1963   2115        N               5577     15               17270            478        
42       -15.5   110       21/4/1963   1115        D               5669     5                8952             479        
43       -17     110       21/4/1963   2045        N               5577     6                15778            480        
44       -18.5   110       22/4/1963   1045        D               4846     5                14967            481        
45       -20     110       22/4/1963   2045        N               3858     7                18359            482        
46       -21.5   110       23/4/1963   1115        D               5029     4                13923            483        
47       -23     110       23/4/1963   2115        N               4755     6.5              13140            484        
48       -24.5   110       24/4/1963   1115        D               4206     8                12930            485        
49       -26     110       24/4/1963   2115        N               3877     6                8184             486        
50       -27.5   110       25/4/1963   1045        D               5486     6.5              16927            487        
51       -29     110       25/4/1963   1945        N               5430     6                4925             488        
52       -30.5   110       26/4/1963   0930        D               5029     2.7              11201            489        
53       -32     110       26/4/1963   1845        N               5029     5.5              9958             490        
54       -32     111.5     27/4/1963   0300        N               4755     6                8456             491