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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition
#    Populations of different taxa of copepods subsorted from
#       IIOE Zooplankton collections.
#    Population represented as number per standard haul.
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Vijaya Nair, PI
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
161      -19.30  56.55     25/9/1963   2222        N               4224     4.00             1861             152        
162      -17.63  54.97     26/9/1963   1755        D               4480     4.50             6396             153        
163      14.92   55.03     27/9/1963   2323        N               4316     21.00            15221            154        
178      14.35   58.30     19/10/1963  1201        D               3780     12.30            19120            169        
183      23.72   66.35     28/10/1963  0016        N               208      94.00            29237            174        
189      24.00   62.07     1/11/1963   0311        N               3310     7.50             14142            180        
191      23.95   60.97     1/11/1963   2215        N               3330     35.00            48740            182        
193      22.80   59.57     2/11/1963   2247        N               1244     30.00            34781            184        
196      20.73   60.25     4/11/1963   0257        N               3337     40.00            93192            187        
198      19.28   62.48     5/11/1963   0126        N               3484     37.50            50405            189        
200      18.53   64.65     6/11/1963   0620        D               3365     17.00            62473            191