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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1965
#    Decapods subsorted from IIOE zooplankton collections
#  Population represented as number per standard haul
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#   Vijaya Nair, PI
#     Fixed date of Diamantina 1965 cruise station 64 from 12/1/65 to 12/5/65
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  decapods_total  reference  
95       -29.80  31.10     5/10/1962   1106        D               40       5.50             191             1487       
96       -29.87  31.22     5/10/1962   1410        D               300      9.00             107             1488       
97       -30.07  31.53     5/10/1962   1650        D               600      10.50            41              1489       
98       -30.33  31.95     5/10/1962   2120        N               2000     11.50            20              1490       
999      -31.12  32.88     6/10/1962   0945        D               3100     1.50             5               1491       
100      -31.15  34.50     6/10/1962   1650        D               2800     3.50             18              1492       
101      -32.18  36.03     7/10/1962   0600        D               2900     4.00             2               1493       
102      -33.03  37.60     7/10/1962   1435        D               5000     2.00             0               1494       
103      -33.95  40.08     8/10/1962   0935        D               5000     4.00             1               1495       
104      -36.57  36.28     9/10/1962   0645        D               5000     7.50             4               1496       
105      -35.77  34.92     9/10/1962   1335        D               5000     7.50             11              1497       
106      -34.87  34.00     10/10/1962  0315        N               4000     7.50             5               1498       
107      -34.08  32.67     10/10/1962  1038        D               4000     2                5               1499       
108      -33.03  31.15     10/10/1962  2010        N               3700     10.00            27              1500       
109      -32.17  30.28     11/10/1962  0704        D               3100     2.50             8               1501       
110      -31.93  29.73     11/10/1962  0935        D               2500     1.50             6               1502       
111      -32.10  29.30     11/10/1962  1340        D               2000     7.00             41              1503       
112      -32.05  29.13     11/10/1962  1546        D               40       3                101             1504       
113      -34.05  25.72     15/10/1962  1345        D               40       13.50            4784            1505       
114      -34.27  26.13     15/10/1962  1726        D               250      17               136             1506       
115      -34.90  26.55     15/10/1962  2152        N               4000     12.50            14              1507       
116      -35.53  27.13     16/10/1962  0914        D               4100     4.50             15              1508       
117      -36.00  28.12     16/10/1962  1410        D               4200     10.00            15              1509       
118      -37.15  28.97     17/10/1962  0310        N               4100     13               3               1510       
119      -35.83  29.83     17/10/1962  0724        D               4100     12.50            8               1511       
120      -40.10  32.92     18/10/1962  0850        D               4000     8                3               1512       
121      -40.03  29.48     19/10/1962  0509        N               4000     18               0               1513       
122      -39.38  28.32     19/10/1962  1220        D               3500     5.50             2               1514       
123      -38.85  27.35     19/10/1962  1005        D               4000     12.50            8               1515       
124      -38.40  26.35     20/10/1962  0915        D               4000     2.50             3               1516       
125      -37.67  25.10     20/10/1962  1545        D               4000     4.00             6               1517       
126      -37.03  24.15     20/10/1962  2250        N               4000     20.00            9               1518       
127      -36.53  23.10     21/10/1962  0930        D               2000     3.00             30              1519       
128      -36.05  21.90     21/10/1962  1715        D               170      16.50            56              1520       
129      -35.52  20.73     21/10/1962  2305        N               100      17               268             1521       
130      -34.90  19.98     22/10/1962  0415        N               50       16.00            399             1522