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#  Indian Ocean data
#   Station Details represented in IIOE collections.
#   Volume and population prper standa  number per standa  number per standard haul, respectively
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Changed 12/1/1965 to 12/5/1965 for Diamantina cruise 1 1965. dd/m/yyyy.   mda 20 April 2015
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
353      12.52   80.6      8/6/1964    1810        D               2000     16               23680            1094       
356      9.25    83        10/6/1964   1740        D               3660     21               45446            1096       
357      9       83        10/6/1964   0430        N               3660     10               28907            1097       
358      9.15    84.17     11/6/1964   1310        D               3660     21               23883            1098       
359      9.17    85.22     11/6/1964   2140        N               3660     6.5              16997            1099       
360      9.3     86.1      11/6/1964   0604        D               3642     21               39812            1100       
361      9.27    87.13     12/6/1964   2340        N               3660     10.5             26101            1101       
362      10      90        13/6/1964   0835        D               3294     11.5             22252            1102       
363      10      87        13/6/1964   1840        N               3294     16.3             26151            1103       
366      10      84        15/6/1964   2005        N               3843     30               46361            1106       
368      10      82        15/6/1964   2000        N               3477     22               30584            1108       
369      11      82        16/6/1964   0514        N               3477     9                20109            1109       
372      11      87        17/6/1964   1500        D               3477     6.2              17068            1110       
377      12      81        19/6/1964   1944        N               3385     6.5              14182            1112       
378      12.6    80.67     20/6/1964   0215        N               201      14               33773            1113