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#  Indian Ocean data
#   Station Details represented in IIOE collections.
#   Volume and population presented as milliliters and
#     number per standard haul, respectively
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Changed 12/1/1965 to 12/5/1965 for Diamantina cruise 1 1965. dd/m/yyyy.   mda 20 April 2015
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
1        8.77    94.57     10/4/1964   2000        N               1900     41               24135            1668       
2        9.35    93.93     11/4/1964   2030        N               3900     24.7             34462            1669       
5        10.12   92.97     14/4/1964   2010        N               1400     15               16255            1670       
6        9.37    93.83     15/4/1964   2010        N               3800     15               40390            1671       
7        11.02   93.7      17/4/1964   2000        N               2507     15               20562            1672       
8        11.38   94.43     18/4/1964   2000        N               2800     32.5             39430            1673       
9        11.93   93.37     19/4/1964   2015        N               1546     7.5              11063            1674       
10       12.82   94.73     20/4/1964   2000        N               586      9                18696            1675       
11       15.57   92.77     23/4/1964   2000        N               2700     12               15486            1676       
12       20.45   88.92     24/4/1964   2015        N               200      43               57607            1677       
13       19.17   89.17     5/5/1964    2110        N               1574     30               48641            1678       
14       19.37   89.25     6/5/1964    2000        N               1564     34               126462           1679       
15       17.68   88.33     7/5/1964    2000        N               2361     0.8              1995             1680       
16       18.25   87.8      8/5/1964    2000        N               2297     58               86321            1681       
17       12.05   90.05     10/5/1964   2000        N               2500     18               24070            1682       
18       9.48    89.68     11/5/1964   2000        N               3395     6                6640             1683       
19       8.93    87.47     12/5/1964   2000        N               3623     28               41585            1684       
20       8.53    81.53     15/5/1964   2000        N               200      7.5              nd               1685       
21       8.87    81.42     16/5/1964   2000        N               2400     11               30124            1686       
22       7.53    81.83     17/5/1964   2000        N               2500     55               15378            1687       
23       5.77    81.17     18/5/1964   2000        N               1491     13               16170            1688       
24       5.7     80.7      25/5/1964   2000        N               2300     15               58139            1689       
25       4.1     84.2      26/5/1964   2000        N               5078     15               23205            1690       
27       1       84.67     28/5/1964   2000        N               4600     22               27109            1692       
29       -2.45   84.07     30/5/1964   2000        N               4550     10               21388            1694       
30       -4      87.95     1/6/1964    2000        N               4760     1                15457            1695       
31       -1.5    88        2/6/1964    2000        N               4685     15               13072            1696       
32       0.45    88.08     3/6/1964    2000        N               4500     9.7              19718            1697       
33       2.62    87.98     4/6/1964    2000        N               4400     7                17156            1698       
34       5.08    89.27     5/6/1964    2000        N               3687     20               27067            1699       
35       5.03    92        13/6/1964   2030        N               4000     12               19219            1700       
36       1.85    91.98     14/6/1964   2000        N               4264     11               15139            1701       
37       0       91.77     15/6/1964   2000        N               4529     4.5              7744             1702       
38       -0.95   92        16/6/1964   2000        N               4584     8                22808            1703       
39       -2.95   92        17/6/1964   2000        N               4813     4.5              9812             1704       
41       -5.7    97.77     19/6/1964   2000        N               5550     1.5              5329             1705       
42       -6.12   101.1     20/6/1964   2000        N               5618     13               30740            1706       
43       -5.77   102.4     21/6/1964   2000        N               630      6.5              13477            1707