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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition
#    Populations of different taxa of copepods subsorted from
#       IIOE Zooplankton collections.
#    Population represented as number per standard haul.
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Vijaya Nair, PI
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
14       7.45    94.35     19/3/1963   2248        N               2048     15.00            7431             17         
25       10.68   94.67     26/3/1963   0650        D               2743     7.00             9576             28         
26       10.65   93.82     26/3/1963   1530        D               2560     8.50             6093             29         
27       10.62   92.98     26/3/1963   2210        N               2195     27.00            9256             30         
28       11.82   92.88     27/3/1963   0655        D               100      12.00            15350            31         
29       11.38   93.52     27/3/1963   2150        N               70       12.00            4883             32         
30       12.28   93.35     28/3/1963   0945        D               549      2.00             3302             33         
32       12.87   94.22     28/3/1963   2230        N               1829     14.50            7260             35         
33       12.95   95.02     29/3/1963   0644        D               1829     7.50             23503            36         
34       12.83   95.93     29/3/1963   1620        D               1829     4.50             8349             37         
35       12.85   96.57     29/3/1963   2350        N               422      7.00             9008             38         
36       12.87   97.67     30/3/1963   0813        D               64       4.50             5726             39         
43       15.13   94.07     1/4/1963    1204        D               50       7.00             7096             44         
49       19.53   92.87     5/4/1963    2355        N               64       14.00            16985            45         
50       19.38   92.55     6/4/1963    0600        D               1050     60.00            19516            46         
51       19.18   92.30     6/4/1963    1530        D               1819     25.00            14266            47         
52       18.92   91.98     6/4/1963    2051        N               1966     10.00            13756            48         
53       18.55   91.27     7/4/1963    1233        D               2012     8.00             17881            49         
55       18.33   90.10     8/4/1963    0106        N               2014     10.00            10536            51         
56       18.25   89.33     8/4/1963    0806        D               2100     4.50             7388             52         
57       18.22   88.70     8/4/1963    1611        D               1902     7.00             8679             53         
58       18.18   88.07     9/4/1963    0012        N               2240     5.50             7233             54         
60       17.90   86.52     9/4/1963    1421        D               2417     3.00             11520            56         
67       16.50   85.53     15/4/1963   1850        D               2761     5.70             5658             64         
68       15.98   86.30     16/4/1963   0343        N               2651     7.50             18901            65         
69       15.78   87.08     16/4/1963   1248        D               2703     8.00             18344            66         
70       15.28   87.83     16/4/1963   2129        N               2743     7.00             12950            67         
71       14.88   88.67     17/4/1963   0722        D               2789     5.00             7738             68         
72       14.30   89.38     17/4/1963   1555        D               2750     41.00            11153            69         
73       14.03   90.13     17/4/1963   2233        N               2778     12.00            10114            70         
74       13.60   90.80     18/4/1963   0616        D               2748     3.00             12133            71         
75       13.27   91.57     18/4/1963   1528        D               2981     58.00            16280            72         
76       12.93   92.17     18/4/1963   2304        N               1408     6.00             9876             73         
78       14.25   91.83     19/4/1963   1232        D               2754     5.00             17600            75         
79       14.97   91.28     19/4/1963   2000        N               2651     13.50            10844            76         
91       17.30   83.78     28/4/1963   2001        N               2595     10.50            18908            86