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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1965
#   Data on chaetognath species recorded from the
#    entire Indian Ocean.
#   Population represented as number per standard haul.
#   Standard Haul isean Standard net collectean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#   Vijaya Nair, PI
#      Diamantina cruise 65, station 64 dates changed from 12/1/65 to 12/5/1965 (dd/m/yyyy)
station  lat     lon     date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
182      -32.13  110     20/8/1962   1045        D               4938     3                6466             823        
183      -30.7   110     20/8/1962   2100        N               5303     6.2              11310            824        
185      -27.5   110     21/8/1962   2100        N               5577     11.5             15953            825        
186      -26     110     22/8/1962   1205        D               3900     6.5              15084            826        
187      -24.5   110     22/8/1962   2115        N               4115     13               24731            827        
188      -23     110     23/8/1962   1050        D               4984     6.2              11952            828        
189      -21.75  109.97  23/8/1962   2100        N               4938     75               28750            829        
190      -20     110     24/8/1962   1030        D               4023     4.2              7212             830        
191      -18.5   110     24/8/1962   2105        N               5578     12.5             9812             831        
192      -17     110     24/8/1962   1100        D               5486     8                13491            832        
193      -15.55  109.97  25/8/1962   2055        N               5578     9.4              15914            833        
194      -14     110     26/8/1962   1055        D               5578     6                13834            834        
195      -12.57  109.95  26/8/1962   2050        N               4480     14               17353            835        
196      -11     110     27/8/1962   1045        D               4846     9                18978            836        
197      -9.5    110     27/8/1962   2130        N               2286     62.5             27335            837