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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1965
#    Decapods subsorted from IIOE zooplankton collections
#  Population represented as number per standard haul
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#   Vijaya Nair, PI
#     Fixed date of Diamantina 1965 cruise station 64 from 12/1/65 to 12/5/65
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  decapods_total  reference  
395      -29.48  32.07     26/9/1964   0755        D               890      6.00             17              288        
396      -25.57  33.32     28/9/1964   1017        D               450      6.00             42              289        
398      -26.28  34.07     29/9/1964   2200        N               650      12.20            189             290        
399      -22.50  36.12     1/10/1964   1423        D               975      4.00             8               291        
400      -21.18  36.38     2/10/1964   1620        D               1450     12.00            217             292        
404      -18.87  37.68     10/10/1964  0043        N               1470     9.00             37              293        
405      -18.55  39.80     10/10/1964  2010        N               2500     18.50            66              294        
406      -18.07  41.87     12/10/1964  1210        D               400      2.50             18              295        
407      -17.68  42.52     13/10/1964  0326        N               2100     10.50            72              296        
410      -15.42  44.37     20/10/1964  1054        D               2570     4.00             18              297        
411      -14.40  46.13     21/10/1964  1119        D               3050     8.00             20              298        
412      -13.37  47.90     22/10/1964  0540        D               1050     4.70             36              299        
413      -12.93  46.72     29/10/1964  0713        D               3425     16.00            140             300        
414      -12.60  45.92     30/10/1964  0015        N               3530     12.50            289             301        
415      -10.57  44.38     31/10/1964  1929        N               3500     14.00            92              302        
416      -8.75   43.65     1/11/1964   1258        D               3850     9.00             83              303        
417      -7.05   42.57     2/11/1964   1604        D               3720     8.50             52              304        
418      -5.17   41.67     3/11/1964   1037        D               3030     13.50            28              305        
419A     -3.57   40.88     5/11/1964   0346        N               1870     17.00            150             306        
419B     -3.57   40.88     5/11/1964   0330        N               1870     22.00            138             307        
420A     -3.12   40.65     5/11/1964   1130        D               420      14.50            332             308