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#  Indian Ocean data
#   Station Details represented in IIOE collections.
#   Volume and population prper standa  number per standa  number per standard haul, respectively
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Changed 12/1/1965 to 12/5/1965 for Diamantina cruise 1 1965. dd/m/yyyy.   mda 20 April 2015
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
716      15.07   82.17     15/4/1965   1119        D               2745     7.5              14996            1240       
718      15.03   84.12     16/4/1965   0138        D               3523     12               4230             1242       
719      15.1    85.13     16/4/1965   1004        D               3184     17.5             40928            1243       
720      15      86        16/4/1965   1737        N               3184     16               28818            1244       
721      14.97   86.82     17/4/1965   0220        D               3166     9                16967            1245       
722      14.93   87.57     17/4/1965   1110        N               2562     16               7196             1246       
723      15      89        17/4/1965   2150        N               3074     7.5              13640            1247       
724      14.88   90.13     18/4/1965   0544        D               2855     10               20441            1248       
725      16      90        18/4/1965   1506        N               2745     1                1003             1249       
726      17      89.98     18/4/1965   2258        D               2525     20               42439            1250       
727      18.07   90.1      19/4/1965   0630        N               2489     9.5              24163            1251       
729      20      90.3      19/4/1965   2118        N               659      25               42162            1253